
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


* (wildcard) operator, Search from a Search Center
- (minus sign), excluding keywords from search results, Search from a Search Center
_ (underscore), using in list names, Creating and deleting lists
“ ” (quotation marks, double), surrounding search phrase, Search from a Search Center


Access, A few assumptions
(see also Office 2013)
connecting to SharePoint, Connecting Access and SharePoint
achievement levels for Community Site members, Enabling site-wide reputation tracking
Add A Document dialog box, Upload and tag media files, Associate related content to a video file
Add A Favorite dialog box, Add the notes tool to your favorites
Add Content Dialog box, Tag media files
Add To Default View setting command, list columns, Create a column
Adding Asset Library dialog box, Create an asset library, Create an asset library
Adding Calendar dialog box, Creating a calendar list
Adding Custom List dialog box, Creating and deleting lists
Adding Discussion Board dialog box, Create a discussion board
Adding Document Library dialog box, Create a document library
Adding Issue Tracking dialog box, Using the issue tracking list
Adding Tasks dialog box, Add an app on SharePoint, Create a project task list
Additional Column Settings dialog box, Create a column
Advanced Search, Using advanced search
search alerts
creating, Working with search alerts
editing or deleting, Edit or delete search alerts
setting on discussions, Tracking discussions in progress
Announcements template, Creating list columns
App Parts, Using Web Parts, Using Web Parts
adding to a page, Adding an App Part to a page
Approval workflow, Automating tasks with workflows
apps, Using the Office Store, Using your apps
adding from SharePoint Store, Add an app from the SharePoint Store
adding on SharePoint, Using the Office Store, Using your apps
asset libraries, Working with media
(see also media, working with)
connecting to Microsoft Office, Using SharePoint assets in Microsoft Office
creating, Creating an asset library, Introducing the Asset Library app
Enterprise Keywords, Tag media files
tagging media files, Tagging media files
uploading and tagging media files, Uploading and tagging media files
uploading multiple files, Upload multiple files
attachments to list items, Adding and editing list items
audiences, targeting Web Parts for, Targeting Web Parts for an audience
audio, Working with media
in asset libraries, Introducing the Asset Library app
organizing files by using keywords and metadata, Organizing by using keywords and metadata
auditing policies, Introduction to information management policies
creating, Creating auditing policies
in lists or libraries, Create an audit policy within a list or library
on site content type, Creating auditing policies
viewing auditing reports, Viewing an audit report
auto-generated document IDs, Configure document ID settings


badges, Community portals and sites
assigning to members of Community Site, Assigning badges to members
creating, Creating badges
viewing for Community Site members, Viewing badges and reputation scores for a member
working with, on Community Sites, Working with badges
creating badges, Working with badges
editing a badge, Edit a badge
barcodes, document barcode policies, Introduction to information management policies
Basic Search Center, Searching for information
Basic Search Center template, Access a SharePoint site
Best Reply to a post, Rating discussions
Blog Site template, Collaborating with blogs
blogs, Collaborating with blogs
Blog site on My Site, Introducing My Site
Blog template, Access a SharePoint site
changing blog description, Changing your blog description
changing blog picture, Changing your blog picture
components of a blog site, Collaborating with blogs
creating a blog site, Creating a blog site
creating personal blog site from SharePoint profile, Create a personal blog site from your SharePoint profile
managing comments, Managing blog comments
adding a comment, Managing blog comments
viewing, editing, or deleting comments, View, edit, or delete comments
managing posts, Managing blog posts
creating a post, Managing blog posts
publishing post saved as draft, Publish a blog post that was previously saved as a draft
publishing posts using desktop blogging tools, Using desktop blogging tools to publish blog posts
subscribing to blog’s RSS feed, Subscribing to a blog’s RSS Feed
using categories to organize blogs, Using categories to organize your blogs
editing a category, Edit a category
Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
Web Parts on Home page (example), Using Web Parts
Yammer, corporate microblogging tool, Community portals and sites
business data, Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
Business Intelligence Center template, Access a SharePoint site
business users, Who this book is meant for


