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Of course, all these checks are very good, but if you had to stop working, save everything, and run a separate tool each time you wanted to check for problems in your code, it would soon become unbearable. However, with VSC you can add a plugin to interact with ESLint in real time. Go to the extensions view and search for ESLint; you should find and install an extension, currently at version 1.7.2 (March 2018), written by Dirk Baeumer.

Once you install this extension, errors will be shown on screen with a wavy red underline, and if you mouse over them, you'll get an explanation about the failed rule. Take a look at the  for an example:

 The ESLint plugin in action, showing problems with the code in real time

There are very few configuration items for ESLint; the only one I use is "eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true, so the status bar will show whether ESLint is enabled or not.

An interesting package that you could consider is the web DeepScan tool at DeepScan is advertised as beyond Lint, insofar as it can also detect runtime problems having to do with implicit type conversions, null checks, unreachable code, and more. For the time being, DeepScan is considered to be in beta stage and there are no paid plans yet. You can use it free for open source projects; for example, you can use it automatically with a GitHub project.
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