


; character
: character2nd
. character2nd
* character2nd
/ character
# character
^ character
| character2nd
|| character2nd
|| command


a2enmod rewrite command2nd
absolute path
activating SELinux
--add-service argument
adduser command

  of SQL
    accessing databases
    creating MediaWiki database users

  files, with find command
  monitoring data
alert level
all condition
anacron daemon, scheduling irregular backups with

Ansible automation engine
  installation and setup of
  managing passwords in
  organizing hosts
  passwordless access to hosts
    multi-tiered, role-powered
  testing connectivity

Apache web server
  installing on CentOS
    controlling network traffic
    installing MariaDB on CentOS
    installing PHP on CentOS
    network ports, overview of
  installing on Ubuntu
  manual setup of
APT (Advanced Package Tool)2nd
apt search command
apt update command2nd
arch command

  backup locations
  benefits of
  compression vs.
  data backups
  overview of
  partitions with dd command
    dd operations
    wiping disks with dd
  planning considerations
  synchronizing with rsync
  with tar command
    aggregating files with find command
    archive and compression examples
    extracting archives
    preserving ownership
    preserving permissions
    streaming file system archives
ask-become-pass argument
asterisk character2nd
auditing system resources
  scanning for active services
  scanning for open ports
  searching for installed software

  hardening processes
    activating SELinux
    applying SELinux policies
    controlling file system objects with SELinux
    installing SELinux
    isolating processes within containers
    principle of least privilege
    scanning for dangerous user ID values
    system groups
  in Ansible
authentication failure
automated offsite backups, configuring
  backing up data to AWS S3
  scheduling irregular backups with anacron
  scheduling regular backups with cron
  scheduling regular backups with systemd timers
  scripting with Bash
autoremove command
awk tool, consuming large files with
AWS (Amazon Web Services)2nd
aws command

AWS S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service)
  as primary Nextcloud storage
  backing up data to
    creating buckets
    installing AWS CLI
  configuring AWS accounts
  running sync jobs


backslash character2nd
  automated offsite, configuring
    backing up data to AWS S3
    scripting with Bash
  irregular, scheduling with anacron
  locations for
  of file systems
    scheduling with cron
    scheduling with systemd timers
bandwidth, measuring
Bash shell, scripting with
  backing up system files
  changing filenames
block devices
Boot-Repair tool
Btrfs type


CA (Certificate Authority)
caret character
cat tool
cd command
CentOS operating system
  installing Apache web server on
    controlling network traffic
    network ports, overview of
  installing MariaDB on
  installing PHP on
  installing Tripwire on
  rescue mode on
certificates, generating using Let’s Encrypt
checksum value
child shell
chmod command
chown command
chroot operation, mounting file systems with
CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
Clean option, Ubuntu
CLI (command-line interface)
client-to-client command

  NFS, setting up
    preparing encryption keys
cloning VirtualBox VMs
  for quick starts
  managing VMs from command lines
CMS (content management system)
colon character2nd
command lines
  finding rescue tools
  managing VMs from
compression, archiving vs.

  automated offsite backups
    backing up data to AWS S3
    scheduling irregular backups with anacron
    scheduling regular backups with cron
    scheduling regular backups with systemd timers
    scripting with Bash
  AWS accounts
  DNS services
    overview of
    recovering locked VMs
    connecting MediaWiki to database
    troubleshooting missing extensions
  OpenVPN clients
  OpenVPN servers
    generating encryption keys
    preparing client encryption keys
    preparing server for OpenVPN
  server.conf file
  static addresses
  inbound, troubleshooting
  of Ansible, testing
  of networks, establishing
  outbound, troubleshooting
  scanning external connections with netcat
  scanning internal connections with netstat.
    See also remote connectivity.
consuming large files
  using awk
  using grep
  using sed
  isolating processes within.
    See also LXC (Linux Containers).
control machine

  file systems
  files, with SCP
  public keys over networks
cp command2nd
CPU (central processing unit)
CPU load problems
Creator tool
critical conditions

  daemon, scheduling regular backups with
CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System)
curl command
cutting, keyboard shortcut for Linux