calendar lists
creating, Creating a calendar list
switching calendar views, Switch calendar views
Calendar template, Creating list columns
connecting SharePoint calendars to Outlook, Connecting SharePoint calendars to Outlook
scheduling events on, Scheduling events on the calendar
using on Community Sites, Working with categories
using to organize blogs, Using categories to organize your blogs
editing a category, Edit a category
check in
Check In dialog box, Check in a document
checking in a document, Check in a document
check out
checking out documents, Checking documents in and out
requiring and displaying for documents, Requiring and displaying document check out
Check Permissions dialog box, Check permissions for an individual or group
Choose A File To Upload dialog box, Use an image from your computer as a thumbnail, Associate related content to a video file
Class Schedule listing, organizing using folders, Organizing items by using folders
Collaboration tab, Create a SharePoint team site
colleagues, mentioning (see mentions)
Collect Feedback workflow, Automating tasks with workflows
Collect Signatures workflow, Automating tasks with workflows
Column Validation setting, list columns, Create a column
configuring in Gantt Charts, Configure Gantt columns
in list views, Create a list view
filtering on, Filter a list view
sorting by, Sorting or filtering a list view
creating, Creating list columns
deleting, Delete a list column
editing, Editing and deleting list columns
using validation rules, Using list and column validation rules
comments, blog, managing, Managing blog comments
Community Portal template, Access a SharePoint site
Community Sites, Community portals and sites
adding moderators to, Adding moderators to community sites
adding users, Adding users to community sites
badges, Working with badges
assigning to members, Assigning badges to members
creating a badge, Working with badges
editing a badge, Edit a badge
Community Site template, Access a SharePoint site
creating site collection, Creating a community site site collection
creating subsite, Creating a community site subsite
creating, Creating and editing discussions
editing, Edit a discussion you have created
managing replies, Managing replies
moderating, Moderating discussions
replying to, Replying to a discussion
searching for, Searching for discussions
tracking in-progress discussions, Tracking discussions in progress
enabling site-wide reputation tracking, Enabling site-wide reputation tracking
Home page, Community portals and sites
joining an open site, Sharing your community site
managing community settings, Managing your community settings
moderation, importance of, Community portals and sites
overview, Community portals and sites
reviewing posts submitted for moderation, Reviewing posts submitted for moderation
using Community Site template, Using the Community Site template
viewing badges and reputation scores for members, Viewing badges and reputation scores for a member
Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
working with categories, Working with categories
Configure Columns dialog box, Configure Gantt columns
Contacts template, Creating list columns
viewing site contents, Locating content on a site
Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
Content Editor Web Part, Using Web Parts, Using Web Parts
content types
associating document templates with, Associating document templates with content types
associating workflows with, Associating workflows with content types
browsing through, Browsing through content types
creating content type retention policies on a library, Creating content type retention policies on a library
creating new, Creating a new content type
for documents, Customizing document templates
modifying document template for, Modify the document template for a document library
site content type information management policies, accessing, Accessing site content type information management policies
Contribute permission level, Adding people to groups
Create A New Folder dialog box, Organizing items by using folders
Create Workflow dialog box, Import a Visio workflow into SharePoint Designer
Custom List apps, Creating and deleting lists


Datasheet views, lists, Sorting and filtering lists
Default Value setting, list columns, Create a column
deleting data
Delete This List (or Delete This Library), Delete a list or library
list columns, Delete a list column
list items, Deleting and restoring list items
Description setting, Additional Column Settings dialog box, Create a column
changing blog description, Changing your blog description
changing site description, Changing your site’s title, description, and logo
Design permission level, Adding people to groups
Developer Site template, Access a SharePoint site
discussion boards
connecting discussion thread to Outlook, Connecting a discussion to Microsoft Outlook
creating, Creating a discussion board
participating in discussion
replying to discussion thread, Reply to a discussion thread
starting discussion thread, Participating in a discussion
rating discussions, Rating discussions
discussions (on Community Sites), Community portals and sites
categories for, Working with categories
creating, Creating and editing discussions
creating discussion site as community subsite, Using the Community Site template
Discussion List section, Home page, Community portals and sites
editing, Edit a discussion you have created
managing replies, Managing replies
moderating, Moderating discussions
finding unanswered questions, Moderating discussions
marking discussion as featured, Mark a discussion as featured
replying to, Replying to a discussion
reviewing posts submitted for moderation, Reviewing posts submitted for moderation
searching for, Searching for discussions
tracking in-progress discussions, Tracking discussions in progress
Disposition Approval workflow, Automating tasks with workflows
distribution/security group audiences, Targeting Web Parts for an audience
document barcode policies, Introduction to information management policies, View an audit report
Document Center template, Access a SharePoint site
document label policies, Introduction to information management policies, View an audit report
document libraries
accessing information management policies, Accessing list information management policies
breaking permission inheritance, Breaking permission inheritance
creating, Managing documents with a document library
creating content type retention policy on, Creating content type retention policies on a library
excluding from search, Excluding document libraries and lists from search
inheriting parent permissions, Break inheritance
on My Site, Uploading content
searching within, Search within a document library
document templates, associating with content types, Associating document templates with content types
attaching to list items, Adding and editing list items
checking in and out, Checking documents in and out
configuring document sets on a document library, Configuring document sets on a document library
configuring document sets on a site, Configuring document sets on a site
document set options, Configure document set options
turning on document sets feature, Configuring document sets on a site
configuring with document IDs, Configuring documents with document IDs
document ID settings, Configure document ID settings
copying or sharing, Copying or sharing documents
downloading copy of a document, Copying or sharing documents
sharing, Share a document
customizing document templates, Customizing document templates
Document Set Web Parts, Using Web Parts
launching workflows on, Starting workflows on documents
managing with a document library, Managing documents with a document library
moving, Moving documents
adding custom Send To location, Add a custom Send To location
using Send To menu, Moving documents
previewing in Search Center, Previewing search results in Search Center
requiring and displaying document check out, Requiring and displaying document check out
uploading multiple, Uploading multiple documents
using Explorer, Upload multiple files with Explorer
using document IDs, Using document IDs
Find By Document ID Web Part, Use the Find By Document ID Web Part
locating ID on a document, Using document IDs
Download A Copy command, Copying or sharing documents


