Logstash plugins

Logstash has a variety of plugins to help integrate it with a variety of input and output sources. Let's explore the various plugins available.

Listing all plugins in Logstash

You can execute the following command to list all available plugins in your installed Logstash version:

bin/plugin list

Also, you can list all plugins containing a name fragment by executing this command:

bin/plugin list <namefragment>

To list all plugins for group names, input, output, or filter, we can execute this command:

bin/plugin list --group <group name>
bin/plugin list --group output

Before exploring various plugin configurations, let's take a look at the data types and conditional expressions used in various Logstash configurations.

Data types for plugin properties

A Logstash plugin requires certain settings or properties to be set. Those properties have certain values that belong to one of the following important data types.


An array is collection of values for a property.

An example can be seen as follows:

path => ["value1","value2"]


The => sign is the assignment operator that is used for all properties of configuration values in Logstash configuration.


A boolean value is either true or false (without quotes).

An example can be seen as follows:

periodic_flush => false


Codec is actually not a data type but a way to encode or decode data at input or output.

An example can be seen as follows:

codec => "json"

This instance specifies that this codec, at output, will encode all output in JSON format.


Hash is basically a key value pair collection. It is specified as "key" => "value" and multiple values in a collection are separated by a space.

An example can be seen as follows:

match => {
"key1" => "value1" "key2" => "value2"}


String represents a sequence of characters enclosed in quotes.

An example can be seen as follows:

value => "Welcome to ELK"


Comments begin with the # character.

An example can be seen as follows:

#this represents a comment

Field references

Fields can be referred to using [field_name] or nested fields using [level1][level2].

Logstash conditionals

Logstash conditionals are used to filter events or log lines under certain conditions. Conditionals in Logstash are handled like other programming languages and work with if, if else and else statements. Multiple if else blocks can be nested.

Syntax for conditionals is as follows:

if  <conditional expression1>{
#some statements here.
else if  <conditional expression2>{
#some statements here.
#some statements here.

Conditionals work with comparison operators, boolean operators and unary operators:

Comparison operators include:

  • Equality operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
  • Regular expressions: =~, !~
  • Inclusion: in, not in
  • Boolean operators include and, or, nand, xor
  • Unary operators include !

Let's take a look at this with an example:

filter {
  if [action] == "login" {
    mutate { remove => "password" }

Multiple expressions can be specified in a single statement using boolean operators.

An example can be seen as follows:

output {
  # Send Email on Production Errors
  if [loglevel] == "ERROR" and [deployment] == "production" {



Types of Logstash plugins

The following are types of Logstash plugins:

  • Input
  • Filter
  • Output
  • Codec

Now let's take a look at some of the most important input, output, filter and codec plugins, which will be useful for building most of the log analysis pipeline use cases.

Input plugins

An input plugin is used to configure a set of events to be fed to Logstash. Some of the most important input plugins are:


The file plugin is used to stream events and log lines files to Logstash. It automatically detects file rotations, and reads from the point last read by it.


The Logstash file plugin maintains sincedb files to track the current positions in files being monitored. By default it writes sincedb files at $HOME/.sincedb* path. The location and frequency can be altered using sincedb_path and sincedb_write_interval properties of the plugin.

A most basic file configuration looks like this:

path => "/path/to/logfiles"

The only required configuration property is the path to the files. Let's look at how we can make use of some of the configuration properties of the file plugin to read different types of files.

Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the file input plugin:


It is used to add a field to incoming events, its value type is Hash, and default value is {}.

Let's take the following instance as an example:

add_field => { "input_time" => "%{@timestamp}" }

It is used to specify a codec, which can decode a specific type of input.

For example: codec => "json" is used to decode the json type of input.

The default value of codec is "plain".


It is used to specify a delimiter, which identifies separate lines. By default, it is " ".


To exclude certain types of files from the input path, the data type is array.

