
After-tax wage rate, 143

Alternative views, saving, 7071

Blinder, Alan S., 7, 8

Brooks, Arthur C., 17

Capital income taxes, 144146

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 13, 127

Capital-to-labor ratio, 116120

Central contradiction, 128131

Chain-weight method, 22

Cobb-Douglas production function, 110111

Consumption-saving choice, 5257

Consumption smoothing, 87

Corporate income tax, 12, 147152

Disposable personal income, 2830

Easterly, William, 113

Economic growth

capital-to-labor ratio, 116120

Gordon’s decline of growth, 123125

laws of capitalism, 127132

secular stagnation, 125127

spur growth, 120123

“The Economy Needs More Spending Now” (Blinder), 7

The Elusive Quest for Economic Growth (Easterly), 113

Fair taxers, 154

Federal Reserve Open Market Committee, 6

Fixed weight method, 20

Flat taxers, 154

GDP. See Gross domestic product

The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Keynes), 2, 5

GNP. See Gross national product

Gordon, Robert, 13, 123125

Gordon’s decline of growth, 123125

Government consumption, 163

Government consumption expenditures, 25

Government gross investment, 25

Government spending

government consumption, 163

infrastructure spending, 163164

transfer payments, 157163

Government transfer payments (GTR), 26

Gross domestic product (GDP)

components of, 2437

definition of, 17

importance of, 1819

nominal vs. real, 1924

real, 4

Gross National Happiness (Brooks), 17

Gross national product (GNP), 26

Gross private saving, 31

GTR. See Government transfer payments

IES. See Intertemporal elasticity of substitution

Individual equilibrium

consumption-saving choice, 5257

labor-leisure choice, 4252

policy implications, 6668

substitution vs income effects, 6366

two-period model with change, 5759

work-now/work-later choice, 6063

Infrastructure spending, 163164

Interest parity condition, 104

International capital movements, 102107

Intertemporal elasticity of substitution (IES), 74, 76

Intertemporal utility, 7578

Keynes, John Maynard, 23, 5

Labor force participation rate (LFPR), 163

Labor income taxes, 138144

Labor-leisure choice, 4252

Labor, supply and demand, 107109

Laffer curve, 135138

Law of diminishing returns, 98

Laws of capitalism, 127132

LFPR. See Labor force participation rate

Lump-sum tax, 139


definition of, 1

Keynes and, 23, 5

microfoundations approach, 12

supply-side economics, 3, 7

suppressed inflation, 4, 8

Marginal effective tax rate, 150

Marginal utility of leisure, 46

Mulligan, Casey, 159

National income, 28

National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA), 22, 24, 26

Net exports

definition of, 25

examples, 3537

Net foreign investment (NFI), 32

Net lending/net borrowing, 32

Net national product (NNP), 28

Net real wage rate, 67

NFI. See Net foreign investment

NIPA. See National Income and Product Accounts

NNP. See Net national product

Nominal vs. real GDP, 1924

Output-to-labor ratio, 116117

Permanent income hypothesis, 8387

Personal consumption expenditures, 24

Personal income, 28

Piketty, Thomas, 13, 127132

Policy implications, 6668, 8788

Purchasing power parity, 103

Real gross domestic product, 4

Real interest rate, 93

The Redistribution Recession (Mulligan), 159

Relative purchasing power parity, 104

Replacement rate, 159

Representative agent, 41

Rise and Fall of American Growth (Gordon), 13, 123

Sarkozy, Nicholas, 18


alternative views of, 7071

changing affecting, 8083

classical model, 7172

description of, 6970

expanding time horizon, 7375

maximizing intertemporal utility, 7578

permanent income hypothesis, 8387

policy implications, 8788

Secular stagnation, 125127

Solow growth model, 114119

Spur growth, 120123

Stabilization policies, 3

Substitution vs income effects, 6366

Summer, Lawrence, 13

Supply and demand, 107109

Supply-side economics, 3, 7

Suppressed inflation, 4, 8

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 1011, 151


on capital income, 144146

corporate income, 147152

description of, 133135

evidence, 154156

on labor income, 138144

Laffer curve, 135138

Time horizon, 7375

Total factor productivity, 110, 123

Total utility of leisure, 46

Transfer payments, 157163

Two-period model with change, 5759

Untaxing net investment, 152154

Utility function, 45, 74

Wall Street Journal, 9, 10

Work-now/work-later choice, 6063

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