iTunes Connect

You already know that using the iOS developer portal is the way to prepare your iOS game for release by building the provisioning profile, certificates, devices list, and the bundle ID. Now when the journey of creating a game comes to its end, you have to access what is called iTunes Connect.

  • By accessing, you'll have a dashboard that should be hosting your apps, games, charts, reviews, revenue, downloads, and everything related to your product in the post-production stages.
    iTunes Connect
  • The most important part right now is My Apps, where you will be building the first profile for your first ready-to-go game. Because you are using ads, In-App Purchases (IAP), leaderboards, or achievements, you need to create a setup inside the game profile first. Then, you can keep developing inside Unreal Engine. Once you access the My Apps section, you'll find that it is mostly empty, so start adding a new app using the plus icon in the top-left corner, as you must have an app dashboard to be able to have an app on the App Store.
    iTunes Connect
  • Fill in all the provided sections. Use the Name field of the game you are willing to use, set the Primary Language, and pick a Bundle ID from the ones you've already made in the iOS dev portal. Finally, add a version number (in the Version field) to the game and an SKU, which is just description text that no one except you will be able to see.
    iTunes Connect
  • After adding your app, you'll see its profile, which will contain tons and tons of information and requested files. Feel free to keep uploading screenshots and videos, writing descriptions, or filling some support information for your future players and users. Adding an icon is a good thing to do now.
  • The most important thing right now is that you focus on two tabs only: the In-App Purchase tab, which is meant to take care of the items you are going to sell, and the Game Center tab.
    iTunes Connect
  • Using the In-App Purchase tab, you can set up a product ID to be used in the game. Feel free to read more about this part in Apple's documentation to pick the correct product types for your game.
  • When you open the Game Center tab, you'll find that it focuses on only two things: the Leaderboard and Achievements sections. As you can see, it is very easy to keep adding items to the lists. Feel free to fill both lists with the items that your game needs. However, keep in mind that the names that you'll be using and choosing will be needed in the engine to complete the logic.
    iTunes Connect
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