Chapter    14

Game Center

Game Center is Apple’s social network solution. It enables you to authenticate players, store their scores and display leaderboards, and track and display their achievement progress. Players can invite friends to play, or choose to quickly find a match and play a game with anyone.

This chapter introduces you not only to Game Center and the Game Kit API but also to the basics of online multiplayer programming and, of course, how to use Game Center together with cocos2d.

Because a lot of Apple’s examples are intentionally incomplete, you’ll be developing a GameKitHelper class in this chapter. This class will remove some of the complexities of Game Center programming for you. It will make it easier for you to use Game Kit and Game Center features and let you easily reuse the same code for other games.

To configure your application for use with Game Center, you’re going to use iTunes Connect. The information on the iTunes Connect web site is considered confidential Apple information, so I can’t discuss it in this book. However, I will point you to Apple’s excellent documentation for each step—and quite frankly, setting up leaderboards and achievements on iTunes Connect is possibly the easiest aspect of Game Center.

Enabling Game Center

Game Center is the service that manages and stores player accounts and each player’s friend lists, leaderboards, and achievements. This information is stored online on Apple’s servers and accessed either by your game or by the Game Center app that’s installed on all devices running iOS 4.1 or newer.

Note  The easiest way for a user to check whether a device supports Game Center is to locate the Game Center app on the device. If it exists, the device is ready for Game Center; otherwise, it’s not. If the Game Center app isn’t available, but the device is eligible for upgrading to iOS 4.1, Game Center support will become available after upgrading the device’s operating system via iTunes.

If you don’t have access to a Game Center–enabled device, you can still program and test Game Center features using the iPhone/iPad Simulator. With the exception of matchmaking, all Game Center features can be tested in the Simulator.

On the other side, the Game Kit API is what you use to program Game Center features. Game Kit provides programmatic access to the data stored on the Game Center servers and is able to show built-in leaderboards, achievements, and matchmaking screens. But Game Kit also provides features besides Game Center—for example, peer-to-peer networking via Bluetooth and voice chat. These are the only two Game Kit features already available on devices running iOS 3.0 or newer.

The final ingredient in this mix is iTunes Connect. You set up your game’s leaderboards and achievements through the iTunes Connect web site. But most importantly, iTunes Connect lets you enable Game Center for your game in the first place. You’ll start with that step first, so you should do this before you’ve even created an Xcode project for your game.

Your starting point for learning more about Game Center and the steps involved in creating a game that uses Game Center is at Apple’s Getting Started with Game Center web site:

Creating Your App in iTunes Connect

The very first step is to log in with your Apple ID on the iTunes Connect web site:

Then you want to add a new application, even if it doesn’t exist yet. For most fields that iTunes Connect asks you to fill out, you can enter bogus information. There are only two settings that you have to get right. The first is, obviously, to enable Game Center when iTunes Connect asks you whether the new application should support Game Center.

The other is to enter a Bundle ID (also referred to as Bundle Identifier) that matches the one used in the Xcode project. Because you don’t have an Xcode project yet, you’re free to choose any Bundle ID you want. Apple recommends using reverse domain names for Bundle IDs with the app’s name appended at the end. The catch is that the Bundle ID needs to be unique across all App Store apps, and there are tens of thousands of them.

For the book’s example, I chose com.learn-cocos2d to be the app’s Bundle ID. Because this Bundle ID is now taken by me, you’ll have to use your own Bundle ID. If you want, you can simply suffix it with a string of your choosing or choose an entirely new string.

Note  Remember to use your own Bundle ID whenever I refer to the com.learn-cocos2d Bundle ID.

For a detailed description of how to create a new app and how to set up Game Center for an app on iTunes Connect, refer to Apple’s iTunes Connect Developer Guide:

Specifically, the “Game Center” section explains in great detail how to manage the Game Center features on iTunes Connect.

Setting Up Leaderboards and Achievements

For the most part, after enabling Game Center for an app, what you’ll be doing on iTunes Connect is setting up one or more leaderboards to hold your players’ scores or times, and setting up a number of achievements that players can unlock while playing your game.

To access the Game Center leaderboards and achievements, you refer to them by ID. To be able to query and update the correct leaderboards and achievements, you should note the leaderboard category ID strings and the achievement ID strings.

I’ve set up one leaderboard with a score format of Elapsed Time and a leaderboard category ID of Playtime. For achievements I’ve entered one achievement, with an achievement ID of PlayedForTenSeconds, that grants the player five achievement points.

Feel free to set up additional leaderboards and achievements, but keep in mind that the example code in this chapter relies on at least one leaderboard with a category ID of Playtime and one achievement with an achievement ID of PlayedForTenSeconds to exist.

AppController and NavigationController

Now it’s time to create the actual Xcode project. You can start the project from any cocos2d project template. The cocos2d 2.0 templates actually include rudimentary Game Center functionality. You can also use an already existing project with no Game Center support.

Beginning with version 2.0, cocos2d removed the RootViewController class in favor of a UINavigationController class. This class is created in the AppDelegate files, which declare the AppController class. Note that AppController is simply the name for the app delegate class in cocos2d projects. You can obtain a reference to the AppController from anywhere via the UIApplication class’ delegate property:

AppController* app = (AppController*)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;

You can then access the navigation controller via the navController property:

[app.navController presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES];

You may be wondering what you need the navigation controller for. Game Center needs a view controller like the UINavigationController class to be able to show its built-in UIKit user interface. The navController provided by cocos2d makes Game Center integration a lot easier.

Configuring the Xcode Project

Enter the Bundle ID you’ve entered for your app in iTunes Connect. Remember that I’m using com.learn-cocos2d as the Bundle ID for the example projects, but you can’t use it because it’s already taken now, and Bundle IDs must be unique.

Locate the Info.plist file in your project’s Resources folder and select it. You can then edit it in the Property List editor, as shown in Figure 14-1. Set the Bundle identifier key to have the same value as your app’s Bundle ID. In my case, that’s com.learn-cocos2d, and in your case it will be whatever string you chose as the app’s Bundle ID.


Figure 14-1 .  The Bundle identifier key must match your app’s Bundle ID

You can actually use Game Kit—and Game Center, for that matter—in two ways. One is to require Game Center, as the cocos2d project templates do, which means your app will run only on devices that support Game Center and are running iOS 4.1 or newer. However, for the examples I’ve written, I didn’t make Game Center a requirement because it’s relatively easy to check whether Game Center is available and then not use it if it isn’t. This allows your game to be run on devices running iOS 4.0, just without all the Game Center features. Kobold2D projects link with Game Center but don’t require it.

If you do want to require Game Kit and Game Center to be present, you can set this in your app’s Info.plist UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities list. By adding another key named gamekit with a Boolean value and checking the check box, as shown in Figure 14-2, you can tell iTunes and potential users that your app requires Game Kit and thus requires iOS 4.1 or newer.


