MAKE MONEY 3¼-Cent Lure

By Tom Parker

Sometimes it costs more to buy it than to make it from the money itself.


Photograph by Tom Parker


Store-bought fishing lure.


Hook, hardware, solder, and 4 pennies.

5 Hot New DIY Books

From the makers behind CRAFT, MAKE, and Maker Faire

Eccentric Cubicle

Who says cubicles need to be dreary? Eccentric Genius creator Kaden Harris introduces a highly entertaining parallel universe of surreal office-based projects — from desktop guillotines and crossbows to mood-enhancing effects and music makers — that are sure to pique the curiosity of even your most jaded office comrades.


Educational and entertaining, whether or not you want a mail-flinging ballista on your desk.

Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders

Authors Robert Bruce Thompson and Barbara Fritchman Thompson show how serious astronomy is now within the grasp of anyone. An indispensable guide to the equipment you need and how and where to find hundreds of spectacular objects in the deep sky — double and multiple stars as well as spectacular star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies.


The best single-volume guide to the hobby of observational astronomy.

–Max Loudenback, Amazon review

The Best of MAKE

Featuring the editors’ picks for the best projects from MAKE’s first ten volumes, this book is a surefire collection of fun and challenging activities.


A wish book for geeks and handymen alike.

North Adams Transcript (Mass.)

Making Things Talk

Programming microcontrollers used to require a development environment that broke the bank. Not anymore. New open source platforms with simple I/O boards and development environments translate to affordable options for makers on a budget. This book is packed with projects that show what you need to know and do to get your creations talking to each other, connecting to the web, and forming networks of smart devices.


Projects that are accessible for all levels of expertise and budgets.

Building the Perfect PC

Learn everything you want to know about building your own system, from planning and picking out the right components, to step-by-step instructions for assembling your perfect PC, to why you’d want to do it in the first place. Regardless of your level of technical experience, Building the Perfect PC will guide you through the entire process.


A superb, well-done book that will end up being the basis of at least one father-son project in this household.

–Thomas Duff,

Order today from the Maker Store!

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