Let's take the following instance as an example:

path =>["/app/packtpub/logs/*"]
exclude => "*.gz"

This will exclude all gzip files from input.


This is the only required configuration for the file plugin. It specifies an array of path locations from where to read logs and events.


It specifies the location where to write the sincedb files, which keeps track of the current position of files being monitored. The default is $HOME/.sincedb*


It specifies how often (number in seconds), the sincedb files that keep track of the current position of monitored files, are to be written. The default is 15 seconds.


It has two values: "beginning" and "end". It specifies where to start reading incoming files from. The default value is "end", as in most situations this is used for live streaming data. Although, if you are working on old data, it can be set to "beginning".


This option has impact only when a file is being read for the first time, called "first contact", as it maintains the location in the "sincedb" location. So for the next setting, this option has no impact unless you decide to remove the sincedb files.


It specifies the array of tags that can be added to incoming events. Adding tags to your incoming events helps with processing later, when using conditionals. It is often helpful to tag certain data as "processed" and use those tags to decide a future course of action.

For example, if we specify "processed" in tags:

tags =>["processed"]

In filter, we can check in conditionals:

if  "processed" in tags[]{


The type option is really helpful to process the different type of incoming streams using Logstash. You can configure multiple input paths for different type of events, just give a type name, and then you can filter them separately and process.

Let's take the following instance as an example:

input {
path => ["var/log/syslog/*"]
type => "syslog"
path => ["var/log/apache/*"]
type => "apache"

In filter, we can filter based on type:

filter {
if [type] == "syslog" {
grok {


if [type] == "apache" {
grok {


As in the preceding example, we have configured a separate type for incoming files; "syslog" and "apache". Later in filtering the stream, we can specify conditionals to filter based on this type.


The stdin plugin is used to stream events and log lines from standard input.

A basic configuration for stdin looks like this:

stdin {


When we configure stdin like this, whatever we type in the console will go as input to the Logstash event pipeline. This is mostly used as the first level of testing of configuration before plugging in the actual file or event input.

Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the stdin input plugin:


The add_field configuration for stdin is the same as add_field in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


It is used to decode incoming data before passing it on to the data pipeline. The default value is "line".


The tags configuration for stdin is the same as tags in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The type configuration for stdin is the same as type in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


You may need to analyze a Twitter stream based on a topic of interest for various purposes, such as sentiment analysis, trending topics analysis, and so on. The twitter plugin is helpful to read events from the Twitter streaming API. This requires a consumer key, consumer secret, keyword, oauth token, and oauth token secret to work.

These details can be obtained by registering an application on the Twitter developer API page (https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new):

twitter {
    consumer_key => "your consumer key here"
    keywords => "keywords which you want to filter on streams" 
    consumer_secret => "your consumer secret here"
    oauth_token => "your oauth token here"
    oauth_token_secret => "your oauth token secret here"
Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the twitter input plugin:


The add_field configuration for the twitter plugin is the same as add_field in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The codec configuration for twitter is the same as the codec plugin in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


This is a required configuration with no default value. Its value can be obtained from the Twitter app registration page. Its value is the String type.


The same as consumer_key, its value can be obtained from the Twitter dev app registration.


This is a boolean configuration with the default value; false. It specifies whether to record a full tweet object obtained from the Twitter streaming API.


This is an array type required configuration, with no default value. It specifies a set of keywords to track from the Twitter stream.

An example can be seen as follows:

keywords  => ["elk","packtpub"]

The oauth_token option is also obtained from the Twitter dev API page.


After you get your consumer key and consumer secret, click on Create My Access Token to create your oauth token and oauth token secret.


The oauth_token_secret option is obtained from the Twitter dev API page.


The tags configuration for the twitter input plugin is the same as tags in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


type configuration for twitter input plugins is the same as type in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The lumberjack plugin is useful to receive events via the lumberjack protocol that is used in Logstash forwarder.

