Hands-on lab for nftables on Ubuntu

For this lab, you need a clean snapshot of your Ubuntu virtual machine:

  1. Restore your Ubuntu virtual machine to a clean snapshot to clear out any firewall configurations that you created previously. Verify with the commands:
        sudo ufw status
sudo iptables -L

You should see no rules listed for iptables, and the ufw status should be inactive.

  1. Install the nftables package:
        sudo apt install nftables
  1. List the tables, which should give you no output. Load the default configuration file, and list both the tables and the rules:
        sudo nft list tables
sudo nft -f /etc/nftables.conf
sudo nft list tables
sudo nft list table inet filter
  1. Make a backup copy of the nftables configuration file:
        sudo cp /etc/nftables.conf /etc/nftables.conf.bak
  1. Open the original /etc/nftables.conf file in your text editor. Just before the tcp dport . . . accept line, insert this line:
        tcp dport ssh ip saddr {, } drop

Save the file and exit the text editor.

  1. Reload the configuration and view the results:
        sudo nft list tables
sudo nft -f /etc/nftables.conf
sudo nft list tables
sudo nft list table inet filter
  1. End of lab.
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