eDiscovery cases, SharePoint and eDiscovery
eDiscovery Center template, Access a SharePoint site
eDiscovery Download Manager dialog box, Export eDiscovery results
eDiscovery queries, SharePoint and eDiscovery
eDiscovery sets, SharePoint and eDiscovery, Identifying and holding content
eDiscovery Site template, Creating an eDiscovery Center
eDiscovery sources, SharePoint and eDiscovery
eDiscovery, SharePoint and, SharePoint and eDiscovery
accessing deleted content under legal hold, Accessing deleted content under legal hold
creating eDiscovery Center, Creating an eDiscovery Center, Creating an eDiscovery Center
creating eDiscovery query, Creating an eDiscovery query
eDiscovery Center site, SharePoint and eDiscovery
items to work with, SharePoint and eDiscovery
exporting eDiscovery results, Exporting eDiscovery results
identifying and holding content, Identifying and holding content
introduction to eDiscovery and legal holds, SharePoint and eDiscovery
removing a hold, Removing an eDiscovery hold
working with eDiscovery cases, Working with eDiscovery cases
accessing existing cases, Access existing cases
creating eDiscovery case, Working with eDiscovery cases
Edit command (for list items), Edit a list item
Edit permission level, Adding people to groups
Edit Properties dialog box, Working with video files
Change Thumbnail, Adding a thumbnail to a video
electronic discovery (see eDiscovery)
email, archiving Outlook email in SharePoint, Archiving Outlook email in SharePoint
Enforce Unique Values setting (list columns), Create a column
Enterprise Keywords, Tag media files
enabling, Organizing by using keywords and metadata
Enterprise Search Center, Searching for information
Enterprise Search Center template, Access a SharePoint site
Enterprise Wiki template, Access a SharePoint site
events, scheduling on the calendar, Scheduling events on the calendar
exporting data from SharePoint list to, Exporting data from a SharePoint list to Excel
exporting table to SharePoint, Exporting an Excel table to SharePoint
spreadsheets, importing into SharePoint, Importing a spreadsheet into SharePoint
excluding site content from search, Excluding site content
uploading multiple files with, Upload multiple files with Explorer
using on library ribbon, Uploading multiple documents
Export: Download dialog box, Export eDiscovery results


favorites, adding notes tool to, Add the notes tool to your favorites
featured discussion, marking, Mark a discussion as featured
file types for document libraries, Customizing document templates
following SkyDrive Pro documents, Following SkyDrive Pro documents
locating followed documents using SkyDrive Pro, Locating followed documents by using SkyDrive Pro
locating followed documents using the newsfeed, Locating followed documents by using the newsfeed
saving to SkyDrive Pro
for access only by you, Saving files to be accessible only to you
to be shared with everyone, Saving files to SkyDrive Pro
sharing SkyDrive Pro files, Sharing SkyDrive Pro files
requirement, Share SkyDrive Pro files
synchronizing SkyDrive Pro to your local computer, Synchronizing SkyDrive Pro to your local computer
discontinuing synchronization, Discontinuing sync between SkyDrive Pro and your local device
limits on synchronizing content in SkyDrive Pro, Discontinue syncing SkyDrive Pro files with your local device
dynamic filtering within search results, Using search refinement
filter Web Parts, Using Web Parts
list views, Filter a list view
lists, Filter a list
using search refinement to filter results, Filter results by using search refiners
Find By Document ID Web Part, Use the Find By Document ID Web Part
setting folder retention policy source, Setting library or folder-based retention schedules
Shared With Everyone folder on My Site, Uploading content
using to organize items, Organizing items by using folders
following people, Following people
searching for people to follow, Searching for people to follow
searching by keyword, Search for a person by keyword
stop following a person, Stop following a person
viewing status of a colleague, View the status of a colleague
following SkyDrive Pro documents, Following SkyDrive Pro documents
locating followed documents using SkyDrive Pro, Locating followed documents by using SkyDrive Pro
locating followed documents using the newsfeed, Locating followed documents by using the newsfeed
forms, Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
validation formula for a list, Add a validation rule to a column
validation formula for a list column, Using list and column validation rules
Full Control permission level, Adding people to groups


gamification, Working with badges
Gantt Charts
configuring columns, Configure Gantt columns
viewing tasks in, Viewing tasks in a Gantt Chart
global audiences, Targeting Web Parts for an audience
Groove (Workspaces), replacement with SkyDrive Pro, Using SkyDrive Pro
groups, Understanding SharePoint security
adding people to, Adding people to groups
existing groups, Add people to existing groups
checking permissions for, Check permissions for an individual or group
creating, Creating groups
editing site permissions for a group, Editing permissions
permission levels assigned to, View site permissions
removing group’s site permissions, Remove a group’s site permissions
removing users from, Removing security
targeting Web Parts for SharePoint groups, Targeting Web Parts for an audience


holds (eDiscovery)
creating, Identifying and holding content
removing, Removing an eDiscovery hold


