

absorptive remediation technologies, 368
activated carbon, 397
additives, 346
advanced gas deposition (AGD), 174–6
advanced oxidation processes (AOP), 310
current applications in buildings, 213–20
granular aerogel prototype consisting of two glass panes, 217
granular aerogels, 216
Lumira application in polycarbonate sheets, 219
nanogel window products manufacturers and references, 221–5
optical, thermal, and energy properties for daylighting systems, 218
spectral transmittance of different silica aerogel layers, 217
view through monolithic aerogel sample, 214
window manufactured by joining four optimised tile prototype in test frame, 215
insulation panel, 200
insulation sheet, 200
physical, mechanical and thermal properties, 212–13
mechanical, 212–13
other properties, 213
physical, 212
thermal, 213
synthesis and production, 209–12
gel preparation (sol-gel process), 209–10
agglomeration, 47–8
aggregates, 10–11, 112
air depollution, 315–16
aligned carbon nanotubes (ACNT), 379
alloying elements, 78, 88
alumina-silicates, 109
ambient pressure drying (APD), 210
amphiphilic domain network, 307–8
anatase-to-rutile transformation (ART), 333
anodic oxide, 242
antibacterial activity, 309
self-cleaning tiles, 336–9
antifungal effect, 353
antimicrobial effects
photocatalytic paints, 353
silver, 375
Apparatus for the Utilisation of Radiant Energy, 272
arc discharge, 292, 380
aspect ratio, 25, 254
Aspen Aerogels, 218
ASTM D4123, 120
ASTM D1559-89, 114, 116
atomic force microscopy (AFM), 15–16
atomistic simulations, 20


band gap (BG), 286
bimetallic alloys, 137–8
binder, 345
Bioclean, 332
bipolar pulsed current (BPP), 100
bitumen, 112, 114–15
Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES), 317–18


C60 fullerenes, 135
calcium hydroxide (CH), 11
calcium leaching, 44–5
average segment length evolution, 45
physico-chemical properties of commercial additions, 45
calcium silicates (C-S-H), 11–12, 15, 18–19
carbon-based nanomaterials, 134–5
carbon fibre (CF), 53–4, 55, 57, 60, 61, 73
carbon nanotubes (CNT), 25–6, 130, 135, 289–92, 378–86
hydrodynamic slip flow profile characterised by slip length, 385
MWCNT shown as composed of concentric arrangement of graphene cylinders, 378
overview of synthesis procedures for CNTs, 381
schematic of spray pyrolysis setup, 382
SEM image of self-standing tube showing the alignment of CNT in radial direction, 383
stereoscopic micrograph of self-standing macrotube, 383
toxicity, 393
carbonation, 313
carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC), 374
carboxyfullerene, 135
cathodic arc evaporation (CAE), 99
cathodic oxide, 242
cation exchange capacity (CEC), 110
cement, 9–11
chemical formulae and nomenclature of major constituents of Portland cement, 10
paste composition, 11
worldwide annual production (1925–2009), 10
cement-based materials
nanoscience and nanoengineering, 9–29
overview, 9–14
cement paste, 10
cement-polymer nanocomposites, 27–8
C-S-H/polymer composites microstructure, 28
cementitious nanocomposites, 23–8
chemical vapour deposition (CVD), 172, 292, 380
chlorination, 366
chlorpyrifos, 374
Clean Air Act (1990), 310
Cloisite-15A, 108, 115, 116, 118–19, 122–3, 124
Cloisite 30B, 112
coal fly ash, 370
coalescence growth, 165
colloids, 288
compression force, 69
compression strength, 59–60
compressive stress, 68
concrete, 3, 9–11
microstructure, 18–19
C-S-H models, 19
mortar and plaster application in titanium dioxide nanoparticles, 299–322
existing patents and standards on photocatalytic cementitious materials, 319–22
heterogeneous photocatalysis principles, 301–5
pilot projects and field test, 318–19
semiconductor photocatalysis applications, 305–9
TiO2 efficiency in built environment, 314–18
TiO2 in cement-based materials, 309–14
concrete beams
strain and damage, 67–72
flexural damage, 69
concrete nanoengineering, 9–29
cement-based materials, 22–8
material developments, 22–3
mono-sized spheres packing, 23
overview, 9–14
innovation, 12–13
macroscale, 9–11
nanoscale, 11–12
conductive admixtures, 55–9
effect on concrete beams electrical properties, 61–7
conductive concrete sensitivity, 67
electric field vs force field loading boundary conditions, 63
electrical vs mechanical parameters, 62
force field and electric field relationship, 61–3
regression equation parameters, 67
relationship between FCR and ε2 of BF 28, 66
relationship between FCR and ε2 of CF 13, 66
relationship between FCR and ε2 of NCB 03, 65
relationship between FCR and ε2 of PC, 65
resistance vs strain of IGNA and time, 64
strain and FCR relationship, 63–7
variation of strain of IGNA with load vs time before cracking, 64
effect on concrete mechanical properties, 59–61
flexural strength, 60–1
slump flow, compressive strength and flexural strength content, 60
workability and compression strength, 59–60
materials, 55–7
carbon fibre (CF), 56
carbon fibre (CF) properties, 56
dosage comparison, 57
nano carbon black (NCB) and particle size, 55
nano carbon black (NCB) properties, 56
reference concrete design mixture, 56
specimen preparation and testing set-up, 57–8
specimen configuration for measuring resistance, 58
test methods, 58–9
load-time relationship I and II, 58
measuring point arrangement, 59
conductive concrete, 67
conductive heat transfer, 194
continuum micromechanics, 20–2
multi-scale think model for cement-based materials, 21
copper nanoparticles, 131, 136
corrosion resistance, 96–100
utilisation of nanotechnology for corrosion resistance of steel, 97
cracking stress, 70
critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC), 345
cytotoxicity, 148


