• Achilles tendon, 59
  • Anatomy of the human body
    • head proportions, 176
    • measurement system for, 174
    • muscles and connective tissues, 178–179
    • proportional guide, 177
    • skeletal system, 174–176
  • Ancient Greeks, 174
  • Ankle/ankle bones, 56, 58, 59, 61
  • Arleo, Adrian, 93, 119
  • Armature
    • about, 33
    • assembling lower body parts on, 51
    • construction, 33–34
    • placing upper leg on, 64
    • preparing, for assembling body parts on, 52
    • upper leg shapes placed onto, 64
    • wood and rods for, 20
  • Arms, 87–91
  • Arneson, Robert, 15
  • Artists. See Clay artists
  • Assembling the sculpture. See also Head, the
    • arms, 87–90
    • breasts to the figure, 84
    • dryness of clay for, 53
    • footprints, 55
    • hair, 114
    • the hands, 126–132
    • joining slip made for, 52
    • keys used for, 52–53
    • lower leg to footprint, 55–56
    • pelvis, 67, 68–70
    • scoring and slipping for, 53
    • steps in, 51
    • tips for, 53
    • tools and materials for, 51
    • upper body, 75
    • upper legs, 63–66


  • Bailey DRD/II 24 Direct Drive/S/R, 42
  • Banding wheel, 20, 26
  • Beecroft, Vanessa, 15
  • Big toe, 61
  • Biles, Russell, 73, 94
  • Biodegradable plastic. See Plastic
  • Blocker, Lotta, 141
  • Blocking in, 151
  • Bodem, Robert, 141
  • Body, language of the, 11
  • Bone dry clay, 52, 54
  • Bones, 75, 174–176
  • Bone structure, facial, 102, 104, 106
  • Breast line, 78
  • Breasts, 75, 83–84
  • Brow bone, 102, 106


  • Cadell, Melisa, 166
  • Calipers, 23, 59, 64, 65. See also Measurements
  • Calmar, Lars, 94, 165
  • Canon (system of measurement), 174
  • Canova, Antonio, 15
  • Cardinal views, 9, 30, 32, 139, 149, 167–168
  • Carpal bones, 127
  • Cavener, Beth, 15, 94, 119
  • Centerline, 47, 78, 79, 80, 177
  • Ceramics, 9, 11, 15
  • Charcoal renderings, 29
  • Chin, 103, 108, 112, 176
  • Clamp lights, 26
  • Clavicles, 80, 174
  • Clay. See also Slabs
    • dryness of, for joining body parts, 53, 54, 70
    • extra material, 79
    • for fleshing out core forms, 142
    • rehydrating, 54
    • types of, 22–23
    • used to form representational sculptures throughout history, 11–12
  • Clay artists. See also individual names
    • Claire Partington, 85–86
    • Eudald de Juana, 37–39
    • Grzegorz Gwiazda, 158–159
    • Javier Marin, 156–157
    • Judy Fox, 48–49
    • of today, 15
  • Clay knife, 25
  • Clay slabs. See Slabs
  • Cleaning, studio, 18
  • Cline, Tricia, 95, 136
  • Compressor, 28
  • Computer, 26
  • Concha (ear), 108, 112
  • Connective tissue, 178–179
  • Contrapposto pose, 64
  • Córdova, Cristina
  • Core form, definition, 146
  • Cracking, preventing, 53, 160, 161
  • Cross-hatching, 43, 55–56, 63, 68, 76, 145
  • Curneen, Claire, 119, 134
  • Curvilinear perception, 150–151


  • Daylight bulbs, 20, 26
  • Decorative figures, 13
  • De Juana, Eudald, 37–39, 123, 137
  • Deltoid, 80, 178
  • De Staebler, Stephen, 15
  • Dowel, 63
  • Drying, before firing, 160–161
  • Dryness, clay, 53, 54, 70, 76


  • Ears, 108, 112
  • Elbow, 89
  • Equipment, 26–28
  • Erdahl, Thaddeus, 123
  • Espinosa, Susana, 136
  • External contour lines, 149
  • External supports, 36
  • Extra slow cone 2 firing, 163
  • Eyelids, 106
  • Eyeline, 47, 102, 176
  • Eye modeling tool, 24
  • Eyes, 105, 110, 180


  • Facial features, 102–103, 105–112, 180
  • Favre, Sophie, 121
  • Feet. See Foot/feet
  • Female body, major bones of the, 175
  • Fibula, 58, 61
  • Figurative modeling, 9
  • Fingernails, 128
  • Fingers, 126–127, 128
  • Finger tools, 25
  • Finishing slip, 26
  • Firing, 160–163
  • Fleshing, 139–151
  • Foot/feet, 58–61, 70
  • Footprints, 55, 56
  • Foran, Jacob, 120
  • Fork, 53
  • Fox, Judy, 15, 48, 72, 95, 136, 137
  • Frey, Viola, 15


