Creating and deleting items

The New-Item command is able to create files, directories, and keys:

New-Item $env:Temp
ewfile.txt -ItemType File 
New-Item $env:Temp
ewdirectory -ItemType Directory 
New-Item HKLM:SoftwareNewKey -ItemType Key 

When creating a file using New-Item in PowerShell, the file is empty (0 bytes).

In PowerShell 5, New-Item gained the ability to create symbolic links, junctions, and hard links:

  • A symbolic link is a link to another file or directory. Creating a symbolic link requires administrator privileges (run as administrator)
  • A hard link is a link to another file on the same drive
  • A junction is a link to another directory on any local drive. Creating a junction does not require administrative privileges

The links may be created as follows:

New-Item LinkName -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value \ServerShare 
New-Item LinkName.txt -ItemType HardLink -Value OriginalName.txt 
New-Item LinkName -ItemType Junction -Value C:Temp 
Temporary files:
If a script needs a file to temporarily store data, the New-TemporaryFile command may be used:
This command was introduced with PowerShell 5. The earlier versions of PowerShell may use the Path.GetTempFileName static method:
Both commands create an empty file. The resulting file may be used with Set-Content, Out-File, or any of the commands that write data to a file.

The Remove-Item command may be used to remove an existing item under a provider; for example:

$file = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() 
Set-Content -Path $file -Value 'Temporary: 10' 
Remove-Item $file 

Providers such as filesystem and registry are reasonably flexible about removing items. When removing a directory or key with children, the recurse parameter should be used.

The certificate provider restricts the use of Remove-Item to certificates; certificate stores cannot be removed.

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