Running the Django application

You can get this Django blog application from the GitHub repository for this book ( Now, we will learn more about the blog application and demonstrate how to run it:

  1. We need to download this application from the GitHub page, and then navigate inside the main directory to execute the following commands:
# make migrations
python3 makemigrations

# migrate the tables
python3 migrate

# run the server
python3 runserver
  1. After successfully executing the preceding command, we can run the server using the following URL:
  1. We can access swagger using the following link:

This application is very simple: the user can add blogs and list them using the API. The following screenshot shows the default UI of Django for adding a blog:

The preceding screenshot shows the Django blog application UI screen, where we can add a blog and list it. In this way, we can configure the APM agent with the Django application. Similarly, APM agents can be configured in all the supported languages and frameworks. We can verify whether the APM agent is sending the data by clicking on the Check agent status button on the Setup Instructions page.

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