Using IR receiver SM0038

There is another popular IR receiver that can be used with the Arduino sketch that we just learned in the previous example. This IR receiver is known as the SM0038. We can use the SM0038 as-is with the sketch in the previous section on using a TSOP1738/TSOP1838. The only difference will be the wiring, since the SM0038 legs are arranged differently, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 11: SM0038 IR receiver pinout

The SM0038 IR receivers shown in the preceding figure have three legs (from left to right when the protruding face is towards us):

  • GND: This pin will be connected to the ground pin of the Arduino board.
  • 5V: This pin will be connected to the 5 volt power supply pin of the Arduino.
  • Out: This is the output pin of the IR receiver. This pin is connected to a microcontroller unit. The IR receiver sends the decoded IR signal through this pin. In our case, this pin will be connected to the Arduino board. Our Arduino sketch will read the decoded IR signal from this pin.

For using the SM0038 with the Arduino, simply change the wiring in the breadboard diagram shown for TSOP1738/TSOP1838. Also, we can reuse the same sketch that we used with TSOP.

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