dendrimers, 371–3
commercially available G5 PAMAM, 372
diesel exhaust particles (DEPs), 390
diluents, 345
diphasic electrical conductive materials, 72–3
resistance, damage, stress and strain of BF28, 72
dispersion quantity, 47
domestic water purification
challenges to bring about integrated system, 395–416
common water contamination problems, 396
comparative chart of POU conventional UV and chemical treatment technologies, 400–1
comparison of POU conventional water filtration technologies, 398–9
comparison of POU nanotechnology-based water purification technologies, 402–6
sustainability of water purification technology, 397, 407
integrated water-based systems development challenges, 407–16
nanomaterials availability, 407
nanomaterials integration into water purification systems, 407–15
societal implications, 415–16
nanotechnology, 364–416
health, safety and environment, 388–94
nanomaterials, 367
need for nanomaterials, 367–9
synthesis, 388
types, properties and usage, 369–88
doping approach, 351
dynamic creep test, 120–2
at 40°C, 121
at 60°C, 121
cumulative permanent axial strain and number of loading cycles, 121
dynamic plastic deformation (DPD), 90


eco-efficient buildings
important production parameters, 332–5
temperature stability of photocatalyst, 332–5
nanotechnology in manufacturing paints, 343–58
future trends, 357–8
photocatalytic paints application in an indoor environment, 350–3
photocatalytic paints application in an outdoor environment, 347–9
potential formation of by products, 353–7
self-cleaning tiles and glasses, 327–39
future trends, 339
mechanism, 335–9
third-generation photovoltaic (PV) cells, 270–94
functions, 274–6
future trends, 292–4
history, 270–4
nanotechnology usage, 283–92
technology overview of first, second and third generation cells, 276–83
eco-efficient construction
nanoclay-modified asphalt mixtures, 108–25
future trends, 125
materials and methods, 112–14
mechanical testing, 116–24
overview, 108–11
nanomaterials safety, 127–51
future trends, 150–1
lifecycle of nano-enabled structures, 138–40
nano-hazards of manufactured nanomaterials (MNM), 131–8
nanomaterial toxicity profiling, 140–50
nanotoxicity, 127–31
nanotechnology, 1–5
construction sector, 2–3
switchable glazing technology, 236–62
electrochromics materials and devices, 237–48
future trends in electrochromic and thermochromic glazing, 259–62
thermochromics materials and devices, 248–59
thin films and nanostructured coatings, 161–82
future trends, 181–2
large scale manufacturing, 178–81
thin film technologies and samples, 163–78
eco-efficient technology, 162
elastic modulus, 15
elastomer, 112
electric field, 61–3
electrochromics, 237–48
flexible electrochromic foil, 246–8
generic five-layer battery-type device design, 238–40
practical constructions, 240–2
thin films, 242–4
transparent conducting films, 244–6
emulsified zero-valent iron (EZVI), 34
endosulfan, 374
energy consumption, 3
energy efficiency, 3
energy-efficient windows
silica nanogel, 207–32
aerogels for windows, 209–13
current applications in buildings, 213–20
future trends, 231–2
performance, 220, 226–31
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), 3
engineered nanomaterials (ENM), 129–3, 140, 144
epitaxial growth, 288
EU Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme, 215
EU Non-Nuclear Energy Programme JOULE III, 215
European Committee on Standardisation (CEN), 321
evaporation, 163–9
nanoporous thin gold layer, 169