DAC (discretionary access control)

  backing up2nd
  encrypting in transit
    generating certificates using Let’s Encrypt
    preparing website domains
  sharing over private networks
    through NFS
    using symbolic links
    with Windows users using Samba
database driver
database engine

  connecting MediaWiki to
  creating MediaWiki database users

dd command
  operations of
  partitions with
  wiping disks with
ddrescue, recovering files with
Debian package manager, installing VirtualBox for
debug level

deploying scripted server environments
deployment orchestrators, benefits of
dev tun command
df command2nd3rd
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
differential system
Diffie-Hellman parameters

disk partition
disks, wiping with dd command
DMZs (demilitarized zones)
  benefits of
  creating using iptables
  creating using Shorewall
    interfaces file
    policy file
    rules file
    zones file
  design considerations for resistant networks
dnf update command
DNS (domain name system)2nd

DNS services
  overview of
dot character2nd
double pipe character2nd
dpkg command
drop-in replacement
Dump program
dynamic IP addresses
Dynamically Allocated option


Easy RSA package
EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute)
emerg level
emergency tools
  generating encryption keys
  importance of
  multiple encryption keys
  of data in transit
    generating certificates using Let’s Encrypt
    preparing website domains
  of NFS
  preparing client encryption keys
encryption key
enterprise file sharing, Nextcloud and
error conditions
exit code command
exit command
exportfs command
extensions, missing
extracting archives


FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)2nd
file globbing
file systems
  backups of
  controlling objects with SELinux
  damaged, recovering files from
    using ddrescue
    using PhotoRec
  in Linux
  mounting with chroot
  passing parameters via
$FILE variable
filenames, changing

  aggregating, with find command
  enterprise file sharing, Nextcloud and
  large, consuming
    using awk
    using grep
    using sed
  networked file sharing
  recovering from damaged file systems
    using ddrescue
    using PhotoRec
  sharing through NFS
    mounting NFS share at boot time
    NFS security
    setting up clients
    setting up NFS servers
  sharing using symbolic links
  sharing with Windows users using Samba
    accessing Samba servers from Windows
    testing Samba configuration
  streaming file system archives
find command2nd
firewall rules
firewalld tool

    recovering locked VMs
  NFS rules
forward slash character
Free Tier rights


  encryption keys
  roles in Ansible
  test Tripwire reports
globbing files
GParted Live distribution
graphics, remote programs over SSH connections
  consuming large files with
GRUB bootloader
GUI (graphical user interface)


hard link

  activating SELinux
  applying SELinux policies
  authentication processes
  controlling file system objects with SELinux
  installing SELinux
  isolating processes within containers
  principle of least privilege
  scanning for dangerous user ID values
  system groups
HIDS (Host-based Intrusion Detection System)2nd
host group
hostname command
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)


iftop command

  live-boot, writing to USB drives
  system rescue images
    GParted Live
-iname flag
incremental system

inode data structure, limits
install command

    organizing Ansible hosts
    passwordless access to hosts
    testing connectivity
  Apache web server
    on CentOS
    on Ubuntu
  MariaDB on CentOS
    connecting MediaWiki to database
    troubleshooting missing extensions
    using snaps
  operating systems, for VirtualBox VM
    on CentOS
    on Ubuntu
    testing PHP installation
  SQL databases
    hardening SQL
    SQL administration
    on CentOS
    on Ubuntu
    for Debian package manager
    for RPM package manager
interfaces file
intrusion detection, monitoring with
  configuring Tripwire
  generating test Tripwire reports
  installing Tripwire
  setting up mail servers
ip addr command2nd3rd4th

IP addresses
  configuring static addresses
  requesting dynamic addresses
ip command
isolating processes, within containers


journalctl command
  logging with
  managing log files with
jump server


kernel modules
  managing peripherals with
  manually loading
kernel object
kernel parameters
  manually managing at boot time
  passing parameters at boot time
  passing parameters via file system
keyboard shortcuts
  cutting and pasting
  tab completion
    for clients, preparing
  generating new pairs of
  public, copying over networks
killall command
killall yes command
ksh interpreter