The basic required configuration option for the lumberjack plugin looks like this:

lumberjack {
    port => 
    ssl_certificate => 
    ssl_key => 


Lumberjack or Logstash forwarder is a light weight log shipper used to ship log events from source systems. Logstash is quite a memory consuming process, so installing it on every node from where you want to ship data is not recommended. Logstash forwarder is a light weight version of Logstash, which provides low latency, secure and reliable transfer, and provides low resource usage.

More details about Lumberjack or Logstash forwarder can be found from here:


Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the lumberjack input plugin:


The add_field configuration for the lumberjack plugin is the same as add_field in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The codec configuration for the lumberjack plugin is the same as the codec plugin in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


It specifies the host on which to listen to. The default value: "".


This is a number type required configuration and it specifies the port to listen to. There is no default value.


It specifies the path to the SSL certificate to be used for the connection. It is a required setting.

An example is as follows:

ssl_certificate => "/etc/ssl/logstash.pub"

It specifies the path to the SSL key that has to be used for the connection. It is also a required setting.

An example is as follows:

    ssl_key => "/etc/ssl/logstash.key"

It specifies the SSL key passphrase that has to be used for the connection.


The tags configuration for the lumberjack input plugin is the same as tags in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The type configuration for the lumberjack input plugins is the same as type in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The redis plugin is used to read events and logs from the redis instance.


Redis is often used in ELK Stack as a broker for incoming log data from the Logstash forwarder, which helps to queue data until the time the indexer is ready to ingest logs. This helps to keep the system in check under heavy load.

The basic configuration of the redis input plugin looks like this:

redis {
Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the redis input plugin:


The add_field configuration for redis is the same as add_field in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The codec configuration for redis is the same as codec in the file input plugin and is used for similar purposes.


The data_type option can have a value as either "list", "channel" or "pattern_channel".

From the Logstash documentation for the redis plugin (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-inputs-redis.html):

"If redis_type is list, then we will BLPOP the key. If redis_type is channel, then we will SUBSCRIBE to the key. If redis_type is pattern_channel, then we will PSUBSCRIBE to the key."


While using redis on the consumer and publisher side, key and data_type should be the same on both sides.


It specifies the hostname of the redis server. The default value is "".


It specifies the key for redis; "list" or "channel".


It is a password type configuration that specifies the password to be used for connection.


It specifies the port on which the redis instance is running. The default is 6379.

An extensive list and latest documentation on all available Logstash input plugins is available at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/input-plugins.html.

Now that we have seen some of the most important input plugins for Logstash, let's have a look at some output plugins.

Output plugins

Logstash provides a wide variety of output plugins that help integrate incoming events with almost any type of destination. Let's look at some of the most used output plugins in detail.


The csv plugin is used to write a CSV file as output, specifying the fields in csv and the path of the file.

The basic configuration of the csv output plugin looks like this:

csv {
    fields => ["date","open_price","close_price"]
    path => "/path/to/file.csv"
Configuration options

The following are the configuration options available for the csv plugin:


It is used to encode the data before it goes out of Logstash. The default value is "plain", which will output data as it is.


The csv_options option is used to specify advanced options for the csv output. It includes changing the default column and row separator.

An example is as follows:

csv_options => {"col_sep" => "	" "row_sep" => "

The fields setting is a required setting that is used to specify the fields for the output CSV file. It is specified as an array of field names and written in the same order as in the array. There is no default value for this setting.


The gzip setting is a boolean type of setting that specifies whether to output as a gzip compressed format or not. The default is false.


The path setting is a required setting and is used to specify the path to the CSV file.


The file output plugin, just like the file input plugin, will be used to write events to a file in the file system.

The basic configuration of the file output plugin looks like this:

path = > "path/to/file"
Configuration options

The available configuration options are:

  • codec
  • gzip
  • max_size
  • path

Most of these configuration options have been covered earlier and are well understood by their name.


The email plugin is a very important output plugin as it is very useful to send e-mails for certain events and failure scenarios.

