Message queuing systems

In most of the flows previously described, we have data being extracted transformed and loaded (ETL) into an enterprise data warehouse (EDW). To extract and transform this data we need a message queuing system to deal with spikes in traffic, endpoints being temporarily unavailable, and other issues that may affect the availability and scalability of this part of the system.

Message queues also provide decoupling between producers and consumers of messages. This allows for better scalability by partitioning our messages into different topics/queues.

Finally, using message queues we can have location-agnostic services, not caring about where the message producers sit, and provide interoperability between different systems.

In the message queuing world, the most popular systems in production at the time of writing this book are RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, and Kafka. We will provide a small overview of them before we dive into our use case to bring all of them together.

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