Local and Global scope

When creating a variable in the console (outside of functions or script blocks), the Local scope is Global. The Global scope can be accessed from inside a function (child) because it is a parent scope:

Remove-Variable thisValue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
$Local:thisValue = "Some value" 
"From Local: $local:thisValue"          # Accessible 
"From Global: $global:thisValue"        # Accessible 
function Test-ThisScope { 
    "From Local: $local:thisValue"      # Does not exist 
    "From Global: $global:thisValue"    # Accessible 

When scopes are explicitly named as this, the source of a variable value can be reasonably clear. If the scope prefix is removed, PowerShell attempts to resolve the variable by searching the parent scopes:

Remove-Variable thisValue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
# This is still "local" scope 
$thisValue = "Some value" 
function Test-ThisScope { 
    "From Local: $local:thisValue"      # Does not exist 
    "From Global: $global:thisValue"    # Accessible 
    "Without scope: $thisValue"         # Accessible 

The variable thisValue was created in the Global scope. As the function does not have a similarly named variable in its Local scope, it walks up the scope hierarchy and picks out the variable from the parent scope.

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