Scraping Data from the Web with Beautiful Soup 4

In the previous chapter, we wrote a piece of code that communicates with the Nominatim web service in order to collect information. Frequently, however, there is no API in place, and data could be scattered throughout hundreds of web pages, or, even worse, files with a complex structure (PDFs). In this chapter, we'll explore another data collection path—scraping raw HTML pages. In order to do so, we will use another library, Beautiful Soup 4, which can parse raw HTML files into objects, and help us to sift through them, extracting bits of information. Using this tool, we will collect a relatively large dataset of historic battles of World War II, which we will, in the chapters to come, process, clean, and analyze.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • When there is no API
  • Scraping WWII battles
  • Beyond Beautiful Soup
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