fatigue resistance test, 122–4
percent life increase and stress levels at 5°C, 124
percent life increase and stress levels at 25°C, 124
result at 5°C, 123
result at 25°C, 123
Feldman and Sereda model, 19
filling factor, 253
flexible electrochromic foil, 246–8
construction principle, 247
initial data on transmittance modulation of luminous radiation, 249
mid-luminous transmittance vs time during repeated colouring and bleaching, 248
mid-luminous transmittance vs time for repeated colouring and bleaching, 248
flexural strength, 60–1
force field, 61–3
fractional change in resistance (FCR), 53, 54–5, 72–3
relationship with strain, 63–7
Freundlich model, 380
fullerol, 135


gel ageing, 210
gel drying, 210–12
manufacturing process of Cabot’s aerogel, 211
gel preparation, 209–10
structure of nanoporous SiO2 network, 210
generic five-layer battery-type device design, 238–40
schematic diagram, 238
glancing angle incidence, 169–71
nanostructure thin film made by ‘glancing angle deposition, ’ 171
‘penniform’ TiO2 thin film made by sputter deposition, 172
thin films grown with ‘atoms’ impinging from an off-normal angle, 170
self-cleaning tiles for eco-efficient buildings, 327–39
future trends, 339
important production parameters, 332–5
mechanism, 335–9
grain boundaries (GB), 76, 78–80
graphene, 246, 291
green nanomaterials, 150–1
green technology See eco-efficient technology
greenhouse gas emissions, 3


Hagen–Poiseuille flow, 385, 386
heat affected zones (HAZ), 79–80
heterogeneous photocatalysis, 299
principles, 301–5
other photocatalyst, 304–5
titanium oxide a photocatalyst, 303–4
semiconductor activation, 302–3
schematic representation, 302
high density calcium silicates (HD C-S-H), 19
high performance concrete (HPC)
calcium leaching control, 44–5
durability, 41–4
HPSCC compressive strength, 43
mixture resistivity vs time, 44
mechanical properties, 41
nanoparticle dispersion, 45–8
nanoparticles, 38–49
particle size and specific surface area related to concrete materials, 40
high performance thermal insulators (HPTI)
applications, 198–203
advantages and disadvantages for vacuum insulation panels and aerogel insulation, 199
thermal properties for vacuum and aerogel insulation, 198
future trends, 203–5
heat transfer, 189–94
materials for buildings, 188–205
nanotechnology and its application, 190
state-of-the-art insulators, 194–8
high throughput screening (HTS), 141
MNM toxicity profiling, 143–7
toxicity paradigms, analytes, readout modes and potential problems, 145–6
mutagenicity, cytotoxicity and oxidative stress effects of MNM, 147–50
highly insulating and light transmitting and aerogel glazing, 215
Honda–Fujishima effect, 300
household water management, 396
HT780 steels, 88
humic acid (HA), 374
hydraulic cement, 9
hydrophilic mechanism, 336


in situ technologies, 368–9
incident radiation, 346
increase in softening point (ISP), 115
indentation modulus, 16
indirect tensile strength test, 118–19
increase strength and temperature for Cloisite-15A, 119
total fracture energy results, 119
indium lung, 245
indoor photocatalytic paints
efficiency investigation at the laboratory scale, 351–3
antimicrobial and antifungal effect, 353
photocatalysis of NO and O2, 351–2
volatile organic compounds photooxidation, 352–3
inelastic neutron scattering (INS), 18
initial geometrical neutral axis (IGNA), 53, 55, 59, 62, 69, 71–3
innovation, 12–13
construction materials energy consumption, 13
framework, 22
interfacial transition zone (ITZ), 18, 41
intermediate products, 353
formation, 353–4
International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, 214
International Network to Promote Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage, 395
International Standards Organisation (ISO), 321–2
intervalency absorption, 239


Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS), 320
Jennings nanoscale model, 19


kinetic energy, 287
Knudsen effect, 192, 193


Langmuir–Hinselwood model, 346–7
Langmuir model, 380
large-scale coalescence, 165, 245
laser ablation, 292, 380
life cycle assessment (LCA), 317–18
life cycle inventory (LCI), 317–18
light intensity, 346
light temperature supercritical drying, 211
light transmittance, 220
Lotus effect, 337
low density calcium silicates (LD C-S-H), 19
low temperature supercritical drying, 211
Lumira, 219
Lumira Aerogels, 218


macroscopic heat transfer, 189
Magnéli phases, 244
magnetic nanoparticles, 386–8
magnetically assisted chemical separation (MACS), 387–8
malathion, 374
manufactured nanomaterials (MNM), 128, 129, 138–40, 150–1
characterisation before toxicity screening, 141–3
ENM characterisation, 142
nano-hazards, 131–8
classes and properties associated with toxicity, 132
toxicological effects used in construction industry, 133–4
toxicity profiling using high throughput screening (HTS), 143–7
marshal stability, 116, 118
nanoclay content, 118
martensitic steel, 78
Marunouchi Building, 300
Maxwell–Garnett (MG) theory, 253
membranes, 408
metal-based nanowire meshes, 246
metal-containing nanoparticles, 135–6, 373–8
metal oxide nanoparticles, 375–8
change in band gap and generation of free radicals in TiO2 photocatalyst, 377
noble metal nanoparticles, 374–5
zero-valent iron (ZVI), 373–4
metal films, 245
metal hydrides, 241–2
metal oxide nanoparticles, 375–8
micelles, 386–8
micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), 130
experimental, 14–19
theoretical, 20–2
atomistic simulations, 20
microsilica (μ-SiO2), 24
mixed electrochromic oxide, 243
modern solar cell, 272
molecular dynamics (MD)
modelling, 89
simulation, 385
molecular self-assembly, 387
montmorillonite, 109–10
concrete and plaster application in titanium dioxide nanoparticles, 299–322
existing patents and standards on photocatalytic cementitious materials, 319–22
heterogeneous photocatalysis principles, 301–5
pilot projects and field test, 318–19
semiconductor photocatalysis applications, 305–9
TiO2 efficiency in built environment, 314–18
TiO2 in cement-based materials, 309–14
multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), 25–6, 135
multi-walled nanotubes (MWNT), 289, 378, 380
multiple exciton generation, 287


