Step 1 - IoT cloud registration

Registering on various available IoT platforms will be slightly different from one another; however, the basic steps would remain the same across the board. Let's follow the steps outlined here to register on the ThingSpeak IoT platform:

  1. The first step is to create an account. While this book was being written, ThingSpeak did not require a credit card for signing up.
  2. Sign-up at
  3. After signing up on ThingSpeak, go ahead and log in.
  4. Login at

Once the preceding steps are completed, the next thing that we will have to perform is to start setting up our first connected device in the ThingSpeak IoT cloud. The process has been explained next in great detail.

But keep in mind that these steps are specific to a particular IoT platform. Therefore, when using another platform, you must adapt to the procedure defined by the other platforms. Usually, you can find the process of configuring edge devices in the IoT platform's documentation.
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