Figure 14-2 .  Making Game Kit a strict requirement

You can learn more about iTunes requirements and the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in Apple’s Information Property List Key Reference:

Caution  If you add the gamekit key but later decide you don’t want to make Game Kit a requirement, make sure you remove the gamekit entry. If you simply uncheck the gamekit check box, it actually tells iTunes that your app isn’t available on devices that support Game Center—the exact opposite of what you might expect. To actually make Game Kit an optional requirement, you have to remove the gamekit entry altogether.

To verify that your project links with the Game Kit framework, select the application target in your project. Select the root entry in the Project Navigator, which is the project itself and labeled Tilemap in Figure 14-2. Then choose the appropriate target (not the one named cocos2d-library) and switch to the Build Phases tab. Unfold the Link Binary With Libraries section to see the list of libraries this target is currently linked with. There should be a GameKit.framework in the list.

If not, below that list are two + and – buttons with which you can add or remove libraries. To add another library, click the + button. You’ll see another list pop up like the one in Figure 14-3. Locate the GameKit.framework entry and click the Add button. Because you have a lot of libraries to choose from, and they’re not always sorted alphabetically, it helps to filter the list by entering GameKit in the text field above the list.


Figure 14-3 .  Adding GameKit.framework

GameKit.framework will be added to the Linked Libraries list when you click the Add button. By default, new libraries are added as Required, which is displayed to the right of each library. The setting Required means your app will work only on devices where the GameKit.framework library is available. If that’s what you want, and you’ve added the gamekit key to Info.plist, you can leave it at that. Otherwise, change the setting to Optional in order to be able to run the app even on devices that don’t have Game Center available. You can account for that with a relatively simple check in code (discussed shortly in Listing 14-3) and then disable any Game Kit features in case a device doesn’t support Game Kit. Cocos2d projects require Game Kit by default, whereas Kobold2D projects have it set as optional.

Finally, you’ll want the GameKit.h header file to be available in all your project’s source files. Instead of adding it to each and every source file, you should add it to your project’s Prefix.pch file. This is the precompiled header that contains header files from external frameworks to allow the project to compile faster. But it also has the added benefit that every header file added to the prefix header will make its definitions available to every source code file in the current project.

You can find the Prefix.pch file in the Supporting Files group. Open the one in your project and add the GameKit header to it, as shown in Listing 14-1.

Listing 14-1.  Adding the GameKit Header to Your Project’s Prefix Header

#ifdef __OBJC__
    #import < Foundation/Foundation.h>
    #import < UIKit/UIKit.h>
    #import < GameKit/GameKit.h>

That’s it—your app is set up for use with Game Center.

Game Center Setup Summary

To summarize, enabling Game Center for your app requires the following steps:

  1. Create a new app in iTunes Connect:

    a.  Specify a Bundle ID for the new app.

    b.  Enable Game Center for this app.

  2. Set up your initial leaderboards and achievements in iTunes Connect:

    a.  Note the leaderboard category IDs and achievement IDs. (Also note that you’ll likely continue to edit and add leaderboards and achievements throughout the development of your game.)

  3. Edit Info.plist:

    a.  Enter the app’s Bundle ID in the Bundle identifier field.

    b.  Optionally require Game Kit by adding a Boolean value labeled gamekit to the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities list.

  4. Add the necessary Game Kit references:

    a.  If needed, add the GameKit.framework to your application target’s Linked Binary with Libraries build phase. Change its Type setting from Required to Optional if Game Kit isn’t strictly required by your app.

    b.  Add #import < GameKit/GameKit.h> to your project’s prefix header file.

Before you proceed, make sure you’ve followed each step. You can always go back and make the necessary changes later. But if you don’t do all of these steps at the beginning, chances are you’ll get errors or something won’t work, but the associated error message won’t necessarily point you to a mistake or oversight concerning one of these steps.

Common causes for Game Center to not work properly are a mismatch between the Bundle ID in the project’s Info.plist file and the Bundle ID set up for your app in iTunes Connect.

Game Kit Programming

Before you get into programming Game Center with the Game Kit API, I’d like to mention the two important resources on Apple’s developer web site.

There is the Game Kit Programming Guide, which provides a high-level, task-based overview of Game Kit and Game Center concepts:

For in-depth detailed information about the Game Center classes and protocols, you can refer to the Game Kit Framework Reference: .

The GameKitHelper Delegate

I mentioned earlier in this chapter that you’ll use a GameKitHelper class to provide easier access to Game Kit and Game Center features. Because connecting to an online server causes responses to be delayed by several milliseconds, if not seconds, having a central class manage all Game Center–related features is a good idea. All the Game Center examples are based on the isometric game developed in Chapter 11. You’ll find the following example code in the IsoTilemap04 project.

One of your game’s classes can then use this functionality and register itself as a GameKitHelper delegate to get notified of events as they occur. To do that, the delegate must implement the GameKitHelper @protocol that’s defined in the GameKitHelper.h header file (Listing 14-2). Only classes implementing this protocol can be assigned to the GameKitHelper delegate property to receive the protocol messages. The protocol is simply a list of method definitions that a class using the protocol must implement. If any of the methods in the protocol aren’t implemented, the compiler will let you know about that.

Listing 14-2.  The GameKitHelper Header File

#import "cocos2d.h"
#import < GameKit/GameKit.h>
@protocol GameKitHelperProtocol < NSObject>
-(void) onLocalPlayerAuthenticationChanged;
-(void) onFriendListReceived:(NSArray*)friends;
-(void) onPlayerInfoReceived:(NSArray*)players;
@interface GameKitHelper : NSObject < GKLeaderboardViewControllerDelegate, ←
    id < GameKitHelperProtocol > delegate;
    BOOL isGameCenterAvailable;
    NSError* lastError;
@property (nonatomic, retain) id < GameKitHelperProtocol > delegate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isGameCenterAvailable;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSError* lastError;
+(GameKitHelper*) sharedGameKitHelper;
// Player authentication, info
-(void) authenticateLocalPlayer;
-(void) getLocalPlayerFriends;
-(void) getPlayerInfo:(NSArray*)players;

For your convenience, the GameKitHelper class also stores the last error in its lastError property. This lets you check whether any error occurred and, if so, what kind of error, without actually receiving the Game Center messages directly. The GameKitHelper class is a singleton, which was described in Chapter 3, so I’ll leave the singleton-specific code out of the discussion.

I discuss the remaining properties and methods shortly. For now, take a look at how the TileMapLayer class is extended so that it can function as the delegate for GameKitHelper. The essential changes to the header file are importing GameKitHelper.h and specifying that TileMapLayer implements GameKitHelperProtocol:

#import "GameKitHelper.h"
@interface TileMapLayer : CCLayer < GameKitHelperProtocol>

Then you can set the TileMapLayer class to be the delegate of the GameKitHelper class, in the init method:

-(id) init
    self = [super init];
    if (self)
        GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
        gkHelper.delegate = self;
        [gkHelper authenticateLocalPlayer];

Note that you’re responsible for setting the GameKitHelper delegate back to nil when appropriate—for example, shortly before changing scenes. Because GameKitHelper keeps a reference to the delegate, ARC won’t release the delegate object from memory. That would not only keep the delegate itself in memory but all of its member variables as well, including all its children if it’s a CCNode class.