Na-montmorillonite, 110
nano carbon black (NCB), 53–4, 55, 57, 60, 61, 73
nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS), 130
nano-modification, 78–80
steel tensile strength as function of interparticle spacing, 79
utilisation of nanotechnology for mechanical properties of steel bulk, 81–7
nano-particle-based coatings, 173–8
Ag nanowire meshes, 178
artificial colouring showing silver- based crystalline nanoparticles, Plate II
carbon-based nanostructures, 177
deposited film of WO3 and WO3:Pd film, 176
unit for advanced gas deposition, 175
nano-silica (nano-SiO2), 40, 41, 42, 45, 130
nano-titanium oxide (nano-TiO2), 40, 42, 130
nanoclay, 386–8
nanoclay-modified asphalt mixtures eco-efficient construction, 108–25
future trends, 125
materials and methods, 112–14
aggregates grading, 113
aggregates properties, 113
bitumen properties, 113
nanoclays properties, 114
mechanical testing, 116–24
loading properties and test temperatures, 117
marshal stability, flow and VTM, 116, 118
specimen preparation, 116
overview, 108–11
intercalated and exfoliated nanocomposite, 111
montmorillonite structure, 109
research, 111–12
rheological tests and results, 114–16
nanoclay particles, 137
nanocomposite steel, 76–100
corrosion resistance, 96–100
mechanical properties of steel bulk, 89–90
316 SS with DPD, 91
mechanical properties of steel surface, 90–6
304 SS after SMAT and SAED patterns, 95
utilisation of nanotechnology for mechanical properties of steel surface, 92–4
microstructure and chemical composition, 76–8
phase diagram Fe-C relevant to carbon steel, 77
modelling, 89
nano-modification, 78–80
processing approach, 80, 88–9
properties, 89–100
Nanofill-15, 108, 114–15, 118, 122, 123, 124
nanofiltration (NF), 409
nanogel, 211
nanoindentation, 16–17
principle, Plate I
availability, 407
domestic water purification, 367
evidence for toxicity, 389–92
effect of reactive oxygen species in cells, 391
interaction and adverse effect of nanoparticles, 391
future trends, 150–1
integration, 407–15
lifecycle of nano-enabled structures, 138–40
demolition, disposal and recycling, 140
manufacturing and construction use, 138–9
useful life of the structure, 139
nano-hazards of manufactured
nanomaterials (MNM), 131–8
nanotoxicity, 127–31
safety for construction applications, 127–51
self-sensing concrete, 53–73
conductive admixtures, 55–9
conductive admixtures effect on concrete beams electrical properties, 61–7
conductive admixtures effect on concrete mechanical properties, 59–61
diphasic electrical conductive materials, 72–3
strain and damage in concrete beams, 67–72
toxicity profiling, 140–50
types, properties and usage in water purification, 369–88
Nanomer I.28E, 112
nanoparticle dispersion, 45–8
carbon nanotubes ultracentrifuged suspension, 48
hybrid CNF/SF cement composites surface fracture, 46
sedimentation progression of nanomaterials, 48
silica fume particles intermixed with carbon nanofibres after dry mixing, 47
high performance concrete (HPC), 38–49
calcium leaching control, 44–5
dispersion, 45–8
durability, 41–4
mechanical properties, 41
particle size and specific surface area related to concrete materials, 40
nanoporous thermal insulators, 195–7, 199–201
areas of application, 200–201
gel ageing, 196
gel drying, 196–7
gel preparation, 196
properties, 199–200
VIP structures main components, 195
nanoscale emulsified zero-valent iron (nEZVI), 374
nanoscience and nanotechnology (NST), 1
nanosilica (n-SiO2), 24
nanostructured coatings
eco-efficient construction, 161–82
future trends, 181–2
large scale manufacturing, 178–81
construction sector, 2–3
domestic water purification, 364–416
challenges to bring about integrated system, 395–416
nanomaterials, 367
need for nanomaterials, 367–9
population without water access to reliable water sources, 365
relative water withdrawal by sector in 2000, 365
synthesis, 388
types, properties and usage, 369–88
eco-efficient construction, 1–5
future trends, 101–2
health, safety and environment, 388–94
evidence for toxicity of nanomaterials, 389–92
toxicity of carbon nanotubes, 393
toxicity of silver nanoparticles, 392
toxicity of titanium dioxide and silica nanoparticles, 393–4
manufacturing paints for eco-efficient buildings, 343–58
band gap and optimum excitation wavelength of different catalysts, 344
future trends, 357–8
photocatalytic paints application in an indoor environment, 350–3
photocatalytic paints application in an outdoor environment, 347–9
potential formation of by products, 353–7
nanocomposite steel properties, 89–100
nanocomposite steel research, 76–89
photovoltaic (PV) cells, 283–92
steel bulk and surface properties improvement, 75–102
nanothermochromics, 253
nanotoxicity, 127–31
engineered nanomaterials (ENM), 129–3
naturally occurring nanomaterials, 129
nanotoxicology, 392
naturally occurring nanomaterials, 129
nickel oxide, 246
nitrobenzene, 378
noble metal nanoparticles, 374–5
non-metal doping, 330
non-metal nanoparticles, 136–7
non-plasma-based techniques, 171–3
layers of anodic aluminium oxide (AAO), 174
sol-gel-produced multilayer coating of Ni-Al2O3 and SiO2, 173
non-vaccum-based techniques, 171–3
layers of anodic aluminium oxide (AAO), 174
sol-gel-produced multilayer coating of Ni-Al2O3 and SiO2, 173


