Working set calculations

The working set is the strongest indicator of our memory requirements. Ideally, we would like to have our entire dataset in memory but most of the times this is not feasible. The next best thing is having our working set in memory. The working set can be calculated directly or indirectly.

Directly, we had the workingSet flag in serverStatus that we can invoke as follows from the shell:

> db.adminCommand({"serverStatus" : 1, "workingSet" : 1})

Unfortunately, this was removed in version 3.0 and so we will focus on the indirect method of calculating workingSet.

Indirectly, our working set is the size of data we need to satisfy 95% or more of our user's requests. To calculate this, we need to identify from the logs, queries users make and which datasets they use. Adding to it 30-50% for index memory requirements we can arrive at the working set calculation.

Another indirect way of estimating working size is the number of page faults. If we don't have page faults, then our working set fits in memory. Through trial and error we can estimate the point at which page faults start to happen and so again, understand our leeway.

If we can't have the working set in memory, then we should have at least enough memory so that the indexes can fit in memory. We described in the previous chapter how we can calculate index memory requirements and we can use this calculation to size our RAM accordingly.

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