Checking for Game Center Availability

The GameKitHelper class starts by checking for Game Center availability right in its init method (Listing 14-3). It needs to do that only once because the conditions never change while the app is running.

Listing 14-3.  Testing for Game Center Availability

-(id) init
    if ((self = [super init]))
        // Test for Game Center availability
        Class gameKitLocalPlayerClass = NSClassFromString(@"GKLocalPlayer");
        BOOL isLocalPlayerAvailable = (gameKitLocalPlayerClass != nil);
        // Test if device is running iOS 4.1 or higher
        NSString* reqSysVer = @"4.1";
        NSString* currSysVer = [UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion;
        BOOL isOSVer41 = ([currSysVer compare:reqSysVer
                                      options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending);
        isGameCenterAvailable = (isLocalPlayerAvailable && isOSVer41);
        NSLog(@"GameCenter available = %@", isGameCenterAvailable ? @"YES" : @"NO");
        [self registerForLocalPlayerAuthChange];
    return self;

The first test is simply to check whether a specific Game Center class is available. In this case, the Objective-C runtime method NSClassFromString is used to get one of the Game Center classes by name. If this call returns nil, you can be certain that Game Center is unavailable.

But it’s not quite that simple. Because Game Center was already partially available in beta versions prior to iOS 4.1, you also need to check whether the device is running at least iOS 4.1. You do that by comparing the reqSysVer string with the systemVersion string.

Once both checks are made, you combine the results using the && (and) operator, so that both must be true for isGameCenterAvailable to become true. The isGameCenterAvailable variable is used to safeguard all calls to Game Center functionality within the GameKitHelper class. This avoids accidentally calling Game Center functionality when it’s not available, which would crash the application.

Note that this is how Apple recommends you check for Game Center availability. You shouldn’t use any other methods—for example, determining the type of device your game is running on. Although certain devices are excluded from using Game Center, the preceding check already accounts for this.

Authenticating the Local Player

The local player is a fundamental concept to Game Center programming. It refers to the player account that’s signed into the device. This is important to know because only the local player can send scores to leaderboards and report achievement progress to the Game Center service. The very first thing a Game Center application needs to do is authenticate the local player. If that fails, you can’t use most of the Game Center services, and in fact Apple recommends not using any Game Center functionality unless there is an authenticated local player.

In the GameKitHelper init method, the registerForLocalPlayerAuthChange method is called so that GameKitHelper receives events concerning authentication changes for the local player. This is the only Game Center notification that’s sent through NSNotificationCenter. You register a selector to receive the message, as shown in Listing 14-4.

Listing 14-4.  Registering for Local Player Authentication Changes

-(void) registerForLocalPlayerAuthChange
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    NSNotificationCenter* nc = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter;
    [nc addObserver:self

As you can see, isGameCenterAvailable is used here to skip the rest of the method in case Game Center isn’t available. You’ll notice other methods doing the same thing, and I’ll refrain from repeating this in the book’s code.

The actual method being called by NSNotificationCenter simply forwards the message to the delegate, but only if the delegate implements the onLocalPlayerAuthenticationChanged message. Because the GameKitHelper delegate methods are marked as @optional, this precaution is necessary to avoid crashes.

-(void) onLocalPlayerAuthenticationChanged
    if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onLocalPlayerAuthenticationChanged)])
        [delegate onLocalPlayerAuthenticationChanged];

Note  The local player’s signed-in status may actually change while the game is in the background and the user runs the Game Center app and signs out. That’s because of the multitasking nature introduced with iOS 4.0. Essentially, your game must be prepared to handle the local player logging out and some other player signing in at any time during game play. Typically, you should end the current game session and return to a safe place—for example, the main menu. But you should consider saving the current state of the game for each local player as they sign out so that when they sign back in, the game continues exactly where that player left the game.

The actual authentication is performed by the authenticateLocalPlayer method, in Listing 14-5.

Listing 14-5.  Authenticating the Local Player

-(void) authenticateLocalPlayer
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKLocalPlayer* localPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer;
    if (localPlayer.authenticated == NO)
        [localPlayer authenticateWithCompletionHandler: ←
        ^(NSError* error)
           [self setLastError:error];

At first glance, that’s relatively straightforward. The localPlayer object is obtained, and if it’s not authenticated, the authenticateWithCompletionHandler method is called. And the NSError object returned by the method is set to the lastError and . . . hey, wait a second. That’s all part of the method’s parameter?

Yes. These inline methods are called block objects, which I introduced at the end of Chapter 3. Blocks are also used by CCMenuItem classes. I’ll explain blocks again in the next section as a refresher. For now, just know that the block object is a C-style method that’s passed as a parameter to the authenticateWithCompletionHandler method. It’s run only after the authentication request has returned from the server.

If you call the authenticateLocalPlayer method, your game will display the Game Center sign-in dialog, shown in Figure 14-4. If you have an Apple ID, you can sign in with your Apple ID and password. Or you can choose to create a new account.


Figure 14-4 .  Game Center sign-in dialog

But there’s a third possibility—if Game Center detects that there’s already a signed-in player on this device, it simply greets you with a “Welcome back” message. How do you sign out in that case? Through the Game Center app, which also exists on the iPhone/iPad Simulator for that very reason.

If you run the Game Center app, select the first tab that reads either Me or Sandbox and then click the label at the bottom that starts with Account:. You’ll get a pop-up dialog that allows you to view your account or sign out. After signing out through the Game Center app, the next time you run your app, and it’s going through the player authentication process, the sign-in dialog in Figure 14-4 will be shown again.

Note  If the [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].underage property is set after the local player was authenticated, some Game Center features are disabled. You can also refer to the underage property if your game should disable optional features that aren’t suitable for underage players.

Now, about error handling, you’ll notice that GameKitHelper uses the setLastError method wherever there’s an error object returned. This lets the delegate class check whether any error occurred through the lastError property. If it’s nil, then there was no error.

However, only the last error object is kept around, and the next method returning an NSError object will replace the previous error, so it’s crucial to check for the lastError property right away if error handling is important in that particular case. In some cases, you can safely ignore errors. They might lead only to temporary problems, like an empty friends list. Regardless, the setLastError message copies the new error and then prints out diagnostic information so you can always keep an eye on the kinds of errors that occur during development:

 -(void) setLastError:(NSError*)error
    lastError = error.copy;
    if (lastError != nil)
        NSLog(@"GameKitHelper ERROR: %@", [lastError userInfo].description);

If you receive an error and want to know more about it, refer to Apple’s Game Kit Constants Reference, which describes the error constants defined in the GameKit/GKError.h header file:

After the local player has successfully signed in, you can access his friend list, leaderboards, and achievements. But before I get to that, let’s sidestep for a moment and review the important aspects of block objects.

