
From the beautiful cover of this book to the realities of organizations today, great accomplishments are much like inspired works of art. Whether one is talking about arranging stones or bringing together people and other resources in organizational systems, it is a balancing act. But the results are spectacular when goals and talent combine to create a lasting and positive impact.

Just as artists find inspiration in all the senses that bring our world to life, managers find inspiration in daily experiences, from the insights of management scholars, through relationships with other people, and among the goals that guide organizations in an ever more demanding society. And like artists, managers must master many challenges as they strive to create the future from the resources of the present.

While a beautiful formation of stones can offer the beholder a sense of balance and harmony in a compelling masterpiece, a well-managed workplace can build, mix, and integrate all the beauties of human talent with great success. This capacity for positive impact is the goal bound into the pages of Management 11e. It is an opportunity to gain knowledge, find inspiration, and engage practices that can prepare each of us to help build the organizations we need to forge a better world.




Today's students are tomorrow's leaders and managers. They are our hope for the future. When well prepared, they can be major contributors during this time of social transformation. But the workplace is rapidly changing, and so too must our teaching and learning environments change from the comforts and successes of days gone by. New values and management approaches are appearing; organizations are changing forms and practices; jobs are being redefined and relocated; the age of information is a major force in our lives; and the intricacies of globalization are presenting major organizational and economic challenges.

Management 11e is designed for this new world of work. It is crafted to help students not just explore the essentials of the management discipline, but also to understand their great personal potential and accept their responsibilities for developing useful career skills. The content, pedagogy, and features of this edition were carefully blended to support management educators who want their courses to:

  • enhance our students' career readiness

  • make our students more attractive as intern and job candidates

  • improve our students' confidence in critical thinking

  • raise our students' awareness of timely social and organizational issues

  • inspire our students to embrace life-long learning for career success


The pedagogical foundations of Management 11e are based on four constructive balances that are essential to higher education for business and management.

  • The balance of research insights with formative education. As educators we must be willing to make choices when bringing the theories and concepts of our discipline to the attention of the introductory student. We cannot do everything in one course. The goal should be to make good content choices and to set the best possible foundations for lifelong learning.

  • The balance of management theory with management practice. As educators we must understand the compelling needs of students to learn and appreciate the applications of the material they are reading and thinking about. We must continually bring to their attention good, interesting, and recognizable examples.

  • The balance of present understandings with future possibilities. As educators we must continually search for the directions in which the real world of management is heading. We must select and present materials that can both point students in the right directions and help them develop the confidence and self-respect needed to best pursue them.

  • The balance of what "can" be done with what is, purely and simply, the "right" thing to do. As educators we are role models; we set the examples. We must be willing to take stands on issues such as managerial ethics and social responsibility. We must be careful not to let the concept of "contingency" betray the need for positive "action" and "accountability" in managerial practice.

Today, more than ever before, our students have pressing needs for direction as well as suggestion. They have needs for application as well as information. They have needs for integration as well as presentation. And they have needs for confidence built upon solid understanding. Our instructional approaches and materials must deliver on all of these dimensions and more. My goal is to put into your hands and into those of your students a learning resource that can help meet these needs. Management 11e and its supporting online resources are my contributions to the future careers of your students and mine.


Management 11e introduces the essentials of management as they apply within the contemporary work environment and a complex global society. The subject matter is carefully chosen to meet AACSB accreditation guidelines, while still allowing extensive flexibility to fit various course designs and class sizes.

Organization and Content

The following chapter realignment makes the new edition as useful and flexible as possible in meeting a wide variety of course objectives. All chapters have also been updated and enriched with new materials and examples from the latest current events.

  • Part 1: Management —Three chapters introducing management in terms of present-day dynamics and historical foundations—Introducing Management, Management Learning Past to Present, and Ethics and Social Responsibility.

  • Part 2: Environment —Three chapters setting the environmental context within which today's managers function—Environment, Sustainability and Innovation, Global Management and Cultural Diversity, and Entrepreneurship and New Ventures.

  • Part 3: Planning —Three-chapter sequence covering Information and Decision Making, Planning Processes and Techniques, and Strategy and Strategic Management.

  • Part 4: Organizing —Three chapters on the essential building blocks of organizations—Organization Structures and Design, Organizational Culture and Change, and Human Resource Management.

  • Part 5: Leading —Five chapters exploring key leadership skills and competencies—Leading and Leadership Development, Individual Behavior, Motivation Theory and Practice, Teams and Teamwork, and Communication and Collaboration.

  • Part 6: Controlling —Two chapters on Control Processes and Systems, and Operations and Services Management.

Integrated Learning Model

Management 11e is written with an integrated learning model. From the chapter opener, through chapter content, to end–chapter support, learning model text:

  • guides students to best read and study for exams,

  • encourages self-reflection about personal management skills and competencies,

  • engages students in critical thinking and active learning,

  • informs students how management issues and themes apply both in their careers and in current events that affect everyday living.

Reading and Studying

Each chapter begins with Study Questions that are linked to the major headings in the chapter. These headings and their major contents are highlighted in a Visual Chapter Overview that precedes the text discussion. A Learning Check follows each major section as a point of self-assessment prior to continuing with the reading.