  • Galleries, 71–73, 92–95, 117–123, 134–137, 164–166
  • Gallo, Alessandro, 71, 165
  • Gesture, establishing, 79, 80
  • Glazes/glazing, 18, 26, 155, 160
  • Goat hair brushes, 25
  • Gregor, Michelle, 165
  • Gwiazda, Grzegorz, 158–159


  • Hair, 114
  • Hands, 125–137
  • Head shape pattern, 45–47
  • Head, the, 97–123
  • Heat gun, 28
  • Heel, 59
  • Humanistic figures, 13


  • Illustrative references, 174–180
  • Inspiration, 29–33
  • Intermediate views, 9, 169–173
  • Isupov, Sergei, 121, 136
  • Italian Renaissance, 12, 15
  • Iwamura, En, 15, 121, 122




  • Laguna/Axner, 22
  • Laroque, Jean Pierre, 15
  • Leather hard clay, 54
  • LED bulbs, 20, 26
  • Legs
    • attaching pelvis to, 70
    • hole in, 64
    • keeping dry, 70
    • lower, 55–56
    • upper, 63–67
  • Leigh, Simone, 15
  • Levia, Max, 71, 72
  • Life size compositions, 12, 30, 91
  • Lights/lighting, 20, 26, 148
  • Lips, 108, 110, 112, 180
  • Lira, Benjamin, 97
  • Lower legs, 55–56
    • attaching upper leg to, 64–66
  • Lyon, Ashley, 73
  • Lysippus, 174


  • Marin, Javier, 156–157
  • Mayan culture, 11, 12
  • Measurements, 9. See also Proportions
    • for the arm(s), 88–89
    • with calipers, 23
    • for hands, 126, 132
    • for the head, 102–103, 105
    • head shape pattern, 45–46
    • for life size pieces, 30
    • for the pelvis, 68
    • with seamstress tape, 23–24
    • when attaching breasts, 84
    • when preparing the torso to meet the pelvis, 78–79
  • Measurement system, 174
  • Medallion with Virgin Mary and child (Robbia), 10
  • Metacarpal bones, 127, 128
  • Metal rods
    • for armature, 20, 33, 34
    • for arms, 87, 90
    • for external support, 36, 53
    • for footprints, 55
    • for lower leg, 55–56
    • for upper leg, 63, 64
    • for venting, 140
  • Michelangelo, 15
  • Mirror tile, in the studio, 22
  • Mister/misting, 25, 54, 76
  • Model reference photos, 169–173
  • Models, 30
  • Morey, Crystal, 120, 135
  • Mouth, 103, 108, 113, 176
  • Mudtool ribs, 24
  • Mueck, Ron, 97
  • Muscles
    • facial, 113
    • major muscles in the female body, 178–179
    • upper body, 75
  • Mythological/religious figures, 13



  • Ocular cavities, 102, 105
  • Olds, Claudia, 137
  • Orbicularis oris muscle, 113
  • Ortiz, Virgil, 72
  • Oxides, 155


  • Paddles, 25, 79, 82, 149
  • Palm(s), 127, 128, 130
  • Paper clay, 22, 36, 54, 161
  • Park, Kyungmin, 120
  • Partington, Claire, 85–86, 93, 166
  • Patterns. See also Templates
    • benefits of using, 44
    • head shape, 45–47, 98–104
    • how to create your own, 45
    • modifying in accordance with photographic references, 51
  • Pelvis, 51, 67, 68–70, 78–79
  • Phalanges, 58, 61, 127
  • Photographic references, 9
    • for fleshing out core forms, 141, 142
    • four cardinal views, 167–168
    • for hands, 126
    • making a head shape pattern without, 45–46
    • model reference photos, 169–173
    • modifying patterns in accordance with, 51
    • for pelvis, 68
    • processing and printing, 30, 32
    • reading contours with additional, 141
    • sculpture stand when using, 18
    • sourcing, 30
    • upper body, 78–79, 80, 88, 89
    • for upper legs, 64
    • work surface and, 18, 20
  • Planar perception, 149–150
  • Plastic, 23
    • protecting composition with, 54, 70, 76, 90
    • tracing footprints onto, 55
  • Plensa, Jaume, 147
  • Polykleitos, 174
  • Powell, Joanna, 93
  • Proportions
    • female head, 176
    • proportional guide, 177
    • system of measurement for, 174
  • Proto-slab, 20, 22, 43
  • Pubic area, 70, 80