Okagel, 219
opaque aerogels, 214
ordinary Portland cement (OPC), 9, 39
outdoor photocatalytic paints
efficiency investigation at the laboratory scale, 347–9
schematic experimental set-up, 348
real-life examples of outdoor photocatalytic paints usage, 349
Umberto I tunnel in Rome, 349
oxidative stress, 149
ozonation, 366


constituents, 346
nanotechnology for eco-efficient buildings, 343–58
future trends, 357–8
photocatalytic paints application in an indoor environment, 350–3
potential formation of by products, 353–7
photocatalytic paints application in an outdoor environment, 347–9
efficiency investigation of active outdoor paints at laboratory scale, 347–8
real-life examples of outdoor photocatalytic paints usage, 349
partial vacuum thermal insulators, 197–8, 201–3
areas of application, 202–3
edge spacer construction types for vacuum insulated sandwich elements, 204
properties, 201–2
phonon radiative transfer, 194
photoactive layers, 290
photocatalysis, 328–30
NO and O2, 351–2
oxidation potentials of various oxidants relative to normal hydrogen electrode (NHE), 329
possible solutions to diminish by-products accumulation, 355–7
formaldehyde secondary emission during long-term radiation, 357
pretreatment of photocatalytic paint prior to commercial distribution, 357
secondary emission reduction with appropriate paint constituents selection, 356
stable supporting materials development, 356–7
schematic of photocatalytic mechanism, 328
effective surface area, 346
interaction, 346
temperature stability, 332–5
patent search for photocatalytic tiles and glass, 334
photocatalytic cement
existing patents and standards, 319–22
examples of patents on TiO2 in building materials, 321
ISO standards on photocatalytic fine ceramics, 322
Photocatalytic Innovative Coverings Application for Depollution Assessment (PICADA), 318
photoelectric effect, 272
photooxidation, 352–3
photosterilisation, 308
pollution control and self-cleaning in titanium dioxide nanoparticles, 299–322
existing patents and standards on photocatalytic cementitious materials, 319–22
heterogeneous photocatalysis principles, 301–5
pilot projects and field test, 318–19
semiconductor photocatalysis applications, 305–9
TiO2 efficiency in built environment, 314–18
TiO2 in cement-based materials, 309–14
photovoltaic (PV) cells
first generation, 276–8
summary, 278
functions, 274–6
efficiency factors, 276
operation of the first basic PV, 274
origin of the word photovoltaic, 274
PV advantage and disadvantages,
steps in producing electricity from sun, 275
future trends, 292–4
job creation opportunities in PVs, 293
history, 270–4
top five global PV country producers in 2011, 273
multilayer PV layers, 282
nanotechnology, 283–92
approaches, 283
company example, 285
reasons for consideration, 284
operation of three-layer multifunction PV, 282
potential efficiencies, 281
second generation, 278–80
summary, 280
technology overview, 276–83
energy levels achieved by PVs in 2010, 277
third generation, 280–3
eco-efficient buildings, 270–94
physical vapour deposition (PVD), 165
pigments, 345
Pilkington Activ, 331–2
plasma-based techniques, 163–71
plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD), 172
concrete and mortar application in titanium dioxide nanoparticles, 299–322
existing patents and standards on photocatalytic cementitious materials, 319–22
heterogeneous photocatalysis principles, 301–5
pilot projects and field test, 318–19
semiconductor photocatalysis applications, 305–9
TiO2 efficiency in built environment, 314–18
TiO2 in cement-based materials, 309–14
plastomer, 112
point-of-entry (POE), 366
point-of-use (POU), 396
polaron absorption, 239, 243
concentration, 346–7
presence of mixtures, 347
pollution control
self-cleaning and photo sterilisation in titanium dioxide nanoparticles, 299–322
existing patents and standards on photocatalytic cementitious materials, 319–22
heterogeneous photocatalysis principles, 301–5
pilot projects and field test, 318–19
semiconductor photocatalysis applications, 305–9
TiO2 efficiency in built environment, 314–18
TiO2 in cement-based materials, 309–14
polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 241
polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (PDLC), 242
polysulfone, 410
polyvinyl buteral (PVB), 241
Portland cement, 3, 38
Portlandite, 11
pozzolanic activity, 312–13


quantum dots, 137–8, 285–8
nanostructures and dimensions, 286
quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS), 18


