

action steps

for engagement, 143

for innovation, 142143

for mindfulness, 140141

for opportunity, 141

for X factors, 141142


facing, 3132

leveraging, 3234

opportunity as flip side of, 32

agility, 107108

Aguirre, Fernando

on character, 6667

on engagement, 109110

on innovation, 7879, 8788

motivational advice from, 136137

Alexander the Great, 7172

Allen, John

on engagement, 110112

motivational advice from, 136

on resilience, 6769

on X factor elements, 5758

Altman, Donald

on mindfulness, 911

motivational advice from, 135136

“The Wisdom of Perhaps” story, 12

altruism, 39


as element of character, 6667

as X factor element, 6364

Anbar Awakening, 6769

“Apostle of Appreciation” (Elton), 25

appreciation, 127128

ATLAS, 8889


of body and mind, 11

focusing outward, 1113

mindfulness as, 11

self, 78

situational, 1415


Barrett, Dave

Miracle at Merion, 30

Beatty, Warren, 16

beliefs. See X factors

Berengo, Adriano, 9293

“Big Science,” 88

Bion, Wilfred, 19

bosses, managing without, 123125

Boyd, Drew

Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results, 88

breath control, 10

Brown, Jerry, 1517


Cain, Susan, 100101

calmness, 18

Campbell Soup Company, 15, 3234, 49

Capital One company, 108

Caro, Robert

The Passage of Power, 113114

change. See innovation

character. See also X factors

Aguirre on, 6667

ambition as element of, 6667

and integrity, 66

integrity as element of, 6667

mindful intentions, 22

Nelson on, 65

perseverance and determination merged with, 59

professionalism as element of, 6667

resilience as element of, 6667

resourcefulness as element of, 6667

Chiquita Brands company, 109110

Chrysler automaker, 8082

Clark, Jennifer

Mondo Angnelli: Fiat, Chrysler, and the Power of a Dynasty, 81

commitment, 126128

compassion, 62

competence, 61

competition, knowing your, 132

composure, 10

Conant, Doug

on leveraging adversity, 3234

motivational advice from, 138

on situational awareness, 15

on X factor elements, 4950


emerged from accomplishment, 70

external applications of, 70

instilled in others, 70

overconfidence, 71

quiet, 18

as sense of calm, 18

ConocoPhillips company, 18, 7778

convictions, 59. See also X factors


and morality, 69

in service of others, 69

Cowens, Tyler, 84


as element of innovation, 83

as X factor element, 6061

criticism, 72

curiosity, 6465


Daring to Care mission, 51

DaVita HealthCare Partners company, 108

De Pree, Max, 31

decisiveness, 111

déjà vu, 9

delegation, 10

dignity, 106

disruption, opportunity arisen from, 3637

Dollywood, 104


eating right, 132

Economist, The, 83, 88, 92

ego, 7173

Elton, Chester

“Apostle of Appreciation,” 25

on character, 66

on innovation, 8586, 94

on mindfulness, 1213

motivational advice from, 139140

on opportunity, 2526

emotions, as object of our attention, 9

empathy, 116


compassionate, 62

interviewing, 67

performing out of fear, 8586

treating as customers, 42

endurance, 111


action steps, 143

and agility, 107108

Aguirre on, 109110

Allen on, 110112

as commitment, 126128

fostering, 125126

Grant on, 100

Haudan on, 106, 115116, 126127

humorous, 128

Kouzes on, 112113

Lance on, 108109

leadership directives, 129130

listening and learning technique, 109110

mindful, 115116

one-to-one contact, 113

open-plan workplaces, 125126

Parton on, 102106

people united in purpose, 129

personal connections, 115116

as persuasion, 113115

philanthropy as tool of, 117

power of introverts, 100101

as process of setting examples, 110113

with purpose, 106109

role of empathy, 116

rooted in values of the institution, 121123

self management workplaces, 123125

sense of optimism, 116118

setting the foundation, 108109

Sheridan on, 99100

treating others with dignity, 106

with your presence, 119120

entrepreneurship, 4244

ethics and values, 22

exercise, 132

exploration, 65

ExxonMobil company, 108


failure to act, 16

fear, performing out of, 8586

Fiat automaker, 8082

Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, 113

forgiveness, 103


Gap company, 108

Gardner, Howard, 61

Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success (Grant), 38

Given Imaging, 44

giving, 103

Goldenburg, Jacob

Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results, 88

golfers, as example of situational awareness, 14

Goodwin, Doris Kearns

Team of Rivals, 22

Google, 8990

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 55

Gordon, Robert, 84

Gostick, Adrian, 25

Goulston, Mark

on mindfulness, 12, 19

“moon mission,” 19

motivational advice from, 139

on X factor elements, 5051

Grant, Adam

on elements of opportunity, 3942

on engagement, 100

Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, 38

motivational advice from, 137


Hastings, Reed, 37

Haudan, Jim

on curiosity, 6465

on engagement, 106, 115116, 126127

on innovation, 9495

motivational advice from, 138139

Hay Group survey, self-awareness study, 7

Heartfelt Leadership, 51

hidden opportunity, 4445

Hogan, Ben, 2831

honesty, 111


knowing ones limitations, 7273

and mindful intentions, 22

as sign of strength, 7273

humor, 6263, 128


identity, 21


action steps, 142143

Aguirre on, 7879, 8788

asking questions and listening, 9394

creativity as element of, 83

discipline of, 8788

Elton on, 94

Haudan on, 9495

Lance on, 7778, 87, 95

leadership directives, 9697

looking back to find ideas, 93

Marchionne on, 8083

in new ways, 8890

obstacles, 8385

perceiving environmental change, 107

reinventing old things, 95

setting ground rules for, 8587

Sheridan on, 9091

systems approach to, 9092

as work in progress, 96

Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results (Boyd and Goldernburg), 88

