Step 2 – Scraping information from the Wiki page

As we need to start from something, let's pick a battle page to test our code on – Operation Skorpion ( The following is a screenshot of the page, with the areas in which we're interested highlighted in red:

The code for this part of the chapter is stored in the B_Scraping_part_2 notebook.

First, we can use the function we wrote in the earlier section to collect the page as a dom object:

url = ''
dom = get_dom(url)

Next, as in the previous case, we select the larger container that stores all the information we're interested in – in this case, the info card (the larger, dotted red rectangle on the screenshot). All the information we're interested in (dates, location, outcomes, belligerents, and casualties) is there, below the map:

table = dom.find('table','infobox vevent')

Now that we have the card, all we need is to pull all the information out of it, which we'll do in the next section.

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