Why Do I Feel Low on Winter Mornings?

If a miserable mood seems to go hand in glove with short, chilly winter days, then you aren’t alone; many people are more sleepy and have less energy during wintertime.

Some scientists think that during darker, winter days, a lack of sunlight hitting the eyes tricks your body clock into generating an excess of its natural sleep hormone melatonin, vaporizing your regular happy sparkle. However, other studies have cast doubt on this theory, by showing that people living in polar regions who face dark days for half the year don’t tend to suffer from persistent low mood. This may be because they make a conscious effort to socialize and maintain their regular activities. If harsh weather prevents you from exercising or seeing loved ones and keeps you cooped up indoors like a hibernating bear, then your mental well-being will almost certainly take a hit.

If you suffer winter blues, light therapy—a daily dose of artificial light—has been shown to be effective. And perhaps if we take a lead from the Scandinavians, who see cold seasons as a chance to see more of friends and family, we may feel less gloomy at the onset of winter.


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let there be light

Research shows that, for most people diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), light therapy is most beneficial if taken for 30 minutes immediately after waking.

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