Unity Update method

The Unity Update method is a special method that runs before/during a frame update or render. For your typical game running at 60 frames per second, this means that the Update method will be called 60 times per second as well, so you should be seeing lots of messages tagged as Unity. You can filter these messages by doing the following:

  1. Jump to the Android Device Monitor window.
  2. Click on the green plus button in the Saved Filters panel, as shown in the following excerpt:
Adding a new tag filter
  1. Create a new filter by entering a Filter Name (use Unity) and by Log Tag (use Unity), as shown in the preceding screenshot.
  2. Click on OK to add the filter.
  3. Select the new Unity filter. You will now see a list of filtered messages specific to Unity platform when the app is running on the device. If you are not seeing any messages, check your connection and try to rebuild. Ensure that you saved your edited code file in MonoDevelop as well.

Good job. We now have a working Unity set up with remote build and debug support, which will certainly make our job easier going forward. Now that you have everything set up, go back to Unity platform and get more familiar with the interface. Try not to change any settings as we will use the sample project as our base in later chapters.

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