Measuring performance

To optimize, one must understand first. The first step towards understanding the performance of our indexes is to learn how to use the explain() command. The explain() command when used in conjunction with a query will return the query plan that MongoDB would use for this query instead of the actual results.

It is invoked by chaining it at the end of our query as follows:

> db.books.find().explain()

It can take three options: queryPlanner (the default), executionStats, and allPlansExecution.

Let's use the most verbose output, allPlansExecution:

> db.books.find().explain("allPlansExecution")

Here, we can get information for both the winning query plan and also some partial information about query plans that were considered during the planning phase but rejected because the query planner considered them slower. The explain() command returns a rather verbose output anyway, allowing for deep insights into how the query plan works to return our results.

At a first glance, we need to focus on whether the indexes that we think should be used are being used, and if the number of scanned documents matches as far as possible the number of returned documents.

For the first one, we can inspect the stage field and look for IXSCAN, which means that an index was used. Then in the sibling indexName field we should see the name of our expected index.

For the second one, we need to compare keysExamined with nReturned fields. We ideally want our indexes to be as selective as possible with regard to our queries, meaning that to return 100 documents, these would be the 100 documents that our index examines.

Of course, this is a tradeoff as indexes increase in number and size in our collection. We can have a limited number of indexes per collection and we definitely have a limited amount of RAM to fit these indexes so we must balance the tradeoff between having the best available indexes and these indexes not fitting into our memory and getting slowed down.

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