Mongoid ODM

Using a low-level driver to connect to the MongoDB database is often not the most efficient route. All the flexibility that a low-level driver provides is offset against longer development times and code to glue our models with the database.

An ODM (Object Document Mapper) can be the answer to these problems. Just like ORMs, ODMs bridge the gap between our models and the database. In Rails, the most widely used MVC framework for Ruby, Mongoid, can be used to model our data in a similar way to Active Record.

Installing the gem is similar to the Mongo Ruby driver, by adding a single file in the Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid', '~> 6.1.0'

Depending on the version of Rails, we may need to add the following to application.rb as well:

config.generators do |g|
g.orm :mongoid

Connecting to the database is done through a config file, mongoid.yml. Configuration options are passed as key-value pairs with semantic indentation. Its structure is similar to the database.yml used for relational databases.

Some of the options that we can pass through the mongoid.yml file are:

Option Value Description


The database name.


Our database hosts.

Write / w

The write concern (default is 1).

Authentication mechanism. Valid options are: :scram, :mongodb_cr, :mongodb_x509, and :plain. The default option on 3.0 is :scram, whereas the default on 2.4 and 2.6 is :plain.


The authentication source for our authentication mechanism.

Min_pool_size / max_pool_size Minimum and maximum pool size for connections.
SSL / ssl_cert / ssl_key / ssl_key_pass_phrase / ssl_verify A set of options regarding SSL connections to the database.
Include_root_in_json Include the root model name in JSON serialization.


Include the _type field when serializing MongoDB objects.


Use activesupport's time zone when converting timestamps between server and client.


The next step is to modify our models to be stored in MongoDB. This is as simple as including one line of code in the model declaration:

class Person
include Mongoid::Document

We can also use the following:

include Mongoid::Timestamps

We use it to generate created_at and updated_at fields in a similar way to Active Record. Data fields do not need to be declared by type in our models but it's a good practice to do so. The supported data types are:

  • Array
  • BigDecimal
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Float
  • Hash
  • Integer
  • BSON::ObjectId
  • BSON::Binary
  • Range
  • Regexp
  • String
  • Symbol
  • Time
  • TimeWithZone

If the types of fields are not defined, fields will be cast to the object and stored in the database. This is slightly faster but doesn't support all types. If we try to use BigDecimal, Date, DateTime, or Range we will get back an error.

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