Avoiding Nested Loops

Nested loops have their place in development, but if you aren't careful, they can lead to serious performance degradation due to the fact that the inner loop will run a certain number of times, multiplied by the number of times the outer loop runs.

It is often possible to avoid having to run a nested loop, in favor of running two separate loops (which means that each loop would only run a set number of times).

Consider the following code:

var innerGR; 
var results = [];
var outerGR = new GlideRecord('table_name');
while (outerGR.next()) {
innerGR = new GlideRecord('other_table_name');
innerGR.addQuery('field', outerGR.getValue('something_to_compare'));
while (innerGR.next()) {

This code requires constructing a new GlideRecord object (innerGR), a new query, and iterating over each record - for every record found within outerGR. The only reason it's constructed this way, is because we want to get a value from records in innerGR that meet a query based on another value from outerGR, and push them into results. However, we can accomplish this much more efficiently by simply separating out these two queries, and creating a temporary array to store up the values from outerGR, that we're using in the query in innerGR like so:

var queryValues = []; 
var results = [];

var outerGR = new GlideRecord('table_name');
while (outerGR.next()) {
innerGR = new GlideRecord('other_table_name');
innerGR.addQuery('field', 'IN', queryValues);
while (innerGR.next()) {

As you can see, by pushing the values we want to search on into an array, and then performing only one outer (though no longer outer, but stand-alone) query, we can dramatically improve performance of our script.

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