Image Viewer Web Part, Using Web Parts, Using Web Parts
changing blog picture, Changing your blog picture
in asset libraries, Introducing the Asset Library app
inserting image from SharePoint on SharePoint page, Adding media to a SharePoint page
using image from computer as video thumbnail, Use an image from your computer as a thumbnail
individual items, granting access to, Grant access to individual items
individuals, checking permissions for, Check permissions for an individual or group
information management policies, Using information management policies
creating auditing policies, Creating auditing policies
creating content type retention policies on a library, Creating content type retention policies on a library
document label and document barcode policies, View an audit report
inheritance of, Introduction to information management policies
introduction to, Introduction to information management policies
list information management policies, accessing, Accessing list information management policies
setting library or folder-based retention schedules, Setting library or folder-based retention schedules
site content type, accessing, Accessing site content type information management policies
types of, Introduction to information management policies
viewing auditing reports, Viewing an audit report
information, organizing and managing, Organizing and managing information
associating document templates with content types, Associating document templates with content types
browsing through content types, Browsing through content types
browsing through site columns, Browsing through site columns
creating new content type, Creating a new content type
creating site columns, Creating site columns
introduction to SharePoint metadata, Organizing and managing information
working with workflows, Associate a document template with a content type
breaking permission inheritance, Breaking permission inheritance
information management policy, Introduction to information management policies
parent permissions, Break inheritance
integration between SharePoint and Office, A few assumptions
(see also Office 2013)
using SharePoint assets in Office, Using SharePoint assets in Microsoft Office
issue tracking lists, Using the issue tracking list
creating, Using the issue tracking list
configuring issue categories, Configure issue categories
attaching to list items, Adding and editing list items
list (see lists)


Keyword Query Language (KQL), Search from a Search Center
keywords, Searching for information
(see also search)
Enterprise Keywords, Tag media files


labels, document label policies, Introduction to information management policies
legal holds, SharePoint and eDiscovery
accessing deleted content under, Accessing deleted content under legal hold
libraries, List and library essentials
(see also lists)
breaking permission inheritance, Breaking permission inheritance
connecting SharePoint libraries to Office, Connecting SharePoint libraries to Office
creating, Creating and deleting lists
creating audit policy within, Create an audit policy within a list or library
creating content type retention policies on a library, Creating content type retention policies on a library
defined, Creating and deleting lists
deleting, Delete a list or library
document library, Managing documents with a document library
accessing information management policies, Accessing list information management policies
configuring document sets on, Configuring document sets on a document library
creating, Managing documents with a document library
dragging multiple documents to, Uploading multiple documents
modifying document template for, Customizing document templates
requiring and displaying document check out, Requiring and displaying document check out
document library on My Site, Uploading content
granting access to, Granting access to lists, libraries, and individual items
granting access to individual items in, Grant access to individual items
inheriting parent permissions, Break inheritance
setting library retention policy source, Setting library or folder-based retention schedules
viewing permissions for, Checking permissions
Limited Access permission level, Adding people to groups
list workflows, Automating tasks with workflows
lists, List and library essentials
adding items, Adding and editing list items
adding to a page, Adding an App Part to a page
apps, Using your apps
associating workflows with, Associating workflows with lists
creating, Creating and deleting lists
creating and selecting list view, Creating and selecting a list view
creating audit policy within, Create an audit policy within a list or library
creating list columns, Creating list columns
creating list workflow in SharePoint Designer, Creating a list workflow in SharePoint Designer
deleting items, Deleting and restoring list items
deleting list columns, Delete a list column
editing list columns, Editing and deleting list columns
editing list items, Edit a list item
excluding from search, Excluding document libraries and lists from search
exporting data from SharePoint list to Excel, Exporting data from a SharePoint list to Excel
filtering, Filter a list
granting access to, Granting access to lists, libraries, and individual items
list information management policies, accessing, Accessing list information management policies
organizing by using folders, Organizing items by using folders
restoring deleted items, Restore a deleted item
sorting, Sorting and filtering lists
sorting or filtering list view, Sorting or filtering a list view
using list and column validation rules, Using list and column validation rules
viewing permissions for, Checking permissions
logo, changing for a site, Changing your site’s title, description, and logo
look and feel of a site, customizing, Customizing the interface, Changing the look and feel of a site


