Quick commands and hot keys

Refer to the following table:


ise <file>

Opens PowerShell ISE.

Opens a file with ISE if a filename is given.


code <file or folder>

If Visual Studio Code is installed (and in %PATH%).

Opens the VS Code.

Opens a file or folder with the VS Code.


Shows command history for the current session.

Autocompletes in context. Tab can be used to complete command names, parameter names, and some parameter values.


Autocompletes against history (beginning of the line). Typing #get- and repeatedly pressing Tab will cycle through all commands containing Get- from your history.

ii ii is an alias for the invoke-item. Opens the current directory in Explorer.
start iexplore

start is an alias for the start-process. Opens Internet Explorer.

start <name> -verb runas Runs a process as administrator.
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