The basic required configuration looks like this:

email {
    to => "[email protected]"
Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the email plugin:


The attachments option is an array of file paths to be attached with the e-mail. The default value is []


The body option specifies the body of the e-mail in plain text format. The default value is "".


The cc option specifies the list of e-mails to be included as the cc addresses in the e-mail. It accepts multiple e-mail IDs in a comma separated format.


The from option specifies the e-mail address to be used as the sender address in the e-mail. The default value is "[email protected]" and must be overridden as per the type of alerts or system.


The to option is a required setting that specifies the receiver address for the e-mail. It can also be expressed as a string of comma separated e-mail addresses.


The htmlbody option specifies the body of the e-mail in HTML format. It includes HTML mark-up tags in the e-mail body.


The replyto option specifies the e-mail address to be used for the Reply-To field for the e-mail.


The subject option specifies the subject for the e-mail. The default value is "".


The elasticsearch plugin is the most important plugin used in ELK Stack, because it is where you will want to write your output to be stored to analyze later in Kibana.

We will take a look at ElasticSearch in more detail in Chapter 5, Why Do We Need Elasticsearch in ELK?, but let's look at the configuration options for this plugin here:

The basic configuration for the elasticsearch plugin looks like this:

elasticsearch {
Configuration options

Some of the most important configuration options are mentioned as follows:


data type


default value














a valid system path












































Ganglia is a monitoring tool that is used to monitor the performance of a cluster of machines in a distributed computing environment. Ganglia makes uses of a daemon called Gmond, which is a small service that is installed on each machine that needs to be monitored.

The ganglia output plugin in Logstash is used to send metrics to the gmond service based on events in logs.

The basic ganglia output plugin configuration looks like this:

ganglia {
    metric => 
    value => 
Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the ganglia plugin


The metric option specifies the metric that is to be used for performance monitoring. It can even take values from the event fields.


The unit option specifies the unit like kb/s, ms for the metric used.


The value option specifies the value of metric used.


The jira plugin doesn't come by default in Logstash installation but can be easily installed by a plugin install command like this:

bin/plugin install logstash-output-jira

The jira plugin is used to send events to a JIRA instance, which can create JIRA tickets based on certain events in your logs. To use this, the JIRA instance must accept REST API calls, since it internally makes use of JIRA REST API to pass the output events from Logstash to JIRA.

The basic configuration of the jira output plugin looks like this:

jira {
    issuetypeid => 
    password => 
    priority => 
    projectid =>
    summary => 
    username => 
Configuration options

The following are the configuration options and their corresponding data types available for the jira plugin:


Data type



























As explained on the Hortonworks Kafka page (http://hortonworks.com/hadoop/kafka/):

"Apache™ Kafka is a fast, scalable, durable, and fault-tolerant publish-subscribe messaging system."

The kafka output plugin is used to write certain events to a topic on kafka. It uses the Kafka Producer API to write messages to a topic on the broker.

The basic kafka configuration looks like this:

kafka {
    topic_id => 
Configuration options

There are many kafka specific configuration options that can be obtained from official documentation, but the only required configuration is topic_id.


The topic_id option defines the topic to send messages to.


The lumberjack plugin is used to write output to a Logstash forwarder or lumberjack.

The basic configuration for the lumberjack plugin looks like this:

lumberjack {
    hosts => 
    port => 
    ssl_certificate => 
Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the lumberjack plugin:


The hosts option specifies the list of addresses where lumberjack can send messages to.


The port option specifies the port to connect to the lumberjack communication.


It specifies the path to ssl_certificate to be used for communication.


The redis plugin is used to send events to a redis instance.

Configuration options

Configuration options are similar to the ones defined for the redis input plugin.



RabbitMQ is an open source message broker software (sometimes called message-oriented middleware) that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). More information is available in the official documentation at http://www.rabbitmq.com.

In RabbitMQ, the producer always sends messages to an exchange, and the exchange decides what to do with the messages. There are various exchange types that defines a further course of action for the messages, namely direct, topic, headers and fanout.