Maximum Number Of Characters setting, list columns, Create a column
media, working with, Working with media
adding media to SharePoint page, Adding media to a SharePoint page
inserting image from SharePoint, Adding media to a SharePoint page
inserting video in SharePoint page, Insert video on a SharePoint page
asset libraries, Introducing the Asset Library app
associating related content to video file, Associate related content to a video file
connecting to Office 365, Connect to Office 365
Enterprise Keywords, Tag media files
organizing files by using keywords and metadata, Organizing by using keywords and metadata
tagging media files, Tagging media files
uploading and tagging media files, Uploading and tagging media files
uploading multiple files, Upload multiple files
using picture from web as thumbnail, Use a picture from a web address (on the Internet) as a thumbnail
using SharePoint assets in Microsoft Office, Using SharePoint assets in Microsoft Office
video files, Working with video files
Web Parts for media, Using Web Parts
member achievements point system, Enable site-wide reputation tracking
Member group, Adding people to groups
mentions, Using mentions
mentioning a colleague feature, Mentioning a colleague feature
finding who has mentioned you, Who has mentioned me?
menu drop-down icon (...), Creating and selecting a list view
metadata, Organizing and managing information
adding to media files through tagging, Tagging media files
excluding site columns from search, Excluding site columns from search
information contained with media, Uploading and tagging media files
organizing media files using, Organizing by using keywords and metadata
Metadata Input dialog box, Upload and tag media files
Microsoft Access, A few assumptions
(see also Office 2013)
connecting to SharePoint, Connecting Access and SharePoint
Microsoft Office (see Office; Office 365; Office 2013)
Microsoft Outlook (see Outlook)
Microsoft Project
mapping synchronization fields, Map synchronization fields
synchronizing Project with a tasks list, Synchronizing project tasks with Microsoft Project
Microsoft Visio
creating workflows in Visio 2013, Using Visual Designer for workflows within SharePoint Designer
importing Visio workflows into SharePoint Designer, Importing Visio workflows into SharePoint Designer
integration with SharePoint workflows, Introducing Microsoft Visio integration with SharePoint workflows
Visio visual designer, Introducing Microsoft Visio integration with SharePoint workflows
Visio Process Repository template, Access a SharePoint site
Microsoft Word (see Word)
adding moderators to Community Sites, Adding moderators to community sites
moderating discussions on Community Sites, Moderating discussions
finding unanswered questions, Moderating discussions
marking discussion as featured, Mark a discussion as featured
on Community Sites, Community portals and sites
reporting a reply to the moderator, Remove a best reply
reporting of offensive content to moderators, Managing your community settings
reviewing posts submitted for, Reviewing posts submitted for moderation
Modify Query Scope dialog box, Create an eDiscovery query
My Site, Using personal sites and social networking
(see also personal sites; social networking)
introduction to, Introducing My Site
My Site Host template, Access a SharePoint site
My Tasks, Adding multiple tasks and subtasks
(see also tasks)
expanding My Tasks settings, Expanding My Tasks settings


naming lists, Creating and deleting lists
editing publishing site navigation, Editing publishing site navigation
editing Top Link bar on non-publishing site, Editing the Top Link bar on a nonpublishing site
tree view settings, changing for a site, Changing the navigation tree view settings
NEAR operator, Search from a Search Center
New Document Set dialog box, Create a document set
New SharePoint Blog Account dialog box, Using desktop blogging tools to publish blog posts
newsfeed, locating followed SkyDrive Pro documents with, Locating followed documents by using the newsfeed
Note Board
adding notes tool to favorites, Add the notes tool to your favorites
using, Using your note board


offensive content, reporting on Community Sites, Managing your community settings, Remove a best reply
previewing search documents via Office Web Apps integration, Previewing search documents
using SharePoint assets in Office, Using SharePoint assets in Microsoft Office
Office 2013, A few assumptions
using SharePoint with, Using SharePoint with Office 2013
archiving Outlook email in SharePoint, Archiving Outlook email in SharePoint
connecting Access and SharePoint, Connecting Access and SharePoint
connecting SharePoint calendars to Outlook, Connecting SharePoint calendars to Outlook
connecting SharePoint libraries to Office, Connecting SharePoint libraries to Office
exporting data from SharePoint list to Excel, Exporting data from a SharePoint list to Excel
exporting Excel table to SharePoint, Exporting an Excel table to SharePoint
importing spreadsheet into SharePoint, Importing a spreadsheet into SharePoint
Office 365
connecting to, Connect to Office 365
version of SharePoint platform, Who this book is meant for
Office Store, Using the Office Store
Open In Microsoft Access dialog box, Connecting Access and SharePoint
OR keyword, Search from a Search Center
organizing people and work, Organizing people and work
adding multiple tasks and subtasks, Adding multiple tasks and subtasks
creating calendar lists, Creating a calendar list
creating project schedule using tasks list, Creating a project schedule by using a tasks list
adding tasks to task list, Adding tasks
discussion boards
connecting discussion thread to Outlook, Connecting a discussion to Microsoft Outlook
creating, Creating a discussion board
participating in discussion, Participating in a discussion
rating discussions, Rating discussions
scheduling events on the calendar, Scheduling events on the calendar
synchronizing projet tasks with Microsoft Project, Synchronizing project tasks with Microsoft Project
using issue tracking lists, Using the issue tracking list
viewing tasks in a Gantt Chart, Viewing tasks in a Gantt Chart
archiving Outlook email in SharePoint, Archiving Outlook email in SharePoint
connecting discussion to, Connecting a discussion to Microsoft Outlook
connecting SharePoint calendars to, Connecting SharePoint calendars to Outlook
synchronizing tasks with, Synchronize My Tasks with Outlook
Owner group, Adding people to groups


