
Many people contributed to this book, and I would like to thank them all. I first want to express my deep appreciation to Danijel Arsenovski for contributing and revising several chapters, and especially for his work on Chapter 17, "Using the Entity Data Model." Many thanks to the book's technical editor, Kirstin Juhl, who has read this book with great care and a particular attention to detail. Thank you, Kirstin. I also want to thank the folks at Microsoft for their commitment to Visual Basic. Visual Basic remains my absolute favorite language.

Special thanks to the talented people at Sybex — to all of them and to each one individually — starting with my "Gentle Editor," Mary Ellen Schutz, who has taken this book under her wing and improved it in numerous ways. To acquisitions editor Agatha Kim, who has followed the progress of this book from its conception through its completion. (She will keep working on this book long after I'm done with this page). To Pete Gaughan, editorial manager; Rachel McConlogue, production editor; Judy Flynn and Kim Wimpsett, copyeditors; Rebecca Rider, proofreader; Jack Lewis, indexer; the compositors at Laserwords; and everyone else who added their expertise and talent to this book.

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