integrity, 6667

intelligence, 61


and mindfulness, 23

statements, 2223

interpersonal mindfulness, 12

introverts, 100101

Invictus movie, 5

Isenberg, Daniel

on opportunity, 4244

Worthless, Impossible, and Stupid, 42


Johnson, Lyndon, 113115

Jones, Charles, 84

Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love (Sheridan), 126


Kapur, Vinod, 43

Keggfarms, 43

Kennedy, John F., 19, 69

knowledge, self, 811

Kouzes, Jim

on engagement, 112113

The Leadership Challenge, 32

motivational advice from, 135

on opportunity, 2627

on outward awareness, 1112

self-awareness-building exercises, 1112


Lance, Ryan

on curiosity, 64

on engagement, 108109

on hidden opportunity, 4445

on innovation, 7778, 87, 95

on mindfulness, 1819

motivational advice from, 133134

on resilience, 5859

SAM model, 108

laughter, 6263

Lawler III, Edward

strategy+business article, 107

Lead with Purpose, 108


ability to change, 52

ability to envision a better future, 12

defining boundaries for self, 40

giving back aligned with organizational values and goals, 40

humor as attribute to, 63

letting others take credit, 41

listening skills, 4041

“me-last” approach, 41

and mindfulness, 24

mindfulness as approach to, 21

and persuasion, 8

as public face of team or organization, 13

putting benefits before tasks, 41

self-awareness as attribute to, 7

sense of calm, 18

setting the right example, 110113

situational awareness essential to, 17

thinking skills, 4041

treating colleagues and customers, 42

Leadership Challenge, The (Kouzes), 32

Leadership Practices Inventory, 112

“lesson learned” sessions, 123

Lincoln, 18, 22


with desire, 19

before leading, 15

with memory, 19

as point of leverage for conversation, 50

living, 103

Long Walk Home, A (Tebbutt), 20

loving, 103

Lutz, Bob, 4344


Malloy, Ruth, 78

management. See leadership

Mandela, Nelson, 26

manipulation, 114115

Marchionne, Sergio, 8083

McDonald’s, example of opportunity, 3435

McNary, William, 51

meditation, 133

“me-last” approach, 41

Menlo Innovations, 12, 9091, 125127

Meron, Gabi, 44

micromanaging, 8

mind and body, 2021


action steps, 140141

Altman on, 12, 911

breath control, 10

ethics and values, 22

focusing awareness outward, 1113

as intentional process, 11

interpersonal, 12

leadership directives, 24

Mandela on, 26

as meta-awareness, 11

mindful future, 19

mindful intentions, 2223

mindful leadership, 1819

power to persevere concept, 2021

preparedness for present and future, 23

and self-awareness, 78

and self-knowledge, 811

situational awareness, 1415

state of, 1517

as state of being, 8

Miracle at Merion (Barrett), 30

Mondo Angelli: Fiat, Chrysler, and the Power of a Dynast (Clark), 81

“moon mission” (Goulston), 19

Moorehead, Scott, 117118

morality, 69

Morning Star Company, 123125


advice from experts, 133140

lack of, 67

and mindfulness, 13

as sense of service to others, 38

techniques, 131133

Musk, Elon, 3536


negativity, 9

Nelson, Horatio, 121

Nelson, Jeff, 65

Netflix company, 3638


OneGoal program, 65

open-plan workplaces, 125126


action steps, 141

and altruism, 39

arisen from disruption, 3637

case studies, 3438

Elton on, 2526

emerged from awareness and commitment, 4546

entrepreneurship, 4244

