IP addresses

Validating an IPv4 address using a regular expression is not necessarily a trivial task.

The IP address consists of four octets; each octet can be a value between 0 and 255. When using a regular expression, the values are considered to be strings, therefore the following strings must be considered:

  • [0-9]: 0 to 9
  • [1-9][0-9]: 1 to 9, then 0 to 9 (10 to 99)
  • 1[0-9]{2}: 1, then 0 to 9, then 0 to 9 (100 to 199)
  • 2[0-4][0-9]: 2, then 0 to 4, then 0 to 9 (200 to 249)
  • 25[0-5]: 2, then 5, then 0 to 5 (250 to 255)

Each of these is an exclusive set, so alternation is used to merge all of the previous small expressions into a single expression. This generates the following group that matches a single octet (0 to 255):


IP address validation contains repetition now; four octets with a period between each:

There are other, perhaps better, ways than such a long regex. If a string is a strong candidate for being an IP address, consider using the TryParse static method on the IPAddress type. It will handle both v4 and v6 addressing:
$ipAddress = [IPAddress]0 # Used as a placeholder
if ([IPAddress]::TryParse("::1", [ref]$ipAddress)) {
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