People And Groups page for moderators group, Add a moderator to your community site
people, organizing (see organizing people and work)
permissions, Security within SharePoint 2013
(see also security)
assigning to groups, Create a group
breaking permission inheritance, Breaking permission inheritance
checking, Checking permissions
editing, Editing permissions
granting to individuals, Granting permissions to an individual
inheriting parent permissions, Break inheritance
permission levels, defined, Adding people to groups
personal sites, Using personal sites and social networking
editing user profile on My Site, Editing your user profile
following people, Following people
introduction to My Site, Introducing My Site
searching for people to follow, Searching for people to follow
updating your status, Updating your status
uploading content, Uploading content
using tasks, Using tasks
personal views, switching from, Switch from personal and shared views
Photos dialog box, Change your blog picture
posts, blog
managing, Managing blog posts
creating a post, Managing blog posts
publishing post saved as draft, Publish a blog post that was previously saved as a draft
publishing using desktop blogging tools, Using desktop blogging tools to publish blog posts
using a tag in, Use a tag in a post
prefix, assigning to new document IDs, Configure document ID settings
Preservation Hold Library, Accessing deleted content under legal hold
Product Catalog template, Access a SharePoint site
creating personal blog site from SharePoint profile, Create a personal blog site from your SharePoint profile
editing user profile on My Site, Editing your user profile
mapping synchronization fields, Map synchronization fields
synchronizing with a tasks list, Synchronizing project tasks with Microsoft Project
Project Site template, Access a SharePoint site
creating project schedule using tasks list, Creating a project schedule by using a tasks list
synchronizing projet tasks with Microsoft Project, Synchronizing project tasks with Microsoft Project
promoting search results, Promoting search results
Publishing Approval workflow, Automating tasks with workflows
publishing sites
editing site navigation, Editing publishing site navigation
Publishing Site templates, Access a SharePoint site


questions (unanswered), finding on discussions, Moderating discussions
Quick Launch bar, editing on non-publishing site, Editing the Quick Launch bar on a nonpublishing site


rating discussions, Rating discussions
Read permission level, Adding people to groups
Records Center template, Access a SharePoint site
Recycle Bin, restoring deleted list items from, Restore a deleted item
replies to discussions, Replying to a discussion
managing, Managing replies
removing a best reply, Remove a best reply
reporting a reply to the moderator, Remove a best reply
Report Offensive Content dialog box, Remove a best reply
reputation scores, Community portals and sites
viewing for Community Site members, Viewing badges and reputation scores for a member
reputation tracking (site-wide) on Community Sites, Enabling site-wide reputation tracking
Require The Column To Contain Information setting, Create a column
resources for additional information, A few assumptions
restoring deleted data, Restore a deleted item
retention policies
creating content type retention policies on a library, Creating content type retention policies on a library
defined, Introduction to information management policies
setting library or folder-based retention schedules, Setting library or folder-based retention schedules
types of, Introduction to information management policies
reusable workflows, Automating tasks with workflows
ribbon, Written in plain English
RSS feeds, subscribing to blog’s feed, Subscribing to a blog’s RSS Feed


