What's next?

The tech demo we developed is an excellent example of the possibilities of integrating technologies across user experiences. This has already been done extensively, and one popular example is Pokemon Go. In fact, you can say that Pokemon Go put AR into our vocabulary. So what is the next big AR app you will develop with ARCore? Are you still trying to think of some ideas or possibilities? The following is a list of app ideas or industries that are investing heavily in AR right now:

  • Entertainment (Games): Gaming and entertainment is the most competitive space you can be in. Developing an app for this space requires hard work and a bit of luck. There have been some grand successes in this space, but that was after some hard work and considerable backing.
  • Healthcare (Emergency services): The healthcare industry is diving into the AR / MR and VR world in full force. Since this industry is heavily funded, it is now a leader in these technologies. If you want to get into cutting-edge reality development, this is the space to be in. It can be more difficult to get into, since this industry has traditionally been more isolated, but now there are plenty of opportunities with the explosion of growth.
  • Marketing (Retail): As AR becomes more mainstream and readily available, we will come across new apps developed in this space. There have already been some great novel concepts used to encourage sales, which have worked, except that AR has become something of a novelty in this space as of late. However, if you talk to anyone in marketing, they will agree that some day a majority of advertising will be provided via AR. Until then though, perhaps you can think of the next great app that will sell hamburgers.
  • Education (Knowledge transfer): This is another really big industry that can be hard to get into, that is, if you are planning to put your app in a classroom. Alternatively, you can build an educational app that perhaps teaches you how to cook but is delivered through an app store. Either way, this can be a difficult industry to get into but very rewarding, especially if you like teaching or learning.
  • Military: It's very difficult to get into, unless you have a military background or other established credentials. This likely means a strong educational background as well. This is an interesting industry if you can get in, and is certainly not for everyone. If this is your choice though, you will most certainly be working on cutting-edge apps or tools.
  • Travel & tourism (History): This one crosses over with education, as some of the same principles may apply. Perhaps, it is showing someone a historical battle over the area where the real battle took place. There are plenty of opportunities for developers of all skill levels to work in this area building AR / MR apps.
  • Design (All): This one can tie in a lot with retail applications. Perhaps demonstrating an outfit overlaid onto someone's body or trying to determine whether a chair works in a room. We put this further down in the list because our expert survey listed this one lower as well. However, as we demonstrated, ARCore has plenty of great design applications.
  • Industrial (Manufacturing): Applications of AR can help human users as well as provide better foundations for future automation of systems or other processes. This means that the AR systems we build for humans now will also help us make the manufacturing robots of the future smarter.
  • Automotive: We have already seen AR system in automobiles for a few years now. From heads-up displays to GPS devices, this industry has already embraced AR, although it isn't likely that developing an embedded AR app for this industry makes a lot of sense. Most users, drivers, would likely prefer to use an AR off their device. Perhaps it makes more sense for the automotive industry to provide a docking station for a mobile device in vehicles with an AR interface?
  • Music: Think of this as more for the musician and not the audience. This is a set of AR tools that help musicians compose and work with music. Not for everyone and not well suited to ARCore, perhaps they will embed voice recognition or other audio recognition into ARCore someday.

Whatever you plan to build as your next app, we sincerely wish you the best of luck and would eagerly like to hear about any great apps. Be sure to contact the author with your great app concepts.

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