Improving performance

Once we get comfortable with measuring the performance of our most common and important queries for our users, we can start trying to improve them.

The general idea is that we need indexes when we expect or already have repeatable queries that are starting to run slow. Indexes do not come for free, as they impose a performance penalty in creation and maintenance but they are more than worth it for frequent queries and can reduce the lock % in our database if designed correctly.

Recapping on our suggestions from previous section we want our indexes to:

  • Fit in RAM
  • Ensure selectivity
  • Be used to sort our query results
  • Be used in our most common and important queries

Fitting in RAM can be ensured by using getIndexes() in our collections and making sure we are not creating large indexes. Also, by inspecting the system level available RAM and if swap is being used.

Selectivity as mentioned previously is ensured by comparing nReturned with keysExamined in each IXSCAN phase of our queries. We want these two numbers to be as close as possible.

Ensuring that our indexes are used to sort our query results is a combination of using compound indexes (which will be used as a whole and also for any prefix-based query) and also declaring the direction of our indexes to be in accordance with our most common queries.

Finally, aligning indexes with our query needs is a matter of application usage patterns which can uncover which queries are used most of the time and then using explain() on these queries to identify the query plan that is being used each time.

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