
Lee Child once famously said:

"Hope for the best, plan for the worst."

This should be our approach when designing our backup strategy for MongoDB. There are several distinct failure events that can happen.

Backups should be the cornerstone of our disaster recovery strategy in case something happens. Some developers may rely on replication for disaster recovery as it seems that having three copies of our data is more than enough. In case one of the copies goes away, we can always rebuild the cluster from the other two copies.

This is indeed the case in the event of disks failing for example. Disk failure is one of the most common failures in a production cluster and will statistically happen once disks start reaching their MTBF (mean time between failures) time.

However, it is not the only failure event that can happen. Security incidents or purely human errors are just as likely to happen and should be part of our plan as well. Catastrophic failures by means of losing all replica set members at once by a fire, a flood, an earthquake, or a disgruntled employee are all events that should not lead to production data loss.

A useful interim option in the middle ground between replication and implementing proper backups can be setting up a delayed replica set member. This member can be several hours or days lagging behind the primary server, thus not being affected by malicious changes in the primary. The important detail to take into account is that the oplog needs to be configured such that it can hold several hours of delay and also that this solution is only interim as it doesn't take into account the full range of reasons why we need disaster recovery but can definitely help with a subset of them.

This is called disaster recovery. Disaster recovery is a class of failures that require backups to be taken not only regularly but also using a process that isolates them both geographically and in terms of access rules from our production data.

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