
Well, what a chapter we had there! You managed to get your toes wet with Box2D and master it like a pro! Well, maybe not a pro just yet, however, you have the basis of a great game. There is a lot in Box2D we didn't cover, but hopefully this gives you a basic understanding and enough information to go forward and make other things with that fabulous engine. So, what did we do in this chapter? We looked at Box2D, how to use a brilliant tool like Tiled to make designing and building levels simple, used the Box2D debug rendering so that we could make our game before having the full art asset set, and had a look at a handy class called Sprite that helped us with rotation.

In the next chapter, we will introduce a handy technique that may be of some use to you going forward—object pooling! If we have a lot of objects that we could reuse rather than throw away and recreate, we should really look at pooling them, especially if they are expensive to create or our game is running in an environment where clean-up costs are high.

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