Block Objects

The inline method shown in Listing 14-5 is called a block object, commonly referred to simply as a block. You might have heard of closures, anonymous functions, or lambda in other languages, which are essentially the same concept. Block objects are a C-language extension introduced by Apple to make multithreaded and asynchronous programming tasks easier. In layman’s terms, block objects are C callback functions that can be created within other functions, assigned to variables for later use, passed on to other functions, and run asynchronously at a later time. Because a block object has read access to the local variables of the function or scope it was defined in, it typically requires fewer arguments than a regular callback method. Optionally, with the __block storage specifier, you can also allow the block object to modify variables in its enclosing scope.

Tip  Refer to Apple’s Blocks Programming Topics documentation if you’re interested in more details about block objects: You’ll also find more examples near the end of Chapter 3 where I explain how to use blocks with menus, specifically the CCMenuItem classes.

I’ll cut out the actual block object from Listing 14-5 to discuss it separately:

^(NSError* error)
    [self setLastError:error];

It looks like a method, except it has no name and it begins with a caret symbol (^). The NSError pointer is the only variable passed to it, but commas can delimit multiple variables, as in this example:

^(NSArray* scores, NSError* error)
    [self setLastError:error];
    [delegate onScoresReceived:scores];

If that reminds you of a C method’s parameters, you’re correct. If you want, you can consider a block to be a C method whose name is ^ and that can be passed to one of the many Game Kit methods taking block objects as parameters.

I’d like to point out two technicalities. First, local variables can be accessed in a block. But they can’t normally be modified, unless they’re prefixed with the __block keyword. Consider this code snippet:

__block bool success = NO;
[localPlayer authenticateWithCompletionHandler:←
^(NSError* error)
    success = (error == nil);
    lastError = error;

With blocks, it’s only legal to modify a local variable declared outside the block’s scope if the variable is declared with the __block keyword. In this case, the success variable is declared locally outside the block but is modified within the block, so it must be prefixed with the __block keyword. On the other hand, the lastError variable is a member variable of the class. You can modify member variables within blocks without using the __block keyword.

Also, in the case of Game Kit, you’ll be frequently passing block objects to Game Kit methods, but the block objects won’t be run until a later time. You’re probably used to code being executed in sequence, but in Game Kit programming it’s not! The block passed to a Game Kit method is called only when the call completes a round-trip to and from the Game Center server. That takes time because data needs to be transmitted to the Game Center servers and processed, and then a result needs to be returned to the device. Only then does the block object get executed.

Let’s take an example. You may find yourself tempted to write something like this:

__block bool success = NO;
[localPlayer authenticateWithCompletionHandler:←
^(NSError* error)
    success = (error == nil);
if (success)
    NSLog(@"Local player logged in!");
    NSLog(@"Local player NOT logged in!");

However, this example will always report that the player isn’t logged in. Why? Well, the execution path is such that the authenticateWithCompletionHandler will take your block as a parameter and store it while it sends a request to the server and waits for the response to come back. However, the execution continues right away after the authenticateWithCompletionHandler method, and that’s where the success variable decides which log statement to print. The problem is, the success variable is still set to NO because the block hasn’t been executed yet.

Several milliseconds later, the server responds to the authentication, and that triggers the completion handler—the block object—to be run. If it returns without error, the success variable is set to YES. But alas, your logging code has already been run, so the assignment has no effect.

Note that this isn’t a problem of block objects in general; some methods immediately, or even repeatedly, run a block right away before returning back to you. But in the case of almost all Game Kit methods, the block objects are used exclusively as pieces of code that will be run whenever the Game Center server has responded to a particular request. In other words, the block objects used by Game Kit are run asynchronously after an unspecified delay (and possibly not at all if the connection is interrupted).

Receiving the Local Player’s Friend List

When the local player signs in or out, the onLocalPlayerAuthenticationChanged method is received and forwarded to the delegate. The delegate in these examples is the TileMapLayer class, which implements this method to ask for the local player’s friend list in Listing 14-6.

Listing 14-6.  Asking for the List of Friends

-(void) onLocalPlayerAuthenticationChanged
    GKLocalPlayer* localPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer;
    if (localPlayer.authenticated)
        GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
        [gkHelper getLocalPlayerFriends];

It checks whether the local player is authenticated, and if so, it calls the getLocalPlayerFriends method of the GameKitHelper class right away. Take a look at that in Listing 14-7.

Listing 14-7.  GameKitHelper Requesting the Friends List

-(void) getLocalPlayerFriends
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKLocalPlayer* localPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer;
    if (localPlayer.authenticated)
        [localPlayer loadFriendsWithCompletionHandler:←
        ^(NSArray* friends, NSError* error)
           [self setLastError:error];
           if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onFriendListReceived:)])
              [delegate onFriendListReceived:friends];

Because the getLocalPlayerFriends method doesn’t know when it’s called or by whom, it plays things safe by checking again that the local player is actually authenticated. Then it calls the GKLocalPlayer class’s loadFriendsWithCompletionHandler method, for which you’ll supply another block object that’s run when the server returns a list of player identifiers as strings. Unsurprisingly, this list of identifiers is stored in the friends array.

Once the call to loadFriendsWithCompletionHandler has succeeded, you can access the current player identifiers of the local player’s friends through the GKLocalPlayer class:

NSArray* friends = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer.friends;

Note that the friends array can be nil or not contain all friends. In the delegate that receives the onFriendsListReceived message, and in all other GameKitHelper delegate methods for that matter, you should check whether the received parameter is nil before working with it. If it’s nil, you can refer to the lastError property of the GameKitHelper class to get more information about the error for debugging, logging, or possibly presenting it to the user when it makes sense to do so.

The delegate method onFriendsListReceived simply passes the player identifiers back to GameKitHelper, requesting more info about the player identifiers in the friends list:

-(void) onFriendListReceived:(NSArray*)friends
    GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
    [gkHelper getPlayerInfo:friends];

That’s straightforward, so let’s turn our attention back to the GameKitHelper class’s getPlayerInfo method. If the playerList array contains at least one entry, it will call the loadPlayersForIdentifiers static method of the GKPlayer class, as shown in Listing 14-8.

Listing 14-8.  Requesting Players from a List of Player Identifiers

-(void) getPlayerInfo:(NSArray*)playerList
    if (playerList.count > 0)
        // Get detailed information about a list of players
        [GKPlayer loadPlayersForIdentifiers:playerList withCompletionHandler:←
        ^(NSArray* players, NSError* error)
           [self setLastError:error];
           if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPlayerInfoReceived:)])
              [delegate onPlayerInfoReceived:players];

Again, a block object is used to handle the returned results from the server. And as always, the lastError property is updated before calling the delegate’s onPlayerInfoReceived method. The players array should now contain a list of GKPlayer class instances, which the delegate then simply prints to the Debugger Console window in the absence of a proper friend list user interface:

-(void) onPlayerInfoReceived:(NSArray*)players
    for (GKPlayer* gkPlayer in players)
     CCLOG(@"PlayerID: %@, Alias: %@", gkPlayer.playerID, gkPlayer.alias); }

The GKPlayer class has only three properties: the player identifier, an alias, and the isFriend flag, which is true for all the players in this particular case. The alias is simply the player’s nickname.

If you created a new sandbox account, you won’t have any friends, so it’s normal for the list to be empty. You can fix that by signing out of Game Center with the Game Center app, creating another account by running your app again, and finally sending a friend request to your previous sandbox account.