-l argument
LAMP servers, building
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
Let’s Encrypt certificate authority
Linux OS
  file management tools
    copying and moving files
    creating and deleting directories
    deleting files
    file globbing
  file system
  getting help
    from internet
    man files
  kernel modules
    managing peripherals with
    manually loading
  keyboard shortcuts
    cutting and pasting
    tab completion
  navigation tools
  overview of
  package managers
  pseudo file systems
  vs. other operating systems
  working environments, building
list block devices
live boot image
live-boot recovery drives
    system rescue images
    writing live-boot images to USB drives
  damaged partitions
  recovering files from damaged file systems
    using ddrescue
    using PhotoRec
  testing system memory
load balancer
loading kernel modules, manually
log entry
log rotation
  consuming large log files
    using awk
    using grep
    using sed
    with journald
    with syslogd
  monitoring logs with intrusion detection
    configuring Tripwire
    generating test Tripwire reports
    installing Tripwire
    setting up mail servers
  system logs
    logging with journald
    logging with syslogd
  with journald
  with syslogd
loop device
loopback interface
lp tool
ls command
lshw command
lsmod command2nd
lspci command2nd
lsusb command
LXC (Linux Containers)2nd
  creating containers
  overview of
lxc command
lxc-attach command


MAC (mandatory access control)
mail servers2nd
man files
man selinux
man shorewall- command
MariaDB system, installing on CentOS
mb command
MBR (Master Boot Record)2nd

MediaWiki wiki package
  building servers
  connecting to databases
  creating database users
  installing and configuring
    troubleshooting missing extensions

  problems with
    assessing memory status
    assessing swap status
modprobe command

  aggregating data, tools for
  tools for
  with intrusion detection
    configuring Tripwire
    generating test Tripwire reports
    installing Tripwire
    setting up mail servers
more command
mount command2nd
mount point

  file systems using chroot
  NFS share at boot time
moving files
mysql command


nano command
NAS (network-attached storage)

NAT addressing
  overview of
  working with
NAT network
natnetwork add command
natnetwork start command
navigation tools
netcat tool
netstat tool2nd
network adapter
network ports
network socket
network traffic throttling
  accessing networked machines
  controlling access to
    configuring firewalls
    nonstandard ports
  copying public keys over
  defining routes
  intrusion-resistant, building
  load problems
    measuring bandwidth
    shaping network traffic with tc
    solutions to
  networked file sharing
  private, sharing data over
  securing connections to
  tracking down status of
    shaping with tc
    establishing network connectivity
    TCP/IP addressing
    troubleshooting inbound connectivity
    troubleshooting outbound connectivity

Nextcloud platform
  AWS S3 as primary storage
  building file-sharing servers
  enterprise file sharing and
  installing manually
    building LAMP servers
    configuring Apache
    hardware prerequisites for
  installing using snaps

NFS (Network File System)
  mounting share at boot time
  security of
    firewall rules
  setting up clients
  setting up servers
  sharing files through
NIC (network interface card)
nice command2nd
NIDS (network-based intrusion detection system)2nd
nmap command
non-admin command
nonstandard ports
  choosing port numbers
  configuring ufw firewalls to allow traffic through
notice level
$NOW variable


occ command

offsite backups
  automated, configuring
    backing up data to AWS S3
    scheduling irregular backups with anacron
    scheduling regular backups with cron
    scheduling regular backups with systemd timers
    scripting with Bash
one-file-system argument
open source
OpenSSH suite

