Debugging your app with react-native-debugger

Debugging a RN app is harder than working with a web app, because everything you want to do is done remotely; you cannot just run a fully powered debugger in your mobile device. There are several tools that can help you out with this, and in this section, we'll consider a "catch-all" tool, react-native-debugger, that includes a powerful trio of utilities, with which most (if not all) of your requirements should be fulfilled.

The basic tools you'll require for thorough debugging (and we already met them earlier) would be the following:

You could, of course, install each of them separately, and work with the trio, but having all of them together is undoubtedly simpler, so we'll follow that track. So, let's get on with debugging our code in this recipe!

You can read about the basics of RN debugging at, and study react-native-debugger at
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