Connecting Chrome Developer tools

So, believe it or not, we are connected and ready to debug at this point. Now, we just need to set up our debugging tools on the development machine:

  1. Open Chrome on your development machine. If you don't have Chrome installed, you will need to do this. Of course, if you are reading a book on Google ARCore, you likely already have Chrome installed, right?
  2. Open the Chrome Developer tools by pressing command + option + I (Mac), Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows, Linux), or from the menu: More tools | Developer tools.
  1. From Chrome's Developer tools menu, select More tools | Remote devices, as shown:
Locating the remote debugging menu option
  1. A new tab, Remote devices, will open and should show your connected device, as follows:
The Remote devices tab showing the connected device and page
  1. At the bottom of the tab, you should see the address you are currently pointing to on your device. If this is not the case, there may be a text box allowing you to manually enter it and then connect.
  2. Click on the Inspect button. This will open a new Chrome window with Developers Tools on one side and an image of your device on the other.
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