OpenVPN protocol
  building tunnel
  configuring clients
  configuring servers
    configuring server.conf file
    generating encryption keys
    preparing client encryption keys
  preparing servers for
operating systems, installing for VirtualBox VM
orchestration deployment tools
OS (operating system)2nd


package dependencies
package-cleanup command
packet sniffer
parent shell
partitioning, with dd command
  dd operations
  wiping disks with dd
partitions, damaged2nd

  in Ansible, managing
  password-free SSH access
    copying public keys over networks
    generating new key pairs
    with multiple encryption keys
pasting, keyboard shortcut for
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
performance, troubleshooting
  CPU load problems
  memory problems
  monitoring tools
  network load problems
  storage availability problems

peripheral devices
  managing with Linux kernel modules
    finding kernel modules
    manually loading kernel modules
    identifying attached devices
    managing printers
    manually managing kernel parameters at boot time
PhotoRec software, recovering files with

PHP scripting language
    on CentOS
    on Ubuntu
  testing installation
phpinfo command
PID (process ID)
pipe character2nd
PKI (public key infrastructure)
plain text
playbooks, in Ansible
  managing passwords in Ansible
policy file

    choosing port numbers
    configuring ufw firewall to allow traffic
  open, scanning for.
    See also network ports.
principle of least privilege2nd3rd
printers, managing
  basics of lp
  using CUPS
priorities, setting with nice

private networks, sharing files over
  through NFS
  using symbolic links
  with Windows users using Samba
process management
  viewing processes with ps command
  with systemd
pseudo file systems2nd
pstree command
public keys, copying over networks


-r argument
RAM (random access memory)

  building devices for
  of locked VMs.
    See also live-boot recovery drives; ; system recovery devices.
recovery/rescue mode
  finding command-line rescue tools
  GRUB bootloader
  on CentOS
  on Ubuntu
registered ports
relational database
--reload argument
remote clients
remote connectivity
  copying files with SCP
  encryption, importance of
  logging in to remote servers with SSH
  password-free SSH access
    copying public keys over networks
    generating new key pairs
    with multiple encryption keys
  process management
    viewing processes with ps command
    with systemd
  remote graphics programs over SSH connections
remote hosts
renice command
reserved word
rm command
rmdir command
ro command
roles, in Ansible
root argument
root_squash command
RPM package manager, installing VirtualBox for
RSA algorithm
rsync algorithm, synchronizing with
rules file
run level, setting
rw command


S3 (Simple Storage Solution)

Samba suite
  accessing servers from Windows
  sharing files with Windows users using
  testing configuration of
SAN (storage area network)

  external connections with netcat
  for active services
  for dangerous user ID values
  for open ports
  internal connections with netstat

  irregular backups
  regular backups
    with cron
    with systemd timers
SCP (Secure Copy protocol), copying files with
scp command2nd
scripted server environments, deploying
scripting, with Bash
  backing up system files
  changing filenames

    firewall rules
  web servers
    auditing system resources
    controlling network access
    encrypting data in transit
    hardening authentication processes
sed stream editor
SELinux module
  applying policies
  controlling file system objects with
selinux-activate command
semicolon character
server configuration, Samba
server.conf file, configuring

  MediaWiki, building
  Nextcloud file-sharing servers, building2nd
  NFS, setting up
  preparing for OpenVPN
  remote, logging in to with SSH
  Samba, accessing from Windows.
    See also mail servers; ; web servers.
service files
sestatus command

  files through NFS
    mounting NFS share at boot time
    NFS security
    setting up clients
    setting up NFS servers
  files using symbolic links
  files with Windows users using Samba
    accessing Samba servers from Windows
    testing Samba configuration
  VirtualBox VMs
Shorewall tool, creating DMZs
  interfaces file
  policy file
  rules file
  zones file
simulating CPU load
snap find command
snap install nextcloud command
snaps, installing Nextcloud with
software repository
software, installed, searching for
sort function
SQL (Structured Query Language)2nd
  administration of