In the IsoTilemap04 project, I added functionality for posting and retrieving leaderboard scores. I hooked into the onPlayerInfoReceived method in the TileMapLayer class to submit a dummy score to Game Center, under the Playtime category:

-(void) onPlayerInfoReceived:(NSArray*)players
    GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
    [gkHelper submitScore:1234 category:@"Playtime"];

The submitScore method shown in Listing 14-9 is implemented in GameKitHelper and calls the onScoresSubmitted message back to the delegate. Because there’s no return parameter to pass on, it simply reports through the success value if the score was transmitted without an error.

Listing 14-9.  Submitting a Score to a Leaderboard

-(void) submitScore:(int64_t)score category:(NSString*)category
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKScore* gkScore = [[GKScore alloc] initWithCategory:category];
    gkScore.value = score;
    [gkScore reportScoreWithCompletionHandler:←
    ^(NSError* error)
        [self setLastError:error];
        BOOL success = (error == nil);
        if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onScoresSubmitted:)])
           [delegate onScoresSubmitted:success];

The score value is of type int64_t, which is the same as long long. That’s right, long long. The long data type is a 32-bit integer value whereas long long means it’s a 64-bit integer value, so it can store an incredibly large number—one with 19 digits. That allows for more than 4 billion times greater values than a regular 32-bit integer can represent!

A temporary GKScore object is created and initialized with a leaderboard category identifier, which you define in iTunes Connect. In this case, the category ID is Playtime. The GKScore object also gets the score assigned, and then its reportScoreWithCompletionHandler method is called, which will transmit the score to the Game Center server and to the correct leaderboard.

The delegate receives the onScoresSubmitted message and subsequently calls the retrieveTopTenAllTimeGlobalScores method to get the top ten scores:

-(void) onScoresSubmitted:(bool)success
    if (success)
        GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
        [gkHelper retrieveTopTenAllTimeGlobalScores];

The GameKitHelper class’s retrieveTopTenAllTimeGlobalScores simply wraps the call to retrieveScoresForPlayers and feeds it with preconfigured parameters:

-(void) retrieveTopTenAllTimeGlobalScores
    [self retrieveScoresForPlayers:nil
        range:NSMakeRange(1, 10)

Feel free to add more wrapper methods for retrieving scores as you see fit, depending on your game’s needs. Because there are a variety of ways to retrieve leaderboard scores and several filters to reduce the number of scores retrieved, it makes sense to use wrapper methods to reduce the potential for human error. Listing 14-10 shows the retrieveScoresForPlayers method in full.

Listing 14-10.Retrieving a List of Scores from a Leaderboard

-(void) retrieveScoresForPlayers:(NSArray*)players
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKLeaderboard* leaderboard = nil;
    if (players.count > 0)
        leaderboard = [[GKLeaderboard alloc] initWithPlayerIDs:players];
        leaderboard = [[GKLeaderboard alloc] init];
        leaderboard.playerScope = playerScope;
    if (leaderboard != nil)
        leaderboard.timeScope = timeScope;
        leaderboard.category = category;
        leaderboard.range = range;
        [leaderboard loadScoresWithCompletionHandler:←
        ^(NSArray* scores, NSError* error)
           [self setLastError:error];
           if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onScoresReceived:)])
              [delegate onScoresReceived:scores];

First, a GKLeaderboard object is initialized. Depending on whether the players array contains any players, the leaderboard may be initialized with a list of player identifiers to retrieve scores only for those players. Otherwise, the playerScope variable is used, which can be set to either GKLeaderboardPlayerScopeGlobal or GKLeaderboardPlayerScoreFriendsOnly to retrieve only friends’ scores.

Then the leaderboard scope is further reduced by the timeScope parameter, which allows you to obtain the all-time high scores (GKLeaderboardTimeScopeAllTime), only those from the past week (GKLeaderboardTimeScopeWeek), or only today’s scores (GKLeaderboardTimeScopeToday).

Of course, you also have to specify the category ID for the leaderboard—otherwise, GKLeaderboard wouldn’t know which leaderboard to retrieve the scores from. Finally, an NSRange parameter lets you refine the score positions you’d like to retrieve. In this example, a range of 1 to 10 indicates that the top ten scores should be retrieved.

Make sure you limit the score retrieval using all these parameters (especially the NSRange parameter) to reasonably small chunks of data. Although you could, it’s not recommended to retrieve all the scores of a leaderboard. If your game is played online a lot, and many scores are submitted, you might be loading hundreds of thousands—if not millions or billions—of scores from the Game Center servers. That would cause a significant delay when retrieving scores.

With the leaderboard object set up properly, the loadScoresWithCompletionHandler method takes over and asks the server for the scores. When the scores are received, it calls the delegate method with onScoresReceived, passing on the array of scores. The array contains objects of class GKScore sorted by leaderboard rank. The GKScore objects provide you with all the information you need, including the playerID, the date the score was posted, and its rank, value, and formattedValue, which you should use to display the score to the user.

Fortunately for you, Apple provides a default leaderboard user interface. Instead of using the scores I just retrieved, I’ll ignore them and use the onScoresReceived delegate method to bring up the built-in leaderboard view:

-(void) onScoresReceived:(NSArray*)scores
    GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
    [gkHelper showLeaderboard];

Game Kit has a GKLeaderboardViewController class, used to display the Game Center leaderboard user interface, as shown in Listing 14-11.

Listing 14-11.  Showing the Leaderboard User Interface

-(void) showLeaderboard
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKLeaderboardViewController* leaderboardVC =
        [[GKLeaderboardViewController alloc] init];
    if (leaderboardVC != nil)
        leaderboardVC.leaderboardDelegate = self;
        [self presentViewController:leaderboardVC];

The leaderboardDelegate is set to self, which means the GameKitHelper class must implement the GKLeaderboardViewControllerDelegate protocol. The GameKitHelper class already implements this protocol:

@interface GameKitHelper : NSObject < GKLeaderboardViewControllerDelegate, ←

Then you must implement the leaderboardViewControllerDidFinish method, used to simply dismiss the view and to forward the event to the delegate:

-(void) leaderboardViewControllerDidFinish:(GKLeaderboardViewController*)viewController
    [self dismissModalViewController];
    if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onLeaderboardViewDismissed)])
        [delegate onLeaderboardViewDismissed];

Now there’s a bit of behind-the-scenes magic going on. I’ve added a few helper methods to GameKitHelper that deal specifically with presenting and dismissing the various Game Kit view controllers making use of the UINavigationController instance cocos2d sets up in the AppController class. This navigation controller will be used to display the Game Center views, as shown in Listing 14-12.

Listing 14-12.  Using Cocos2d’s Root View Controller to Present and Dismiss Game Kit Views

#import "AppDelegate.h"
-(UINavigationController*) appNavigationController
    AppController* app = (AppController*)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
    return app.navController;
-(void) presentViewController:(UIViewController*)vc
    UINavigationController* navController = [self appNavigationController];
    [navController presentModalViewController:vc animated:YES];
-(void) dismissModalViewController
    UINavigationController* navController = [self appNavigationController];
    [navController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

The GKLeaderboardViewController will load the scores it needs automatically and present you with a view like the one in Figure 14-5.