The rabbitmq plugin pushes the events from logs to the RabbitMQ exchange.

The basic configuration of the rabbitmq plugin looks like this:

rabbitmq {
    exchange => 
    exchange_type => 
    host => 


The stdout plugin writes the output events to the console. It is used to debug the configuration to test the event output from Logstash before integrating with other systems.

The basic configuration looks like this:

output {
  stdout {}


MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, which stores data as JSON documents.

Like the jira plugin, this is also a community maintained plugin and doesn't ship with Logstash. It can be easily installed using the following plugin install command:

bin/plugin install logstash-output-mongodb

The basic configuration for the mongodb output plugin is:

mongodb {
    collection => 
    database => 
    uri => 
Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the mongodb plugin:


The collection option specifies which mongodb collection has to be used to write data.


The database option specifies the mongodb database to be used to store the data.


The uri option specifies the connection string to be used to connect to mongodb.

An extensive list and latest documentation on all available Logstash output plugins is available at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/output-plugins.html.

Filter plugins

Filter plugins are used to do intermediate processing on events read from an input plugin and before passing them as output via an output plugin. They are often used to identify the fields in input events, and to conditionally process certain parts of input events.

Let's take a look at some of the most important filter plugins.


The csv filter is used to parse the data from an incoming CSV file and assign values to fields.

Configuration options

Configuration options for the csv filter plugin were covered in an example in Chapter 2, Building Your First Data Pipeline with ELK.


In ELK, it is very important to assign the correct timestamp to an event so that it can be analyzed on the time filter in Kibana. The date filter is meant to assign the appropriate timestamp based on fields in logs, or events, and assign a proper format to the timestamp.

If the date filter is not set, Logstash will assign a timestamp as the first time it sees the event or when the file is read.

The basic configuration of the date filter looks like this:

date {
Configuration options

Configuration options for the date filter are already covered in an example in Chapter 2, Building Your First Data Pipeline with ELK.


The drop filter is used to drop everything that matches the conditionals for this filter.

Let's take the following instance as an example:

filter {
if [fieldname == "test"] {
drop {

The preceding filter will cause all events having the test fieldname to be dropped. This is very helpful to filter out non useful information out of the incoming events.

Configuration options

The following configuration options are present for this filter:

  • add_field
  • add_tag
  • remove_field
  • remove_tag


The geoip filter is used to add the geographical location of the IP address present in the incoming event. It fetches this information from the Maxmind database.


Maxmind is a company that specializes in products built to get useful information from IP addresses. GeoIP is their IP intelligence product that is used to trace the location of an IP address. All Logstash releases have a Maxmind's GeoLite city database shipped with them. It is also available at http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/geolite/.

The basic configuration of the geoip filter looks like this:

geoip {
    source => 
Configuration options

The following configuration option is available for the geoip plugin.


The source option is a required setting that is of the string type. It is used to specify an IP address or a hostname that has to be mapped via the geoip service. Any field from events that contains the IP address or hostname can be provided, and if the field is of the array type, only the first value is taken.


The grok option is by far the most popular and most powerful plugin that Logstash has. It can parse any unstructured log event and convert it into a structured set of fields that can be processed further and used in analysis.

It is used to parse any type of logs, whether it be apache logs, mysql logs, custom application logs, or just any unstructured text in events.

Logstash, by default, comes with a set of grok patterns that can be directly used to tag certain types of fields, and custom regular expressions are also supported.

All available grok patterns are available at:


Some examples of the grok patterns are as follows:

HOSTNAME (?:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z-]{0,62})(?:.(?:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z-]{0,62}))*(.?|)
DAY (?:Mon(?:day)?|Tue(?:sday)?|Wed(?:nesday)?|Thu(?:rsday)?|Fri(?:day)?|Sat(?:urday)?|Sun(?:day)?)
YEAR (?>dd){1,2}
HOUR (?:2[0123]|[01]?[0-9])
MINUTE (?:[0-5][0-9])

The preceding grok patterns can be directly used to tag fields of those types with an operator like this:


Here, host_name is the field name that we want to assign to the part of the log event that represents the hostname like string.