SSH (Secure Shell protocol)
  logging in to remote servers with
  password-free access
    copying public keys over networks
    generating new key pairs
    with multiple encryption keys
  remote graphics programs over SSH connections.
    See also OpenSSH suite.
ssh-keygen command2nd
staging environments
standard output
stat command
static IP addresses

  availability problems
    inode limits
    solution for
  AWS S3 as primary for Nextcloud
streaming file system archives
su command
sudo program
swap memory
swap status, assessing
symbolic links2nd3rd4th
symlinks links
sync command
synchronizing with rsync
syslogd daemon
  logging with
  managing log files with
system groups
system logs
  error information from
  logging with journald
  logging with syslogd

system recovery devices
  live-boot recovery drives
    damaged partitions
    recovering files from damaged file systems
    testing system memory
  mounting file systems using chroot2nd
  recovery/rescue mode
    finding command-line rescue tools
    recovery mode on Ubuntu
    rescue mode on CentOS
system rescue images
  GParted Live
system resources, auditing
  scanning for active services
  scanning for open ports
  searching for installed software
system timer
systemctl command2nd3rd

systemd program
  process management with
  timers, scheduling regular backups with
systems, monitoring


tab completion2nd
tar command2nd3rd
  aggregating files with find command
  archive and compression examples
  extracting archives
  preserving ownership
  preserving permissions
  streaming file system archives
tc utility
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)2nd
TCP/IP addressing

  Ansible connectivity
  configuration of Samba
  generating test Tripwire reports
  infrastructure, building virtual network for
  PHP installation
  system memory
    network infrastructure
    network sniffing
testparm command
text stream filter
TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol
touch command
Traceroute command
traffic shaping

Tripwire tool
  generating test reports
    on CentOS
    on Ubuntu

  inbound connectivity
    external connection scanning with netcat
    internal connection scanning with netstat
  missing extensions
    establishing network connectivity
    TCP/IP addressing
  outbound connectivity
    assigning IP addresses
    configuring DNS services
    tracking down status of networks
    using Traceroute
  peripheral devices
    identifying attached devices
    managing peripherals with Linux kernel modules
    managing printers
    manually managing kernel parameters at boot time
  system performance
    CPU load problems
    memory problems
    monitoring tools
    network load problems
    storage availability problems
tunnels, VPN


Ubuntu operating system
  installing Apache web server on
  installing PHP on
  installing Tripwire on
  recovery mode on
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)2nd
ufw (UncomplicatedFirewall)
ufw delete 2 command
ufw enable command
ufw status command
UncomplicatedFirewall, Ubuntu
unpacking Nextcloud
unregistered ports
update command
URL (uniform resource locator)
USB drives, writing live-boot images to
user IDs, scanning for dangerous values
usermod command
utilization, CPU


vboxmanage clonevm
verbose argument
VirtualBox application
  cloning VMs
    for quick starts
    managing from command lines
  defining VMs
  installing for Debian package manager
  installing for RPM package manager
  installing operating systems
  Linux package managers
  sharing VMs
  overview of
  with LXC
    creating containers
    overview of
  with VirtualBox
    cloning VirtualBox VMs
    defining VMs
    installing operating systems
    Linux package managers
    sharing VirtualBox VMs
visualizing data

VMs (virtual machines)
  cloning for quick starts
  locked, recovering
  managing from command lines
  VirtualBox VMs

VPNs (virtual private networks)
  building OpenVPN tunnel
    configuring OpenVPN clients
    configuring OpenVPN servers
    network infrastructure
    network sniffing


warn level
web servers
  building LAMP server
  installing and configuring MediaWiki
    connecting MediaWiki to database
    troubleshooting missing extensions
  installing Apache web server on CentOS
    controlling network traffic
    installing MariaDB on CentOS
    installing PHP on CentOS
    network ports, overview of
  installing PHP
    on Ubuntu
    testing installation
  installing SQL databases
    hardening SQL
    SQL administration
  manually setting up Apache web servers
    installing Apache web servers on Ubuntu
    populating website document roots
    auditing system resources
    controlling network access
    encrypting data in transit
    hardening authentication processes.
    See servers.

  populating website document roots
  preparing domains
wget command
while loop

  accessing Samba servers from
  sharing files with users using Samba
wireless LAN


X11 forwarding2nd
xdev function


YAML-formatted file
yum update


zcat command
zip argument
zones file

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