Figure 14-5 .  The Game Kit leaderboard view

The leaderboard view—and all other Game Kit views, for that matter—is presented in Portrait mode by default, even if your app uses only landscape orientations. This is rather annoying for landscape apps, but there seems to be no obvious way to change this behavior via methods or properties of the view itself.

To allow the Game Kit views to be presented in landscape orientation, you have to extend each Game Kit view with a category and implement (override) the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation method. You then have it return YES for all the interface orientations the view is allowed to autorotate to. You can use the method UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape to force the Game Kit views to be presented in landscape orientation. The following code is an implementation that forces the GKLeaderboardViewController view to display itself in landscape orientation:

@interface GKLeaderboardViewController (OrientationFix)
-(BOOL) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:←
@implementation GKLeaderboardViewController (OrientationFix)
-(BOOL) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:←
    return UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(interfaceOrientation);

You can apply the same principle to the GKAchievementViewController, the GKMatchmakerViewController and in general to any self-contained, ready-made view controller. This procedure is the only way to force a specific orientation on Game Kit views, and it’s not a hack but the recommended (and only) solution.


In the IsoTilemap04 project you’re also calling the GameKitHelper showAchievements method when the leaderboard view is dismissed. This brings up the Achievements view (Listing 14-13).

Listing 14-13.  Showing the Achievements View

-(void) showAchievements
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKAchievementViewController* achievementsVC =
        [[GKAchievementViewController alloc] init];
    if (achievementsVC != nil)
        achievementsVC.achievementDelegate = self;
        [self presentViewController:achievementsVC];

This is very similar to showing the leaderboard view in Listing 14-11. Once more, the GameKitHelper class also has to implement the proper protocol, named GKAchievementViewControllerDelegate:

@interface GameKitHelper : NSObject < GKLeaderboardViewControllerDelegate,←

The protocol requires the GameKitHelper class to implement the achievementViewControllerDidFinish method, which is also strikingly similar to the one used by the leaderboard view controller:

-(void) achievementViewControllerDidFinish:(GKAchievementViewController*)viewControl
    [self dismissModalViewController];
    if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onAchievementsViewDismissed)])
        [delegate onAchievementsViewDismissed];

You can see an example of the achievements view in Figure 14-6, in which one achievement is already unlocked. To show the achievements view in landscape mode, refer to the example I presented in the previous heading about leaderboards.


Figure 14-6 .  The Game Kit achievements view

So, what else can you do with achievements?

Obviously, you want to determine whether an achievement has been unlocked, and actually you want to report all the progress a player makes toward completing an achievement. For example, if the achievement’s goal is to eat 476 bananas, then you’d report the progress to Game Center every time the player eats a banana. In this example project, you’re simply checking for time elapsed, and then you report progress on the PlayedForTenSecs achievement. You do that in the TileMapLayer’s update method, shown in Listing 14-14.

Listing 14-14.  Determining Achievement Progress

-(void) update:(ccTime)delta
    totalTime + = delta;
    if (totalTime > 1.0f)
        totalTime = 0.0f;
        NSString* playedTenSeconds = @"PlayedForTenSecs";
        GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
        GKAchievement* achievement =
           [gkHelper getAchievementByID:playedTenSeconds];
        if (achievement.completed == NO)
           float percent = achievement.percentComplete + 10;
           [gkHelper reportAchievementWithID:playedTenSeconds

Every time a second has passed, the achievement with the identifier PlayedForTenSecs is obtained through GameKitHelper. If the achievement isn’t completed yet, then its percentComplete property is increased by 10 percent, and the progress is reported through GameKitHelper’s reportAchievementWithID method (Listing 14-15).

Listing 14-15.  Reporting Achievement Progress

-(void) reportAchievementWithID:(NSString*)identifier percentComplete:(float)percent
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKAchievement* achievement = [self getAchievementByID:identifier];
    if (achievement != nil && achievement.percentComplete < percent)
        achievement.percentComplete = percent;
        [achievement reportAchievementWithCompletionHandler:←
        ^(NSError* error)
           [self setLastError:error];
           if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onAchievementReported:)])
              [delegate onAchievementReported:achievement];

To avoid unnecessary calls to the Game Center server, the achievement’s percentComplete property is verified to actually be smaller than the percent parameter. Game Center doesn’t allow achievement progress to be reduced and thus will ignore such a report. But if you can avoid actually reporting this to the Game Center server in the first place, you avoid an unnecessary data transfer. With the limited bandwidth available on mobile devices, every bit of data not transmitted is a good thing.

Tip  Reporting an achievement’s progress may fail for a number of reasons—for example, the device might have lost its Internet connection. Be prepared to save any achievements that couldn’t be transmitted. Then retry submitting them periodically or when the player logs in the next time. The KKGameKitHelper class provided with Kobold2D contains additional code to cache achievements that failed transmission to the Game Center server.

This still leaves the question open: where do the achievements come from in the first place? They’re loaded as soon as the local player signs in. To make this possible, extend the block object used in authenticateWithCompletionHandler to call the loadAchievements method if there wasn’t an error:

[localPlayer authenticateWithCompletionHandler:←
^(NSError* error)
    [self setLastError:error];
    if (error == nil)
        [self loadAchievements];

The loadAchievements method uses the GKAchievement class’s loadAchievementsWithCompletionHandler method to retrieve the local player’s achievements from Game Center (Listing 14-16).

Listing 14-16.  Loading the Local Player’s Achievements

-(void) loadAchievements
    [GKAchievement loadAchievementsWithCompletionHandler:←
    ^(NSArray* loadedAchievements, NSError* error)
        [self setLastError:error];
        if (achievements == nil)
           achievements = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
           [achievements removeAllObjects];
        for (GKAchievement* achievement in loadedAchievements)
           [achievements setObject:achievement
        if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onAchievementsLoaded:)])
           [delegate onAchievementsLoaded:achievements];

Inside the block object, the achievements member variable is either allocated or has all objects removed from it. This allows you to call the loadAchievements method at a later time to refresh the list of achievements. The returned array loadedAchievements contains a number of GKAchievement instances, which are then transferred to the achievements NSMutableDictionary simply for ease of access. The NSDictionary class lets you retrieve an achievement by its string identifier directly instead of having to iterate over the array and comparing each achievement’s identifier along the way. You can see this in the getAchievementByID method in Listing 14-17.

Listing 14-17.  Getting and Optionally Creating an Achievement

-(GKAchievement*) getAchievementByID:(NSString*)identifier
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKAchievement* achievement = [achievements objectForKey:identifier];
    if (achievement == nil)
        // Create a new achievement object
        achievement = [[GKAchievement alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier];
        [achievements setObject:achievement forKey:achievement.identifier];
    return achievement;

This is where you need to be careful. The getAchievementByID method creates a new achievement if it can’t find one with the given identifier, assuming that this achievement’s progress has never been reported to Game Center before. The loadAchievements method in Listing 14-16 only obtains achievements that have been reported to Game Center at least once. For any other achievement, you have to create it first. So, getAchievementsByID will always return a valid achievement object, but you’ll only notice whether that achievement is really set up for your game when you try to report its progress to Game Center.

