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ABC World News Tonight, 116

Accepting yourself, 177–181

Acton School of Business, 118

Ad-libbing, 127–134

Adults, as giant children, 172–173

Advice, unwelcome, 65–66

Age, chronological, 173–176

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, 12–14

Always being ready, 188–191

Anchorman (film), 32, 48

Answer, letting others, 155–156

Anticipating others’ needs, 190–191


avoiding, in Gloss and Go, 34

expressing regret as alternative to, 39–40

with follow-ups, 121

genuine, 40

sincere and succinct, 225

Appropriate asking, 148


power of the, 145–150

showcasing your, 156–159

Asking for what you want, 151–156

Attacks, responding to, 180

Attention, capturing someone’s, 124–126

Attire, appropriate, 193–197

Audience, hooking the, 126–127

Available, being, 191

Awards, 170


Backgrounds, researching others’, 115–118, 218

“Be right back,” 122–124

Believing in yourself, 161–186

by accepting yourself, 177–181

and chronological age, 173–176

by empowering others, 181–182

by laughing at yourself, 171–173

by letting yourself be empowered by others, 182–186

by making your own name, 163–167

by not comparing yourself to others, 169–171

by overcoming doubt, 167–169

Bermuda Triangle, social, 27–28

Best Buddies, 123

“Best,” subjectivity of, 169–171

Betta fish, 47–48

Blunt, being, 10–12, 36–39

Body shaming, 88–90

Bodyguards, 48

Boehner, John, 165, 169

Bold statement, making a, 126

Bonds, Barry, 147

Bornstein, Helen, 10

Bornstein, Marc, 10

Branding, 166

Broadcasting and Cable (journal), 200

Brokaw, Tom, 209

The brushoff, 56

Bullying, 64–66

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 200

Business cards, 143


Career setbacks, 199–226

anticipating, 203–204

and changing your perspective, 211–213

and dealing with mistakes, 221–224

and dodging the bullet, 213–215

and the future, 225–226

layoffs as, 204–209

and new opportunities, 216–218

preparing for, 200–203

and rejection, 218–221

responding immediately to, 224–225

Carr Fire, 151–153

Catch Me If You Can (film), 98

Celebrities, overcoming fear of, 118–120

Challenges, deciding not to respond to, 21

Charlotte, N.C., 128, 212

Chronological age, 173–176

Chung, Connie, 164

Cocking of the head, 9

Coffee, meeting for, 150

Comparing yourself to others, 169–171

Competitiveness, 48

Complainers, 40–42

Compliments, 104–106

Connecting with others, 143–159

and asking for what you want, 151–156

and finding “hidden gems,” 144–145

and power of the ask, 145–150

and showcasing your ask, 156–159

Contacts, keeping up with, 149–150

Control, 3–4


being left out of, 27–28

getting out of interminable, 11–12

responding to upsetting, 7

steering the, 140–141

(See also Survival speak)

Conversation starters, 101–102

Convictions, sticking to your, 86–87

Core group, having a, 208–209

Corpse flower, 157–159


competition by, 48

personal data mining by, 53–55

prying by, 52–57

Craigslist, 219

Crazy Rich Asians (film), 22

Cronkite, Walter, 164

Crying, 7–8


Data mining, personal, 53–55

Debates, avoiding, 181

Decision making, 74

Deflecting, 34–35

Democratic National Convention, 128–129, 157

Details, describing the, 131–134

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 98

Digestibility, of feedback, 73

Direct, being, 12

Discussion, fostering, 181

Dodging the bullet, 213–215

Doubt, overcoming, 167–169

Downs, Hugh, 32

“Dress for the job you want,” 189

Drifting eyes, 9

Dumbledore (character), 64


East Coasters, 10

Ego, stroking someone’s, 35–36

Emails, reacting to upsetting, 6–7

Emerson College, 109


power of, when reacting, 3–7

showing, 7–8


listening with, 110

showing, 42


by others, 182–186

of others, 181–182


avoiding being, 121

staying, 108–114

Enraged people, dealing with, 34

Equals, treating others as, 145

Escobar, Pablo, 121

The everywhere ask, 148

Examples, following feedback with, 73–74

Excuses, for making a graceful exit, 121

Extra attention, avoiding, 168

Eye contact:

with audience, 127

maintaining, 111–113

as visual cue, 8–9


Facebook, 62, 67, 75, 119, 150, 152, 158, 162, 172


backing up with, 180–181

sticking to the, 92


getting, 66–72

giving, 72–75

Feeling, showing, 7–8

Feeling sorry for yourself, 207

Feigning ignorance, 56

Ferrell, Will, 32

Firm, being, 56–57

Follow-ups, when making a graceful exit, 121

Forbes magazine, 118

Ford, Christine Blasey, 83–84, 187

“Forgive and forget,” 24

Forgiveness, asking for, 130–131

Frank Abagnale, Jr. (character), 98

Friends, making, 60–64

Frowning, 9

F**k ups, everyday, 221–224


“Getting goodies back,” 63–64

Getting to the point, 127

Getting what you want, 42–46

Glamour magazine, 70, 192

Glazed-over eyes, 9

Gloss and Go, 31–35

Go-bags, 189

Golden State Warriors, 177, 181

Google, 133

Graceful exit, making a, 120–124


core, 208–209

professional, 61–64


Handshakes, 107

Happy, finding what makes you, 166–167

Hazing periods, 49–50

“Hey, can I ask you a question?” approach, 102

“Hidden gems,” finding, 144–145

Hooking the audience, 126–127

HR, sexual harassment and going to, 90–92

Huffington, Arianna, 129

Humor, using, 29–31

Hurston, Zora Neale, 61


#IBelieveChristine, 84

Ignorance, feigning, 56

Immediacy, importance of, 224–225

“In,” finding an, 101–102

Instagram, 136, 152, 158, 172, 222

Interviewing, using silence when, 113–114

Intuition, using your, 203–204

Iwu, Adama, 79


Jennings, Peter, 209

John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development (Rutgers), 204

Joking, 29–31


Kavanaugh, Brett, 43, 45, 83–84

Kilauea volcano, 88

Knee-jerk reactions, 6–7, 19

Kondo, Marie, 216

Kosciusko, Miss., 217


Laughing at yourself, 171–173

Laughter, 29–31


being prepared for, 200–203

dealing with, 204–209

Leader, your inner, 5–6

Lee, Ed, 146–147

Left out, being, 27–28

Lim, Evan, 22

LinkedIn, 202, 210


with empathy, 110

encouraging, in others, 124–127

“Listening window,” 125

Look, finding your, 192–193

Lowest common denominator, finding the, 28–29


Making your own name, 163–167

Mantou, 99

Memorable, staying, 106–108

Mental inventories, 179

#MeToo, 79, 91

Microsoft, 124

Midland, Mich., 99

Milano, Alyssa, 79

Minaj, Nicki, 49–50

Mirroring, 117–118


addressing, 131, 134–136

avoiding drawing extra attention to, 168

dealing with, 221–224

owning your, 224

steamrolling over, 168–169

Montana, Joe, 147

Motives, ulterior, 50–52

Mr. Holmes Bakehouse (San Francisco), 219

MSNBC, 129

Murrow, Edward R., 32


Name, making your own, 163–167

National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), 106

Needs, anticipating others’, 190–191

Netflix, 216

Networking, 149–150, 202 (See also Connecting with others)

New York Times, 79, 187

“No offense,” 17–18

The non-ask ask, 156

Nonvisual memory making, 107

Nooyi, Indra, 93

Notes, sending, 149–150


Obama, Michelle, 157

Obvious, stating the, 102–106

Offended, being, 17–18

Off-the-cuff remarks, making, 127–134

Opportunities, embracing new, 216–218

Oscars, 98, 135

Over-complainers, 92

Owning your mistakes, 224


Passion, showing, 7–8

Pepsi, 93

Perez, Janete, 79

“Person on the street” sound bites, 102

Personal appearance, 187–197

and always being ready, 188–191

and appropriate attire, 193–197

and finding your look, 192–193

The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 61

Pet names, 93–95

Philadelphia, Pa., 213–214

Phony compliments, 104, 105

Pity Parties, 184, 207


focusing on the, 213

reinforcing the, 155–159

Prepared, being, 44–45, 169, 200–203

Problem solving, steps for, 44–46

Professional groups, 61–64

Proof of performance, 156

Prying, by coworkers, 52–57

Public speaking:

fear of, 129

screw-ups when, 134–136

Punctual, being, 191

Purposeful asking, 147–148


Quick responses, 136–139

Quirks, memorable, 107–108


Ramblers, 108–109, 113–114

Rather, Dan, 106–107, 209–211

Reacting, 1–24

by being blunt, 10–12

and eye contact, 8–9

knee-jerk reactions, 6–7, 19

and power of reactions, 3–7

and power of silence, 18–24

in “real life,” 15–17

and recognizing others’ reactions, 4

and regretting reactions, 12–18

showing passion and feeling when, 7–8

and stepping back, 14

visual cues when, 8–10

when offended, 17–18

to yelling, 19–21

Ready, always being, 188–191

Ready retorts, 136–139


expressing, 39–40

reaction, 12–18

Rehearsing, 130

Rejection, 218–221

Relief, from being direct, 39

Respecting others, 179–180

Ron Burgundy (character), 32, 48

Rutgers University, 204


San Francisco, Calif., 146–147, 225–226

Sandwich technique, 155

Self-control, 4

Self-depreciation, 171–173

Setbacks, career (see Career setbacks)

Severe weather, covering, 194–196

Sexism, 87

Sexual harassment, 77–95

escalating the response to, 83–87

pet names as form of, 93–95

and standing up for yourself and others, 87–90

step-wise response to, 79–83

and when to go to HR, 90–92

Shifting eyes, 9

Side chat, mastering the, 28–29

Side hustling, 202–203

Sign-offs, anchor, 31–33


calculated, 21–24

power of, 18–24

using, when interviewing, 113–114

“Simon” (game), 111

Skirting, 42

Smiling, 104

Social Bermuda Triangle, 27–28

Social media, maintaining relationships via, 150

Socializing, overcoming fear of, 99–101

Solution, proposing a, 156

Standing up for yourself and others, 87–90

Staying engaged, 108–114

Staying on topic, 86

Steering the conversation, 140–141

Stepping back, 14

Stop Street Harassment, 78

Storytelling, 4

Surroundings, getting a feel for your, 103–104

Survival speak, 97–141

and ad-libbing, 127–134

and finding an “in,” 101–102

and getting others to listen, 124–127

and handling public-speaking screw-ups, 134–136

and making a graceful exit, 120–124

and overcoming fear of celebrities, 118–120

and overcoming fear of socializing, 99–101

and researching others’ backgrounds, 115–118

and responding to “what do you do?,” 139

and stating the obvious, 102–106

and staying engaged, 108–114

and staying memorable, 106–108

and steering the conversation, 140–141

and using ready retorts, 136–139


Tabloids, 126

TaskRabbit, 219

Teleprompters, 129–130

Testing the waters, 57–60

“Thank you,” as response to compliments, 104, 106

Thinking, reacting without, 6

Thousand Oaks, Calif., 154

Tiger Moms, 37, 163

Time, precious nature of, 121

Time magazine, 147

Timing, 191, 224–225

Tone matching, 83

Toxic relationships, 183–186

Traits, memorable, 107–108

Trust, learning to, 57–60

Twitter, 79, 152, 172, 181


“Uhms,” avoiding, 127

Ulterior motives, 50–52

University of California, Berkeley, 187

University of Cambridge, 146

Unresolved issues, handling, 16–17


Vague answers, giving, 55

“Verbal vortex,” 11

Viral videos, racially-charged, 221–224

Visual cues, 8–10


Walking speed, 10

Watching your back, 47–75

and bullying by others, 64–66

and getting feedback, 66–72

and giving feedback, 72–75

and learning to trust, 57–60

and making friends, 60–64

with prying coworkers, 52–57

and surviving the hazing period, 49–50

and ulterior motives, 50–52

Weinstein, Harvey, 79

“What do you do?,” responding to, 139

What you want, getting, 42–46

Whiners, 40–42, 147

Winfrey, Oprah, 24, 72, 217

Women in the World, 93

Women’s March (San Francisco), 79, 147

Woodruff, Bob, 115–116

Work samples, keeping, 201–202


Yelling, 19–21

Yourself, believing in (see Believing in yourself)

YouTube, 132–133, 201

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