Saturday events (SharePoint), A few assumptions
creating project schedule using tasks list, Creating a project schedule by using a tasks list
scheduling an event on the calendar, Scheduling events on the calendar
synchronizing project schedule with SharePoint project task lists, Synchronizing project tasks with Microsoft Project
search, Searching for information
Basic Search Center template, Access a SharePoint site
effective techniques, Search from a Search Center
excluding keywords, Search from a Search Center
finding content containing all keywords, Search from a Search Center
finding content matching any of keywords, Search from a Search Center
finding nearby keywords, Search from a Search Center
searching for complete phrases, Search from a Search Center
searching on partial keywords, Search from a Search Center
Enterprise Search Center template, Access a SharePoint site
excluding document libraries and lists from, Excluding document libraries and lists from search
excluding site columns from, Excluding site columns from search
excluding site content, Excluding site content
learning SharePoint 2013 search results screen, Searching for information
maintaining search configurations, Maintaining search configurations
exporting search configuration, Maintaining search configurations
importing search configuration, Import your search configuration
preparing your site for, Preparing your site for search
associating Search Center to your site, Preparing your site for search
previewing results in Search Center, Previewing search results in Search Center
documents, Previewing search results in Search Center
videos, Preview videos
previewing search documents, Previewing search documents
promoting search results, Promoting search results
search alerts, Working with search alerts
creating, Working with search alerts
editing or deleting, Edit or delete search alerts
Search Center, Searching for information
creating, Creating a Search Center
searching for discussions on SharePoint sites, Searching for discussions
searching from a Search Center, Searching from a Search Center
searching site content, Searching site content
searching from Home page of site, Searching site content
searching within document library, Search within a document library
setting search preferences, Setting your search preferences
using advanced search, Using advanced search
using search refinement, Using search refinement
filtering results with search refiners, Filter results by using search refiners
Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
search-driven content, Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
security, Security within SharePoint 2013
adding people to groups, Adding people to groups
breaking permission inheritance, Breaking permission inheritance
checking permissions, Checking permissions
for individual or group, Check permissions for an individual or group
viewing permissions for library or list, Checking permissions
creating groups, Creating groups
editing permissions, Editing permissions
granting access to lists, libraries, and individual items, Granting access to lists, libraries, and individual items
granting permissions to individuals, Granting permissions to an individual
removing, Removing security
group’s site permissions, Remove a group’s site permissions
user from a group, Removing security
viewing site permissions, Understanding SharePoint security
security group audiences, Targeting Web Parts for an audience
Select Audiences dialog box, Target web parts for an audience
Send To menu
adding custom Send To location, Add a custom Send To location
moving documents, Moving documents
Server edition, Who this book is meant for
Share dialog box, Add people to existing groups
adding moderators to Community Site, Add a moderator to your community site
adding users to Community Sites, Adding users to community sites
shared views, switching from, Switch from personal and shared views
SharePoint 2013
essential tasks, Written in plain English
new and improved features, What’s new and improved in SharePoint 2013
adding thumbnail to a video, Adding a thumbnail to a video
creating a new site, Creating a new site
creating an asset library, Creating an asset library
creating an eDiscovery Center, Creating an eDiscovery Center
creating badges, Creating badges
customizing the interface, Customizing the interface
expanding My Tasks settings, Expanding My Tasks settings
mentioning a colleague feature, Mentioning a colleague feature
previewing search documents, Previewing search documents
SkyDrive Pro, Using SkyDrive Pro
timeline feature for tasks, Using the timeline feature for tasks
using Community Site template, Using the Community Site template
using Office Store, Using the Office Store
overview of topics covered, Written in plain English
SharePoint apps (see apps)
SharePoint Designer
creating list workflow in, Creating a list workflow in SharePoint Designer
importing Visio workflows into, Importing Visio workflows into SharePoint Designer
switching to visual designer, Switching to the visual designer
SharePoint Foundation 2013 version, Who this book is meant for
SharePoint Server 2013 version, Who this book is meant for
SharePoint Store
adding an app from, Add an app from the SharePoint Store
apps, Using your apps
sharing documents, Share a document
Sign In To Office dialog box, Connect to Office 365
site collection
creating for Community Site, Creating a community site site collection
creating for eDiscovery Center, Creating an eDiscovery Center
site columns, Organizing and managing information
creating, Creating site columns
excluding from search, Excluding site columns from search
site content types, Associating document templates with content types
(see also content types)
creating audit policy on, Creating auditing policies
information management policies, accessing, Accessing site content type information management policies
Site Contents, Locating content on a site
Site Settings, Locating content on a site
site workflows, Automating tasks with workflows
configuring document sets on, Configuring document sets on a site
creating a new site, Creating a new site
customizing the interface, Customizing the interface
extending functionality with Web Parts, Using Web Parts
getting started with, Getting started with SharePoint sites
accessing a SharePoint site, Understanding sites
changing navigation tree view settings, Changing the navigation tree view settings
changing the look and feel, Changing the look and feel of a site
changing title, description, and logo, Changing your site’s title, description, and logo
creating SharePoint site from a template, Creating a SharePoint site from a template
editing publishing site navigation, Editing publishing site navigation
editing Quick Launch bar on non-publishing site, Editing the Quick Launch bar on a nonpublishing site
editing Top Link bar on non-publishing site, Editing the Top Link bar on a nonpublishing site
locating content on a site, Locating content on a site
saving site as a template, Saving a site as a template
SharePoint 2013 templates, Access a SharePoint site
understanding sites, Understanding sites
SkyDrive Pro, Using SkyDrive Pro, Using SkyDrive Pro
accessing, Using SkyDrive Pro
accessing your account, Accessing your SkyDrive Pro account
definition of and description of capabilities, Using SkyDrive Pro
following documents, Following SkyDrive Pro documents
limits on synchronizing content in, Discontinue syncing SkyDrive Pro files with your local device
locating followed documents using the newsfeed, Locating followed documents by using the newsfeed
requiring sign-in for file sharing, Share SkyDrive Pro files
saving files for access only by you, Saving files to be accessible only to you
saving files to be shared by everyone, Saving files to SkyDrive Pro
sharing files, Sharing SkyDrive Pro files
synchronizing to your local computer, Synchronizing SkyDrive Pro to your local computer
discontinuing synchronization, Discontinuing sync between SkyDrive Pro and your local device
Skype, Community portals and sites
social collaboration, Web Parts for, Using Web Parts
social networking
following people, Following people
searching for people to follow, Searching for people to follow
stopping following a person, Stop following a person
updating your status, Updating your status
using mentions, Using mentions
using tags, Using tags
using tasks, Using tasks
using your note board, Using your note board
viewing status of a colleague, View the status of a colleague
list view, Sorting or filtering a list view
lists, Sorting and filtering lists
Stage Properties dialog box, Create a content type retention policy on a library
Standard views. list, Sorting and filtering lists
Stop Syncing A Folder dialog box, Discontinue syncing SkyDrive Pro files with your local device
Subscribe To This Feed dialog box, Subscribing to a blog’s RSS Feed
community subsite, creating discussion site as, Using the Community Site template
creating for Community Sites, Creating a community site subsite
subtasks, adding to task list, Add subtasks
Sync Tasks With Microsoft Outlook dialog box, Synchronize My Tasks with Outlook
synchronizing SkyDrive Pro to your local computer, Synchronizing SkyDrive Pro to your local computer
discontinuing synchronization, Discontinuing sync between SkyDrive Pro and your local device
limits on synchronizing content in SkyDrive Pro, Discontinue syncing SkyDrive Pro files with your local device