You can also clear the local player’s achievement progress. Do this with great care and not without asking the player’s permission. On the other hand, during development, the resetAchievements method in Listing 14-18 comes in handy.

Listing 14-18.  ResettingAchievement Progress

-(void) resetAchievements
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    [achievements removeAllObjects];
    [GKAchievement resetAchievementsWithCompletionHandler:←
    ^(NSError* error)
        [self setLastError:error];
        BOOL success = (error == nil);
        if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onResetAchievements:)])
        [delegate onResetAchievements:success];


Now we enter the realm of matchmaking—connecting players and inviting friends to play a game match together. To start hosting a game and to bring up the corresponding matchmaking view, I’ve added a call to GameKitHelper’s showMatchmakerWithRequest method after the achievements view has been dismissed, as shown in Listing 14-19.

Listing 14-19.  Preparing to Show the Host Game Screen

-(void) onAchievementsViewDismissed
    GKLocalPlayer* localPlayer = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer];
    if (localPlayer.authenticated)
        GKMatchRequest* request = [[GKMatchRequest alloc] init];
        request.minPlayers = 2;
        request.maxPlayers = 4;
        GameKitHelper* gkHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
        [gkHelper showMatchmakerWithRequest:request];

A GKMatchRequest instance is created, and its minPlayers and maxPlayers properties are initialized, indicating that the match should have at least two and at most four players. Every match must allow for two players, obviously, and you can create a peer-to-peer match with up to four players. Peer-to-peer networking means that all devices are connected with each other and can send and receive data to and from all other devices. This stands in contrast to a server/client architecture, where all players connect to a single server and send and receive only to and from this server. In peer-to-peer networks, the amount of traffic generated grows exponentially, so most peer-to-peer multiplayer games are strictly limited to a very low number of allowed players.

Note  Game Center can connect up to 16 players, but only if you have a hosted server application to manage all matches using client/server architecture. That requires a huge amount of work and know-how to set up and use properly, so I’ll leave it out of this discussion and focus only on peer-to-peer networking.

The showMatchmakerWithRequest method is implemented in a strikingly similar way to the code that brings up the leaderboard and achievement views, as Listing 14-20 shows.

Listing 14-20.  Showing the Host Game Screen

-(void) showMatchmakerWithRequest:(GKMatchRequest*)request
    GKMatchmakerViewController* hostVC = [[GKMatchmakerViewController alloc]←
    if (hostVC != nil)
        hostVC.matchmakerDelegate = self;
        [self presentViewController:hostVC];

Figure 14-7 shows an example matchmaking view, waiting for you to invite a friend to your match. You can also wait until Game Center finds an automatically matched player for your game, but because you’re currently developing the game, it’s rather unlikely that anyone but you is currently playing it.


Figure 14-7 .  The host game matchmaking view

If you followed the leaderboard and achievement view examples, you know that each required the GameKitHelper class to implement a protocol, and with matchmaking it’s no different. I also added GKMatchDelegate because you’re going to need it soon.

@interface GameKitHelper : NSObject < GKLeaderboardViewControllerDelegate,←
    GKAchievementViewControllerDelegate, GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate,

The GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate protocol requires three methods to be implemented: one for the player pressing the Cancel button, one for failing with an error, and one for finding a suitable match. The latter deserves a mention:

-(void) matchmakerViewController:(GKMatchmakerViewController*)viewController
    [self dismissModalViewController];
    [self setCurrentMatch:match];
    if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onMatchFound:)])
        [delegate onMatchFound:match];

If a match was found, this match is set as the current match, and the delegate’s onMatchFound method is called to inform it about the newly found match.

Instead of hosting a match, you can also instruct Game Center to try to automatically find a match for you, as shown in Listing 14-21. If successful, the delegate receives the same onMatchFound message.

Listing 14-21.  Searching for an Existing Match

-(void) findMatchForRequest:(GKMatchRequest*)request
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    GKMatchMaker* matchmaker = [GKMatchMaker sharedMatchmaker];
    [matchmaker findMatchForRequest:request withCompletionHandler:←
    ^(GKMatch* match, NSError* error)
        [self setLastError:error];
        if (match != nil)
           [self setCurrentMatch:match];
           if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onMatchFound:)])
              [delegate onMatchFound:match];

While Game Center is searching for a match, you should give the user visual feedback, like an animated progress indicator, because finding a match can take several seconds or even minutes. That’s where the CCProgressTimer class comes in handy (discussed in Chapter 5). You should also give your user a means to cancel the matchmaking process, and if she does so, you should call the cancelMatchmakingRequest method:

-(void) cancelMatchmakingRequest
    [[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] cancel];

At this point, the match has been created, but all the players might not yet be connected to the match. As players join the game, the match:didChangeState method of the GKMatchDelegate protocol is called for each player connecting or disconnecting. Only when the expectedPlayerCount of the match has been counted down to 0 by the Game Kit framework should you start the match. The GKMatch object updates the expectedPlayerCount property automatically, as Listing 14-22 shows.

Listing 14-22.  Waiting for All Players Before Starting the Match

-(void) match:(GKMatch*)match player:(NSString*)playerID←
    switch (state)
        case GKPlayerStateConnected:
        if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPlayerConnected:)])
           [delegate onPlayerConnected:playerID];
        case GKPlayerStateDisconnected:
        if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPlayerDisconnected:)])
           [delegate onPlayerDisconnected:playerID];
    if (matchStarted == NO && match.expectedPlayerCount == 0)
        matchStarted = YES;
        if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onStartMatch)])
           [delegate onStartMatch];

If at any time during your game a player drops out and the expectedPlayerCount property becomes greater than 0, you can call addPlayersToMatch to fill up the now empty space with a new player, as in Listing 14-23 (assuming that your game supports players joining a match in progress). Because there’s no guarantee that a player will actually be found, you shouldn’t interrupt the game while GKMatchmaker is looking for a new player.

Listing 14-23.  Adding Players to an Existing Match

-(void) addPlayersToMatch:(GKMatchRequest*)request
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    if (currentMatch == nil)
    [[GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker] addPlayersToMatch:currentMatch
    ^(NSError* error)
        [self setLastError:error];
        BOOL success = (error == nil);
        if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onPlayersAddedToMatch:)])
           [delegate onPlayersAddedToMatch:success];

Sending and Receiving Data

Once all players are connected, and the match has officially started, you can start sending and subsequently receiving data. The easiest way to do that is to send data to all players, as shown in Listing 14-24.