Let's try to look at grok in more detail:

The grok patterns in logs are represented by this general format: %{SYNTAX:SEMANTIC}

Here, SYNTAX is the name of the pattern that matches the text in log, and SEMANTIC is the field name that we want to assign to that pattern.

Let's take the following instance as an example:

Let's say you want to represent the number of bytes transferred in one event:


Here, bytes_transferred will refer to the actual value of bytes transferred in the log event.

Let's take a look at how we can represent a line from HTTP logs: GET /index.html 14562  0.056

The grok pattern would be represented as:

%{IP:client_ip} %{WORD: request_method } %{URIPATHPARAM:uri_path} %{NUMBER:bytes_transferred} %{NUMBER:duration}

The basic grok configuration for the preceding event will look like this:

match =>  { "message" =>"%{IP:client_ip} %{WORD:request_method} %{URIPATHPARAM:uri_path} %{NUMBER:bytes_transferred} %{NUMBER:duration}"}

After being processed with this grok filter, we can see the following fields added to the event with the values:

  • client_ip :
  • request_method : GET
  • uri_path :/index.html
  • bytes_transferred :14562
  • duration :0.056
Custom grok patterns

Custom grok patterns can be created based on a regular expression if not found in the list of grok patterns available.

These URLs are useful to design and test grok patterns for the matching text as required:

http://grokdebug.herokuapp.com and http://grokconstructor.appspot.com/


The mutate filter is an important filter plugin that helps rename, remove, replace, and modify fields in an incoming event. It is also specially used to convert the data type of fields, merge two fields, and convert text from lower case to upper case and vice versa.

The basic configuration of the mutate filter looks like this:

filter {
mutate {
Configuration options

There are various configuration options for mutate and most of them are understood by the name:


Data type


Default value


























































The sleep option is used to put Logstash in sleep mode for the amount of time specified. We can also specify the frequency of sleep intervals based on the number of events.

Let's take the following instance as an example:

If we want to let Logstash sleep for 1 sec for every fifth event processed, we can configure it like this:

filter {
  sleep {
    time => "1"   # Sleep 1 second
    every => 5   # Sleep on every 5th event.

An extensive list and the latest documentation on all available Logstash filter plugins is available at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/filter-plugins.html.

Codec plugins

Codec plugins are used to encode or decode incoming or outgoing events from Logstash. They act as stream filters in input and output plugins.

Some of the most important codec plugins are:

  • avro
  • json
  • line
  • multiline
  • plain
  • rubydebug
  • spool

Let's take a look at some details about some of the most commonly used ones.


If your input event or output event consists of full JSON documents, then the json codec plugin is helpful. It can be defined as:

codec => json{

Or it can be simply defined as:

codec => "json"


The line codec is used to read each line in an input as an event or to decode each outgoing event as a line. It can be defined as:

codec => line{

Or it can be simply defined as:

codec => "line"


The multiline codec is very helpful for certain types of events where you like to take more than one line as one event. This is really helpful in cases such as Java Exceptions or stack traces.

For example, the following configuration can take a full stack trace as one event:

input {
  file {
    path => "/var/log/someapp.log"
    codec => multiline {
      pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601} "
      negate => true
      what => previous

This will take all lines that don't start with a timestamp as a part of the previous line and consider everything as a single event.


The plain plugin is used to specify that there is no encoding or decoding required for events as it will be taken care of by corresponding input or output plugin types itself. For many plugins, such as redis, mongodb and so on, this is the default codec type.


The rubydebug plugin is used only with output event data, and it prints output event data using the Ruby Awesome Print library.

An extensive list and latest documentation on all available Logstash codec plugins is available at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/codec-plugins.html.

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