facing adversity, 3132

hidden, 4445

Hogan on, 2831

keeping an open mind, 40

Kouzes on, 2627

leadership directives, 47

learning from failed, 45

leveraging adversity, 3234

making things happen, 3438

and perseverance, 31

putting benefits before tasks, 41

seizing the moment, 31

and serendipitous events, 2627

taking the next level, 3842

thought starting questions, 4041

optimism, 117118

outward awareness, 1113

overconfidence, 71


Parton, Dolly, 102106

Passage of Power (Caro), 113114

passion, 62

passivity, 8


active process of, 9

applying mindfulness of composure, 10

maintaining composure, 10

passivity, 8

perceived as passivity, 8

and self-knowledge, 8


and character, 59

and conviction, 59

and opportunity, 31

power to persevere, 2021

personal connections, 115116


engagement as, 113115

and leadership quality, 8

as tools bringing people together for common cause, 115

Pillcam technology, 44

Playing the Enemy, 5

power to preserve concept, 2021

presence, 119120

Procter & Gamble (P&G), 6667, 7879

productivity, obstacles to innovation, 8384

professionalism, 6667


engaging with, 106108

Lead with Purpose, 108

service as divided of, 42


quick judgments, 15

quiet confidence, 18

Quinn, Robert, 107


Reagan, Ronald, 55

references, 151154


developing self-awareness, 7

motivation techniques, 133


Allen on, 6769

as element of character, 6667

on X factor elements, 5859

resourcefulness, 6667

Royal Navy, 121123

Rugby World Cup of 1995, 5

Russell, Richard, 114115


SAM model, 108

Schuckman, August, 17

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 16

seizing the moment, 31

self management workplace, 123125


developing reflection, 7

and humility, 73

and mindfulness, 78

self-knowledge, 811

serendipity, 2831


as dividend of purpose, 42

showing in workplace, 4041

spirit of giving back, 42

setting the right example, 110113

Sheridan, Rich

on engagement, 99100

on innovation, 8587, 9091

Joy, Inc.: How We Build a Workplace People Love, 126

on mindfulness, 1213

motivational advice from, 134135

shyness, 33

situational awareness, 1415

SpaceX company, 36

SPIRIT acronym, 109

strategy, 106

strategy+business article (Williams, Worley, and Lawler III), 107

SWOT method, 15

systems approach to innovation, 9092


TCC (The Cellular Connection), 117118

Team of Rivals (Goodwin), 22

Tebbutt, Judith, 21

A Long Walk Home, 20

Teller, Eric “Astro,” 89

Tesla Motors company, 36

Thatcher, Margaret, 5356

thinking skills, 4041

Thompson, Don, 3435

Toscanini, Arturo, 119

travel, 133


Williams, Thomas

strategy+business article, 107

“Wisdom of Perhaps, The” story (Altman), 12

Worley, Christopher

strategy+business article, 107

Worthless, Impossible, and Stupid (Isenberg), 42


X factors

action steps, 141142

ambition attribute, 6364

attributes, 59

character attribute, 6567

character, convictions, and personal beliefs, 52

compassion attribute, 62

confidence attribute, 7071

courage attribute, 69

creativity attribute, 6061

curiosity attribute, 6465

humor attribute, 6263

improving on attributes of, 73

as integral to leadership, 56

intelligence attribute, 61

leadership directives, 7475

resilience attribute, 5859, 6769


yoga, 10

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