Why Do I Poop at the Same Time Every Morning?

Just like the rest of your body, the digestive system obeys the ticktock of your internal clock. As you become active during the first few hours after waking, so does your gut.

Most of us have our main bowel movement in the morning because the digestive system “sleeps” at night and reawakens according to our body clock. Strong, muscular contractions (called the migrating motor complex) ripple through the intestines to push out waste, making space for the coming day’s food intake. Similar contractions may happen throughout the day.

Your gut’s unique routine is shaped by your body clock, lifestyle, and diet. “Regular” for you can be anything between three times a day and three times a week. Having a lifestyle that is off-kilter with your body clock (such as working night shifts) may mean that this major morning emptying doesn’t happen, is less regular, or just happens at a different time of day.

Regular bowel movements go hand in hand with a healthy gut, and this is important for overall health. Hormones from the gut affect your emotions, your immune system, your energy levels, and blood sugar control.

Fiber, carbohydrates, fats, protein, and fluids all play their part in keeping digesting food moving easily, and any diet that focuses on, or cuts out, one of these groups is a good recipe for clogged piping. See the panel to the left for some tips to show your gut some love and stay regular.


Help your gut


Eat foods with fiber to add bulk that the intestines can push against, and drink plenty of water to lubricate your gut.


going for a walk or any light exercise will stimulate blood flow to the intestines and help the gut run smoothly.

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