Version 3

  • Aggregation framework (since v.2.2) and enhancements (since v.2.6)
  • TTL collections (since v.2.2)
  • Concurrency improvements among which DB level locking (since v.2.2)
  • Text search (since v.2.4) and integration (since v.2.6)
  • Hashed index (since v.2.4)
  • Security enhancements, role based access (since v.2.4)
  • V8 JavaScript engine instead of SpiderMonkey (since v.2.4)
  • Query engine improvements (since v.2.6)
  • Pluggable storage engine API
  • WiredTiger storage engine introduced, with document level locking while previous storage engine (now called MMAPv1) supports collection level locking
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