A Study Question Summary and a Chapter Self-Test tie things together at the end of the chapter. Well designed Figures provide back-up to solidify student comprehension as concepts, theories, and terms are introduced. Where appropriate, Small Boxed Figures and Summaries are embedded with the discussion to help summarize and clarify major points.


Each chapter also opens with Learning About Yourself, a feature that focuses on a critical personal skill or characteristic relevant to chapter content—such as "self-awareness"—in Chapter 1. Students are provided information and insight on the topic, and then asked to engage in a process of self-reflection. An integrated "Get to Know Yourself Better" box sets forth a personal development challenge and directs students toward self-assessment instruments at the end of the chapter and in the online resources.

The end-of-chapter Self-Assessment section has three components to further consolidate the self-reflection process. Back to Yourself reminds students about how chapter discussion relates back to the chapter opening Learning About Yourself segment. Further Reflection provides a self-assessment instrument, along with scoring and interpretation, for additional personal insights relevant to the chapter. And, students are reminded where to find more Online Self-Assessment resources.

Critical Thinking and Active Learning

Special chapter features engage students in timely examples, current events, and applications of chapter material. Real Ethics challenges students to respond to an ethics problem or dilemma. Real People presents exemplars and raises awareness about success in career and work situations. Research Brief summarizes recent research on a chapter topic and asks students to consider further research of their own.

Management Cases for Critical Thinking is a rich and useful learning resource. It contains Case Studies for each chapter that asks students to answer questions relating the case to chapter content. These questions are of three types—discussion, problem solving, and further research. They are useful for in-class discussions, as well as both individual and team writing and presentation assignments.

Management Cases for Critical Thinking also contains a Running Video CaseGreensburg, Kansas. Each section of the case is linked to a book part, and explores management concepts and issues in the context of the economic renewal of a small town in middle America. Greensburg, Kansas, was hit by a devastating tornado in May of 2007. It killed 11 people and destroyed 95 percent of the buildings in the town. The community bonded together and, through shared visions and problem solving, made a commitment to rebuild as a model green community.

Practical Applications

Learning from Others opens each chapter with an example that places chapter content in the context of real people and organizations. The examples are chosen to both capture student interest and remind them how insights into chapter topics and themes can be found in everyday experiences. An embedded Do the Benchmarking box summarizes a management lesson or applications question based on the example used.

Within a chapter, Management Smarts offers a bullet list summary of applications for a chapter concept or theory. Frequent Embedded Examples introduce or highlight a content issue or theory, and many carry small photos to attract the attention of student readers. And at the end of the chapter, the Team Exercise and Case Study have been carefully chosen to further extend the students' understanding and abilities in applying chapter content to real situations.


Instructor's Resource Manual Prepared by Francis Green of Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine, the Instructor's Resource Manual offers helpful teaching ideas. It has advice on course development, sample assignments, and recommended activities. It also offers chapter-by-chapter text highlights, learning objectives, lecture outlines, class exercises, lecture notes, answers to end-of-chapter material, and tips on using cases.

Test Bank Prepared by Joe Hanson of the Des Moines Area Community College, this comprehensive Test Bank (available on the instructor portion of the Management 11e Web site) has more than 175 questions per chapter. The true/false, multiple-choice, and short-answer questions are designed to vary in degree of difficulty by Bloom's Taxonomy and match AASCB guidelines. The computerized test bank allows instructors to modify and add questions to the master bank, and to customize their exams.

Web Quizzes An online study guide with quizzes of varying levels of difficulty helps students evaluate their progress through a chapter. It is available on the student portion of the Schermerhorn, Management 11e Web site.

Pre- and Post-Lecture Quizzes Prepared by Dianne Weinstein of Hofstra University and included in WileyPLUS, the Pre- and Post-Lecture Quizzes focus on the key terms and concepts. They can be used as stand-alone quizzes, or in combination to evaluate students' progress before and after lectures.

PowerPoint Presentation Slides Prepared by Susan Verhulst of Des Moines Area Community College, this robust set of slides can be accessed on the instructor portion of the Management 11e Web site. Lecture notes accompany each slide.

Lecture Launcher Videos Prepared by Susan Verhulst of Des Moines Area Community College, these short video clips developed from CBS source materials provide an excellent starting point for lectures or for general class discussion.

Movies and Music For those interested in integrating popular culture and the humanities into their management courses, the special teaching supplement Art Imitates Life, prepared by Robert L. Holbrook of Ohio University, offers a world of options. This popular supplement provides innovative teaching ideas and scripts for integrating movies and music into day-to-day classroom activities. It is widely praised for increasing student involvement and enthusiasm for learning.

Personal Response System The Personal Response System (PRS) questions for each chapter are designed to spark classroom discussion and debate. For more information on PRS, please contact your local Wiley sales representative.

MP3 Downloads A complete playlist of MP3 downloads provides easy-to-access and ever-ready audio files that overview key chapter topics, terms, and potential test materials.

Student Portfolio Builder This special guide to building a student portfolio is complete with professional résumé and competency documentation templates. It is on the student Companion Web site.

Companion Website The Management 11e Web site at contains a myriad of tools and links to aid both teaching and learning, including resources described above.

Business Extra Select Online Courseware System This program provides an instructor with millions of content resources from an extensive database of cases, journals, periodicals, newspapers, and supplemental readings.


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