Scanning for rootkits with Rootkit Hunter

Rootkits are exceedingly nasty pieces of malware that can definitely ruin your day. They can listen for commands from their masters, steal sensitive data and send it to their masters, or provide an easy-access back door for their masters. They're designed to be stealthy, with the ability to hide themselves from plain view. Sometimes, they'll replace utilities such as ls or ps with their own trojaned versions that will show all files or processes on the system except for the ones that are associated with the rootkit. Rootkits can infect any operating system, even our beloved Linux.

In order to plant a rootkit, an attacker has to have already gained administrative privileges on a system. This is one of the many reasons why I always cringe when I see people doing all of their work from the root user's shell and why I'm a firm advocate of using sudo whenever possible. I mean, really, why should we make it easy for the bad guys?

Several years ago, back in the dark days of Windows XP, Sony Music got into a bit of trouble when someone discovered that they had planted a rootkit on their music CDs. They didn't mean to do anything malicious, but only wanted to stop people from using their computers to make illegal copies. Of course, most people ran Windows XP with an administrator account, which made it really easy for the rootkit to infect their computers. Windows users still mostly run with administrator accounts, but they at least now have User Access Control to help mitigate these types of problems.

There are a couple of different programs that scan for rootkits, and both are used pretty much the same way. The one that we'll look at now is named, Rootkit Hunter.

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