  • Rag/terry cloth, 25
  • Rathbone, Kelly, 94, 123
  • Registration keys. See Keys/keying
  • Reinertson, Lisa, 135
  • Respirator, 18
  • Rhythm, 151
  • Robbia, Luca della, 10, 15
  • Rods. See Metal rods
  • Rolling pin, 20, 22, 41, 43–44


  • Safety, in the studio, 18
  • Scale
    • adjusting measurements when not working at full, 23–24
    • for clay objects used to create patterns, 46
    • computer used for, 26
    • patterns/templates and, 44, 45, 46, 47
    • photographic references printed to, 30, 32, 141
    • working in smaller, 29, 30
  • Scapulae, 176
  • Sculpture rakes, 24
  • Sculpture stand, 18, 20, 26
  • S curve, 151
  • Seamstress tape, 23–24
  • Serrated rib, 24, 43–44, 55
  • Shadow lines, 148–149
  • Shadows, 146, 148
  • Shimazu, Esther, 71, 137
  • Shop towels, 23
  • Shrinkage, 80, 160
  • Shrink slabs, 28, 160
  • Silhouette, 148, 149
  • Simonsson, Kim, 135, 165
  • Sketches, 29, 45, 46
  • Skull, 99, 100
  • Slab roller, 20, 26, 42, 43
  • Slabs
    • about, 41
    • clay dryness for building, 54
    • making a, 40–44
    • monitoring water content of, 54, 70
    • upper leg, 63
  • Slip
    • about, 25
    • joining, 52–53
    • mixing, 18
    • used when fleshing out core form, 145
    • for venting, 140
  • Slipping and scoring
    • arms, 90
    • hands, 130
    • the head, 105, 116
    • head to the neck, 116
    • lower leg edges, 55
    • lower leg to footprint, 56
    • the neck, 82
    • overview, 53
    • pelvis, 68, 70
    • torso, 76
    • upper and lower legs together, 64
    • upper leg, 63, 66
    • when joining body parts, 53
  • Slow cone 2 firing, 162–163
  • Small wire loop tools, 25
  • Spray booth, 18, 28
  • Spray bottle, 25, 54
  • Staschke, Dirk, 15
  • Stecko, Kathy, 93
  • Sternum, 80
  • Storer, Suzanne, 122
  • Studio
    • equipment for, 26–28
    • lighting for, 20
    • safety in, 18
    • setting up, 16–18
    • tools for the, 18–25
    • work surface for, 18, 20
  • Suárez, Jaime, 11
  • Superior orbital compartment, 106
  • Surface development, 153–166
    • considerations for, 155
    • dryness of clay, 160–161
    • firing, 160–163
    • firing supports, 160
    • gallery, 164–166
    • of Gwiazda, Grzegorz, 158–159
    • of Marin, Javier, 156–157
    • testing and, 155
  • Symmetry, 149


  • Takamori, Akio, 15, 73, 166
  • Temperature, firing, 155
  • Templates, 9–10, 181–188. See also Patterns
  • Terra-cotta, 11, 12
  • Terry cloths, 25, 140
  • Testing surfaces, 155
  • Themes, in figurative sculpture, 13
  • Thickness strips, 20, 43–44
  • Threaded rod. See Metal rods
  • Three-dimensional sketching, 45
  • Tibia, 58, 61
  • Toenails, 62
  • Toes, 58, 60
  • Toland, Tip, 15, 95, 97, 122
  • Tools and materials, 18–25. See also Clay
  • Toothed stainless-steel tool, 53
  • Torso, 76–80
  • Transitional views, 26, 32, 141
  • Trapezius muscle, 82, 176, 178
  • Trapezoid, 23
  • Trimming material, 79
  • Turntable, on top of a table, 20
  • Two-dimensional sketching, 45


  • Upper body, 75–95
  • Upper legs, 51, 63–67



  • Warashina, Patti, 15
  • Watercolor renderings, 29
  • Wedel, Matt, 15
  • Wire brush scoring tool, 53, 83
  • Wire tool, 23, 43
  • Wooden boards, 26
  • Wooden finger tool, 80
  • Wooden paddle, 25
  • Wood, for armature, 20
  • Wood point head tool/finger tool, 25
  • Workspace. See Studio
  • Work surfaces, 18, 20
  • Wrist, 126, 127, 132


  • X-ACTO knife, 24, 47, 53
  • Xiem stainless steel tools, 24


  • Yamada, Kensuke, 135
  • Yuh, Sunkoo, 166


  • Zhang, Wanxin, 73
  • Zygomatic arch, 102
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