
It should be clear that the SysOperation framework is not only a replacement for the RunBaseBatch framework, but it also improves upon it. Many of the improvements are due to the implementation of the MVC pattern. This allows for the reuse of many of the components such as the data contracts, service operations, and controllers.

Reusing these components enables the batch processing for existing services and rapid development of new services. More than that, the different execution modes allow these services to run synchronously and asynchronously with little effort by the developers. It is even possible to leverage the power of the batch framework to run the processes in parallel, all in a way that is scalable. This improves the overall performance and user experience.

Up until now, we have always created services in Microsoft Dynamics AX and exposed them to external applications. In the next chapter, we will reverse the roles and consume an external service in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

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