Protecting your web server

Look at the output of the getsebool -a | grep 'http' command again, and you'll see that most of the httpd-related Booleans are turned off by default, with only a few turned on. There are two of them that you'll commonly need to turn on when setting up a web server.

If you ever need to set up a website with some sort of PHP-based content management system, such as Joomla or Wordpress, you may have to turn on the httpd_unified Boolean. With this Boolean turned off, the Apache web server won't be able to interact properly with all of the components of the PHP engine:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ getsebool httpd_unified
httpd_unified --> off

[donnie@localhost ~]$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_unified on
[sudo] password for donnie:
[donnie@localhost ~]$ getsebool httpd_unified
httpd_unified --> on
[donnie@localhost ~]$

The other Boolean that you'll commonly need to turn on is the httpd_can_sendmail Boolean. If you ever need for a website to send mail out through a form or if you need to set up a mail server with a web-based frontend, you'll definitely need to set this to on:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ getsebool httpd_can_sendmail
httpd_can_sendmail --> off

[donnie@localhost ~]$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail on

[donnie@localhost ~]$ getsebool httpd_can_sendmail
httpd_can_sendmail --> on
[donnie@localhost ~]$

On the other hand, there are some Booleans that are turned on by default, and you might want to consider whether you really need them turned on. For example, allowing CGI scripts to run on a web server does represent a potential security risk. If an intruder were to somehow upload a malicious CGI script to the server and run it, much damage could occur as a result. Yet, for some bizarre reason, the default SELinux policy allows CGI scripts to run. If you're absolutely certain that nobody who hosts websites on your server will ever need to run CGI scripts, you might want to consider turning this Boolean off:

[donnie@localhost ~]$ getsebool httpd_enable_cgi
httpd_enable_cgi --> on

[donnie@localhost ~]$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_enable_cgi off

[donnie@localhost ~]$ getsebool httpd_enable_cgi
httpd_enable_cgi --> off
[donnie@localhost ~]$
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