JavaScript debugger (Istanbul)

The JavaScript Debugger is sort of a re-launch of a ServiceNow feature that was removed in the Fuji release. Since then, the feature has undergone a major overhaul before being reintroduced, resulting in the functionality that we now have access to in Istanbul.

In this section, we're going to discuss an Istanbul-only feature: The ServiceNow JavaScript Debugger. This is a fantastically useful new feature in ServiceNow's Istanbul release and later, but is unavailable in any previous version.

The Debugger can be opened by clicking on the JavaScript Debugger button in the list of icons above any Script field, such as those above the Script field on a Business Rule.

Nearly everything relating to debugging happens within a specific session, and the JavaScript Debugger is no different. In order for the debugger to interact with a script's execution, it must be open in a browser window that's within the same interactive session (aka, user session) as the/ session in which the script is being executed on the server.

If you open an Incognito window in Chrome or an equivalent private window in another browser, and log in to ServiceNow, this allows you to impersonate a user in one browser window, and remain as your Administrative account in the other. Since these are separate sessions, the JavaScript debugger will not work across them.

Of course, code execution will also only be debugged if at least one breakpoint is set, and if the JavaScript debugger is indeed open, and switched on. The debugger launches by default, in an On state. Clicking the small pause icon at the top-right of the debugger will turn it off, at which point you can click the I/O icon to turn it back on.

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