Advantages of sharding

In database systems and computing systems in general, we have two ways to improve performance. The first one is to simply replace our servers with more powerful ones, keeping the same network topology and systems architecture. This is called vertical scaling.

An advantage of vertical scaling is that it is simple from an operational standpoint, especially with cloud providers such as Amazon making it as easy as a few clicks to replace an m2.medium with an m2.extralarge server instance.

Another advantage is that we don't need to make any code changes and there is little to no risk of something going catastrophically wrong.

The main disadvantage of vertical scaling is that there is a limit to it; we can only get as powerful servers as our cloud provider can provide to us.

A related disadvantage is that getting more powerful servers is generally not a linear but an exponential cost increase. Similar to precious gemstones, five cheap servers are almost always cheaper than one server with all the aggregate computing power of the five cheap ones. So, even if our cloud provider offers more powerful instances, we will hit the cost effectiveness barrier before we hit the limit of our department's credit card.

The second way to improve performance is by using the same servers in capacity and increase the number of them. This is called horizontal scaling.

Horizontal scaling offers the advantage of being able to scale theoretically to infinity and practically enough for real-world applications. The main disadvantage is that it can be operationally more complex and requires code change and careful designing of the system upfront.

Horizontal scaling is more complex from a system aspect as well because it requires communication between the different servers over network links that are not as reliable as interprocess communication on a single server.


To understand scaling, it's important to understand the limitations of single server systems. A server is typically bound by one or more of the following characteristics:

  • CPU: A CPU-bound system is one that is limited by our CPU's speed. A task such as multiplication of matrices that can fit in RAM will be CPU bound because there is a specific number of steps that have to be performed in CPU without any disk or memory access needed for the task to complete. CPU usage is the metric that we need to keep track of in this case.
  • I/O: I/O or input-output-bound systems are similarly limited by the speed of our storage system (HDD or SSD). A task such as reading large files from a disk to load into memory will be I/O bound as there is little to do in terms of CPU processing; the bulk majority of time is spent reading the files from the disk. The important metrics to keep track of are all the metrics related to disk access, reads per second, and writes per second as compared to the practical limit of our storage system.
  • Memory and cache: Memory- and cache-bound systems are restricted by the amount of available RAM memory and/or the cache size that we have assigned to them. A task that multiplies matrices larger than our RAM size will be memory bound as it will need to page in/out data from disk to perform the multiplication. The important metric to keep track of is the memory used. This may be misleading in MongoDB MMAPv1 as the storage engine will allocate as much memory as possible through the filesystem cache.

In the WiredTiger storage engine on the other hand, if we don't allocate enough memory for the core MongoDB process, we may get Out of memory errors killing it, and this is something that we want to avoid at all costs.

Monitoring memory usage has to be done both directly through the operating system and indirectly by keeping a track of page in/out data. An increasing number of memory paging is often an indication that we are running short of memory and the operating system is using virtual address space to keep up.

MongoDB, being a database system, is generally memory and I/O bound. Investing in SSD and more memory for our nodes is almost always a good investment. Most systems are a combination of one or more of the preceding limitations. Once we add more memory, our system may become CPU bound as complex operations are almost always a combination of CPU, I/O, and memory usage.

MongoDB's sharding is simple enough to set up and operate, and this has contributed to its huge success over the years as it provides the advantages of horizontal scaling without requiring a large commitment of engineering and operations resources.

That being said, it's really important to get sharding right from the beginning as it is extremely difficult from an operational standpoint to change the configuration once it has been set up. Sharding should not be an afterthought but rather a key architecture design decision from an early point in time.

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