Chapter 3. Creating a Brick Breaking Game

Have you ever thought about procedurally generated levels? Have you thought about how this could be done, how their logic works, and how their resources are managed?

With our example bricks game, you will get to the core point of generating colors procedurally for each block, every time the level gets loaded.

Physics has always been a huge and massively important topic in the process of developing a game. However, a brick breaking game can be made in many ways and using the many techniques that the engine can provide, but I choose to make it a physics-based game to cover the usage of the new, unique, and amazing component that Epic has recently added to its engine.

The Projectile component is a physics-based component for which you can tweak many attributes to get a huge variation of behaviors that you can use with any game genre.

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Build your first multicomponent blueprints
  • Understand more about the game modes
  • Script a touch input
  • Understand the Projectile component in depth
  • Build a simple emissive material
  • Use the dynamic material instances
  • Start using the construction scripts
  • Detect collisions
  • Start adding sound effects to the game
  • Restart a level
  • Have a fully functional gameplay

The project structure

If you are going to use the already finished project that comes with this book, then you will find that it was made with Unreal Editor 4.30. If you are using a higher version, it might tell you that the project will be upgraded to a higher version, which is not possible. Just keep this in mind!

For this game sample, I made a blank project template and selected to use the starter content so that I could get some cubes, spheres, and all other 3D basic meshes that will be used in the game. So, you will find the project structure still in the same basic structure, and the most important folder where you will find all the content is called Blueprints.

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