tagging, Using tags
adding a tag to a document, Using tags
adding metadata to media files, Tagging media files
using a tag in a post, Use a tag in a post
Tags And Note Board dialog box, Using your note board
adding tags to documents, Using tags
adding multiple tasks and subtasks, Adding multiple tasks and subtasks
adding to a timeline, Add a task
adding to task list, Adding tasks
automating with workflows (see workflows)
creating project schedule with task lists, Creating a project schedule by using a tasks list
essential, Written in plain English
expanding My Tasks settings, Expanding My Tasks settings
My Tasks page, Using tasks
adding new task, Using tasks
customizing tasks views, Customizing tasks views
highlighting important tasks, Highlight important tasks
synchronizing project tasks with Microsoft Project, Synchronizing project tasks with Microsoft Project
Tasks page on My Site, Introducing My Site
timeline feature for, Using the timeline feature for tasks
viewing in a Gantt Chart, Viewing tasks in a Gantt Chart
Tasks template, Creating list columns
Team Site template, Create a new site, Access a SharePoint site
anatomy of a team site, Create a SharePoint team site
creating a team site from, Creating a SharePoint site from a template
Team Site – SharePoint Online configuration template, Access a SharePoint site
creating a SharePoint site from, Creating a SharePoint site from a template
customizing document templates, Customizing document templates
for common list types, Creating list columns
modifying document template for content type, Modify the document template for a document library
saving site as a template, Saving a site as a template
SharePoint 2013 site templates, Access a SharePoint site
Three-State workflow, Automating tasks with workflows
adding to video, Adding a thumbnail to a video
capturing from video, Working with video files
using image from computer as, Use an image from your computer as a thumbnail
using picture from web as thumbnail, Use a picture from a web address (on the Internet) as a thumbnail
adding task to a timeline, Add a task
using timeline feature for tasks, Using the timeline feature for tasks
title, changing for a site, Changing your site’s title, description, and logo
Top Link bar, editing on non-publishing site, Editing the Top Link bar on a nonpublishing site
tree view settings, changing for a site, Changing the navigation tree view settings
trust confirmation for apps, Add an app from the SharePoint Store


unanswered questions, finding on discussions, Moderating discussions
Upload Image dialog box, Change your blog picture
user groups, SharePoint, A few assumptions
users, Security within SharePoint 2013
(see also security)
adding to Community Sites, Adding users to community sites
adding to groups to manage security settings, Understanding SharePoint security
removing from groups, Removing security


validation, using list and column validation rules, Using list and column validation rules
adding thumbnail to a video, Adding a thumbnail to a video
associating related content to video file, Associate related content to a video file
in asset libraries, Introducing the Asset Library app
inserting video in SharePoint page, Insert video on a SharePoint page
previewing in Search Center, Preview videos
previewing search results, Previewing search documents
using image from computer as thumbnail, Use an image from your computer as a thumbnail
using picture from web as thumbnail, Use a picture from a web address (on the Internet) as a thumbnail
working with video files, Working with video files
View Only permission level, Adding people to groups
list, Sorting and filtering lists
creating and selecting, Creating and selecting a list view
sorting or filtering, Sorting or filtering a list view
Visio (see Microsoft Visio)
Visio Process Repository template, Access a SharePoint site
Visitor group, Adding people to groups
visual designer, Switching to the visual designer
using for workflows in SharePoint Designer, Using Visual Designer for workflows within SharePoint Designer


Web Part properties dialog box, Edit Web Part properties
Web Parts, Using Web Parts
adding App Part to a page, Adding an App Part to a page
adding to a Web Part page, Adding Web Parts to a Web Part page
adding to a wiki page, Adding Web Parts to a wiki page
and App Parts, Using Web Parts
available with SharePoint 2013, Using Web Parts
editing properties, Editing Web Part properties
Find By Document ID, Use the Find By Document ID Web Part
personalized Web Parts on pages, Working with personalized Web Parts on pages
adding Web Part to personalized page, Working with personalized Web Parts on pages
switching from personal and shared views, Switch from personal and shared views
targeting for an audience, Targeting Web Parts for an audience
wiki page, adding Web Parts to, Adding Web Parts to a wiki page
wildcard operator (*), Search from a Search Center
Windows Live Writer, publication of blog posts, Using desktop blogging tools to publish blog posts
connecting to Office 365, Connect to Office 365
opening and saving documents directly to SharePoint libraries, Using SharePoint with Office 2013
using to publish blog posts, Using desktop blogging tools to publish blog posts
work, organizing (see organizing people and work)
workflows, Automating tasks with workflows
associating with content types, Associating workflows with content types
associating with lists, Associating workflows with lists
checking status of running workflow, Checking the status of a running workflow
creating in Visio 2013, Creating workflows in Visio 2013
creating list workflow in SharePoint Designer, Creating a list workflow in SharePoint Designer
defined, Automating tasks with workflows
editing, Editing workflows
existing workflow, Editing workflows
importing Visio workflows into SharePoint Designer, Importing Visio workflows into SharePoint Designer
launching on documents, Starting workflows on documents
Microsoft Visio integration with, Introducing Microsoft Visio integration with SharePoint workflows
publishing site with workflow template, Access a SharePoint site
supplied with SharePoint, Automating tasks with workflows
using to automate document tasks, Associate a document template with a content type
using visual designer for workflows in SharePoint Designer, Using Visual Designer for workflows within SharePoint Designer
Workspaces, replacement with SkyDrive Pro, Using SkyDrive Pro
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