Getting ready

Let's start by going over the list of RN components and APIs you may want to use, and afterward, we'll move to some actual code:

RN Component Replaces... Objective
ActivityIndicator animated GIF A component to display a circular loading indicator
Button button A component to handle touches (clicks)
input type="date"
input type="time"
An API that shows a popup where you can enter a date and a time; for Android

input type="date"
input type="datetime-local"
input type="time"

A component where the user can enter a date and time; for iOS
FlatList - A list component that only renders elements that are visible; used for performance gains
Image img A component to display an image
Picker select A component to pick a value from a list
Picker.Item option A component to define values for the list
ProgressBarAndroid - A component to show activity; for Android only
ProgressViewIOS - A component to show activity; for iOS only
ScrollView - Scrolling container that may contain multiple components and views
SectionList - Similar to FlatList, but allows for sectioned lists
Slider input type="number" A component to select a value from a range of values
StatusBar - A component to manage the app status bar
StyleSheet CSS Apply styling to your app
Switch input type="checkbox" A component to accept a Boolean value
Text - A component to display text
TextInput input type="text" A component to enter text using the keyboard
- Wrapper to make views respond to touches
View div A basic structural feature for your app
VirtualizedList - An even more flexible version of FlatList
WebView iframe A component to render web content

There are also many APIs that you may be interested in; some of them are as follows:

API Description
Alert Displays an alert dialog with the given title and text
Animated Simplifies creating animations
AsyncStorage An alternative to LocalStorage
Clipboard Provides access for getting and setting clipboard content
Dimensions Provides access to the device dimensions and orientation changes
Geolocation Provides access to geolocation; available only for ejected projects
Keyboard Allows control of keyboard events
Modal Displays content above a view
PixelRatio Provides access to the device pixel density
Vibration Allows control of device vibration
To have as few problems as possible, you might prefer to eschew platform-specific components and APIs, and make do with the generic, compatible components. However, if you are determined to use some Android or iOS-specific elements, have a look at for details on how to do it; it's not complex. Remember, however, that this will become harder to maintain, and will probably change some interactions or screen designs.

Now, let's revisit an example we wrote for React in Chapter 6, Developing with React, the countries and regions page, which will also let us use Redux and async calls, as in Chapter 8, Expanding Your Application. Since we are using PropTypes, we'll need that package. Install it with the following command:

npm install prop-types --save

Then, we'll have to reinstall some packages, starting with Redux and relatives. Actually, CRAN already includes redux and react-redux, so we don't need those, but redux-thunk isn't included. If you had created the project in a different fashion, without using CRAN, you would have needed to install all three packages manually. In both cases, the following command would do, because npm won't install an already installed package:

npm install react react-redux redux-thunk --save

We'll also be using axios for async calls, as we did earlier in this book:

npm install axios --save

By default, RN provides fetch instead of axios. However, RN includes the XMLHttpRequest API, which allows us to install axios with no problems. For more on network handling, check out

Our final step will be to run the server code that we wrote back in Chapter 4, Implementing RESTful Services with Node, so that our app will be able to do async calls. Go to the directory for that chapter, and just enter the following command:

node out/restful_server.js.

Now, we're set! Let's now see how we can modify our code to make it appropriate for RN.

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