
Using Elastic Stack security, we can secure the stack with controlled access to the users. We can secure the access of dashboards, visualizations, and saved objects through spaces and Elastic Stack security. Using the Elastic Stack security feature of X-Pack, we can secure our cluster by password-protecting the data. We can easily apply the role-based access control on our Elastic Stack setup. There are basically two things that come under Elastic Stack security users and roles.

Using roles, we can control Elasticsearch and Kibana access by customizing the index access, space access, and so on. Under users, we can create and modify the users and can assign them the created roles to restrict their access. We are going to cover the roles and users in detail here, although they were covered in the last chapter, but that was restricted to Kibana spaces only. So here, we are going to cover the details of users and roles under the security feature of X-Pack.

From Elastic Stack version 7.1, the security feature is freely available and we don't need to purchase the license for it.
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