Listing 14-24.  Sending and Receiving Data

-(void) sendDataToAllPlayers:(void*)data sizeInBytes:(NSUInteger)length
    if (isGameCenterAvailable == NO)
    NSError* error = nil;
    NSData* packet = [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:length];
    [currentMatch sendDataToAllPlayers:packet
    [self setLastError:error];
-(void) match:(GKMatch*)match didReceiveData:(NSData*)data ←
    if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(onReceivedData:fromPlayer:)])
           [delegate onReceivedData:data fromPlayer:playerID];

The sendDataToAllPlayers method takes a void pointer as input and wraps it into an NSData object. You can send any data as long as you provide the correct length of that data packet. Typically, networked programs send structs like CGPoint (or any custom struct) to make this process easier, because you can then use sizeof(myPoint) to get the length (size in bytes) of such a data structure.

Also, to speed up transmission, most data is sent unreliably. Data that’s sent frequently can especially be sent unreliably because if a packet ever gets lost, the clients simply have to wait for the next packet to arrive. If you do need every packet to arrive—for example, because it contains crucial information that’s sent only once—then you should set the data mode to GKMatchSendDataReliable. This instructs GameKit to simply transmit the packet again if it couldn’t be delivered. Because GameKit has to receive a return packet from clients to acknowledge that they received the packet, this adds additional traffic.

What data you should send and how often you should send it depend entirely on the game itself. The ground rule is to send as little as you can, as rarely as possible. For example, instead of transmitting each player’s position every frame, you should send a packet for each movement action, because the movement in the tilemap game is always 32 pixels in one direction and done by a CCMoveAction. So, it’s sufficient to send when the move should start and in which direction it should be—that saves a lot of traffic compared to sending each player’s position every frame.

In the IsoTilemap04 project you’ll get an introduction to sending and receiving packets over a network. The most important aspect to creating network packets is that the receiver must be able to identify the type of packet received by looking at a common header data. Typically, and this is also what the Apple documentation recommends, you define C structs with a common struct field as the first entry for each packet. The NetworkPackets.h file defines the structs, as shown in Listing 14-25.

Listing 14-25.  Defining Network Packets as C Structs in NetworkPackets.h

typedef enum
    kPacketTypeScore = 1,
} EPacketTypes;
typedef struct
    EPacketTypes type;
} SBasePacket;
// the packet for transmitting a score variable
typedef struct
    EPacketTypes type;
    int score;
} SScorePacket;
// packet to transmit a position
typedef struct
    EPacketTypes type;
    CGPoint position;
} SPositionPacket;

You’ll see that all packet structs have the EPacketTypes type field, and it’s the first field in each struct. This allows you to cast any packet to one of type SBasePacket to allow the receiver to inspect the packet type, and based on that, the receiver can then safely cast the struct to the actual packet.

Listing 14-26 shows an example of this. It’s the onReceivedData method from the TileMapLayer class.

Listing 14-26.  Receiving Packets and Determining Packet Type

-(void) onReceivedData:(NSData*)data fromPlayer:(NSString*)playerID
    SBasePacket* basePacket = (SBasePacket*)data.bytes;
    switch (basePacket-> type)
        case kPacketTypeScore:
        SScorePacket* scorePacket = (SScorePacket*)basePacket;
        CCLOG(@" score = %i", scorePacket-> score);
        case kPacketTypePosition:
        SPositionPacket* positionPacket = (SPositionPacket*)basePacket;
        if (playerID ! = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].playerID)
        CCTMXTiledMap* tileMap =
        (CCTMXTiledMap*)[self getChildByTag:TileMapNode];
        [self centerTileMapOnTileCoord:positionPacket-> position
        CCLOG(@"unknown packet type %i", basePacket-> type);

This code first casts the received data bytes to a pointer to an SBasePacket struct. Notice in Listing 14-25 that that’s the struct that contains only the type field. Because you’ve declared that all packets must have this field at its first entry, any packet can be safely cast to SBasePacket. The switch statement inspects the type, and depending on the network packet, further processing is done—but not without casting the packet to the actual packet type. For example, if the basePacket-> type is kPacketTypeScore, the basePacket is cast to an SScorePacket to allow the code to access the score field.

Tip  When checking packets, it’s a good idea to add the default option. You’ll frequently add new packets, and from time to time you’ll forget to handle this particular packet type on the receiving end. So, logging this as an error or even throwing an exception is recommended. Otherwise, you may see bugs in your app that could be hard to track down.

Actually sending the packets is relatively easy and follows the same principle. You first create a new variable with one of the packet structs as its data type. Then you fill in each field of the struct and pass it to the GameKitHelper method sendDataToAllPlayers.

In Listing 14-27, the packets are created on the stack. You don’t need to allocate memory because Game Kit makes a copy of the struct and thus takes over the memory management of the packet. Because sendDataToAllPlayers required a pointer, the packet is prefixed with the reference operator (ampersand character) &packet to denote that the packet variable’s address is passed instead of the packet itself.

Listing 14-27.  Sending Packets via GameKitHelper

// send a bogus score (simply an integer increased every time it is sent)
-(void) sendScore
    if ([GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper].currentMatch != nil)
        SScorePacket packet;
        packet.type = kPacketTypeScore;
        packet.score = bogusScore;
        [[GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper] sendDataToAllPlayers:&packet
// send a tile coordinate
-(void) sendPosition:(CGPoint)tilePos
    if ([GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper].currentMatch != nil)
        SPositionPacket packet;
        packet.type = kPacketTypePosition;
        packet.position = tilePos;
        [[GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper] sendDataToAllPlayers:&packet

The most important part of sending packets is to make sure you set the right packet type. If you assign the wrong packet type, the receiver won’t know what to do with the packet. It might mistake it for a different type of packet, causing a crash because the receiver might try to access a nonexisting field. Or the receiver might simply work with unrelated data, causing all kinds of bugs. Imagine the score becoming the player’s position, or vice versa. To avoid these kinds of issues, particularly if you have many different packet types, creating methods like createPositionPacket and createScorePacket may be helpful, which you call with all the required parameters for the packet while the method itself fills in the correct packet type.

In Figure 14-8 you can see the Tilemap16 project in action. Every time the player is moved on the iPhone, a position packet is sent over the network. The iPad is connected to the current match, receives the position packet, and moves the player character accordingly.


Figure 14-8 .  If the player moves on the iPhone, the iPad will update its view from the position packet it received


I hope this chapter and the provided GameKitHelper class help you get comfortable with Game Center programming. Sure, network programming is no easy task, but I’ve laid a lot of the groundwork for you, and even block objects are no longer foreign territory for you. In particular, the checklist of tasks to enable Game Center support for your game should help you avoid a lot of the initial pitfalls faced by developers.

Over the course of this chapter, you’ve become comfortable using the leaderboard and achievement features of Game Center. Those things alone bring your game to a new level. And with the user interface provided by Game Center, you don’t even have to write your own user interface to display leaderboards and achievements.

I then introduced you to the matchmaking features of Game Center, which allow you to invite friends to join your game, find random players on the Internet, and allow them to send and receive data.

With this chapter, I departed a little from pure cocos2d programming; in fact, you can apply what you just learned about Game Center to any iOS app. In the next chapter, I tackle another subject that’s not pure cocos2d game programming either but is frequently asked for: mixing UIKit views with cocos2d.

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