RAD54, 147
radiative heat transfer, 193–4
rarefied gas regimes, 189, 191–2
thermal conductivity of air, 192
rarefied phonon regimes, 193–4
rarefied photon regimes, 193–4
reactive oxygen species (ROS), 130, 389
reactive technologies, 368
relative humidity, 346
resilient modulus test, 120
modulus increment and temperature for nanoclays, 120
resin, 345
retained penetration (RP), 115
reverse osmosis (RO), 409
rheological tests, 114–16
results and nanoclay content, 115
RP and ISP results, 116
Rhodamine 6G (R-6G), 377
rubber modified binders, 112


scanning electron microscope (SEM), 381
scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), 15
secondary emission
paint constituents, 354–5
carbonyl compounds formation, 355
self-assembled monolayers on mesoporous supports (SAMMS), 387
self-cleaning, 306–8, 316–17
colour measurements in CIELab colour space, 317
pollution control and photo sterilisation in titanium dioxide nanoparticles, 299–322
existing patents and standards on photocatalytic cementitious materials, 319–22
heterogeneous photocatalysis principles, 301–5
pilot projects and field test, 318–19
semiconductor photocatalysis applications, 305–9
TiO2 efficiency in built environment, 314–18
TiO2 in cement-based materials, 309–14
schematic representation on TiO2 containing surfaces, 308
theoretical mechanism and practical effect of photoinduced superhydrophilicity, 307
self-cleaning tiles
antibacterial action, 336–9
mechanism of solar light activated antimicrobial photocatalysts, 338
glasses for eco-efficient buildings, 327–39
commercial photocatalytic tiles and glasses, 331–2
future trends, 339
important production parameters, 332–5
mechanism, 335–9
photocatalysis, 328–30
practical use of photocatalysts for tiles and glasses, 330–1
titanium dioxide application for tiles and glasses, 331
properties, 335–6
mechanism of photoinduced hydrophilicity, 336
self-sensing concrete
conductive admixtures, 55–9
conductive admixtures effect on concrete beams electrical properties, 61–7
conductive admixtures effect on concrete mechanical properties, 59–61
diphasic electrical conductive materials, 72–3
nanomaterials, 53–73
strain and damage in concrete beams, 67–72
semiconductor photocatalysis
applications, 305–9
antibacterial and anti-vegetative properties, 308–9
photocatalytic degradation of pollutants, 305–6
self-cleaning, 306–8
sensitisation approach, 350–1
severe plastic deformation (SPD), 76, 80, 88
Shockley-Queisser limit, 281
silica fume See microsilica (μ-SiO2)
silica nanogel
energy-efficient windows, 207–32
aerogels for windows, 209–13
current applications of aerogels in buildings, 213–20
future trends, 231–2
performance, 226–31
aerogel glazing system with nanogel and window prototype, 230
aerogel pane transmission optical properties, 226
energy balance for window glazing as function of U-value and solar factor, 228
sound reduction index value vs frequency, 231
spectral transmittance of different glazing samples, 227
U-value on conventional glazing and with translucent insulation materials, 229
silica nanoparticles, 393–4
silicon dioxide nanoparticles, 137
silver nanoparticles, 131, 136, 392
single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), 25, 135
single-walled nanotubes (SWNT), 289, 378
small angle neutron scattering (SANS), 17–18
small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), 17–18
sol–gel method, 335
sol–gel process See gel preparation
solar cell, 272
solar factor, 220
solvents, 345
sound reduction, 220
spray pyrolysis, 380
sputter deposition, 164
sputtering, 163–9
gold film made onto glass, 165
In2O3:Sn film sputter, 166
nanoporous thin gold layer, 169
sputter deposited ZnO:Al film, 168
thin film nanostructures made by sputter deposition, 167
Staebler–Wronski phenomenon, 279
stainless steels (SS), 78
nanotechnology for bulk and surface properties improvement, 75–102
future trends, 101–2
nanocomposite steel, 76–89
nanocomposite steel properties, 89–100
damage in concrete beams, 67–72
FCR relationship, 63–7
styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) block copolymer, 111–12
substrate rotation, 169–71
‘penniform’ TiO2 thin film made by sputter deposition, 172
supercritical drying (SCD), 210
surface active agents See surfactants
surfactants, 387
suspended particle device (SPD), 242
switchable glazing technology
eco-efficient construction, 236–62
electrochromics materials and devices, 237–48
thermochromics materials and devices, 248–59
future trends in electrochromic and thermochromic glazing, 259–62
conceptual sketch of super fenestration, 261


Task-18 Advanced Glazings and Associated Materials for Solar and Building Application, 214
technology, 397
temperature, 346
temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), 380
tensile stress, 68
tension force, 69
tetralin, 300
thermal bridging, 202
thermal transmittance, 220
thermochromics, 248–59
doped VO2 films with thermochromic switching at room temperature, 258–9
Mg-doped VO2 films with enhanced luminous transmittance, 256–9
absorption coefficient and photon energy, 258
spectral and luminous transmittance vs doping level, 257
vanadium dioxide-based thin films three challenges, 249–53
VO2 nanoparticle composites, 253–6
thermodynamic modelling, 89
thermomechanical treatment (TMT), 80, 88, 98
thin films
eco-efficient construction, 161–82
future trends, 181–2
elemental abundance in the Earth’s crust, Plate III
large scale manufacturing, 178–81
internal components of a roll-to-roll coater, 180
manufacturing plant for making multilayer coatings, 180
roll-to-roll coating unit, 181
sputter deposition principles, 179
technologies and samples, 163–78
nano-particle-based coatings, 173–8
non-vaccum and non-plasma-based techniques, 171–3
survey of thin film deposition technology, 164
vacuum and plasma-based techniques, 163–71
Thornton diagram, 167–8
titanium dioxide, 26–7, 376
applications for tiles and glasses, 331
cement-based materials, 309–14
atmospheric pollutants emission and VOC release, 310
Cite des Arts et de la Musique, Chambery and church Dives in Rome, 311
interaction with hydraulic and non-hydraulic binders, 310–13
common photocatalyst, 303–4
concrete, mortar and plaster application, 299–322
heterogeneous photocatalysis principles, 301–5
pilot projects and field test, 318–19
semiconductor photocatalysis applications, 305–9
TiO2 efficiency in built environment, 314–18
existing patents and standards on photocatalytic cementitious materials, 319–22
current patents overview, 320
standards for materials testing, 320–2
material ageing, 313–14
scheme of possible progressive shielding of photocatalyst, 314
most common photocatalyst
main effects connected with TiO2 photoactivity, 304
spectral irradiance of sunlight, 304
nanocomposites photocatalytic and self-cleaning mechanism, 27
nanoparticles, 136
pollution control, self-cleaning and photo sterilisation, 299–322
toxicity, 393–4
carbon nanotubes, 393
nanomaterials, 389–92
profiling, 140–50
HTS for mutagenicity, cytotoxicity and oxidative stress effects of MNM, 147–50
MNM characterisation before toxicity screening, 141–3
MNM high throughput screening (HTS), 143–7
silver nanoparticles, 392
titanium dioxide and silica nanoparticles, 393–4
transformation induced plasticity (TRIP), 80
transparent conducting films, 244–6
transparent insulating materials (TIM), 209
Triton-X, 386
tungsten, 259
tungsten oxide, 246


ultracentrifugation, 47
ultrafiltration (UF), 409
ultrasmall angle neutron scattering (USANS), 18
ultrasmall angle X-ray scattering (USAXS), 18
UN Millennium Development Goal, 3, 366
UNICEF, 395–6
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 310
UV irradiation, 307–8


vaccum-based techniques, 163–71
vacuum insulation panels (VIP), 197–8, 201–3, 232
van der Waals forces, 382
vanadium dioxide, 248–9
solar modulation energy and luminous transmittance, 253–6
conceptual sketch of thermochromic foil, 256
structural model for composite with randomly oriented nanoparticles, 255
thin films, 249–53
computed data on luminous and solar transmittance, 252
spectral reflectance and transmittance in semidconducting and metallic states, 251
visible light active photocatalytic materials
preparation strategies, 350–1
non-TiO2 photocatalyst, 351
TiO2 photocatalyst, 350–1
void in total mixture (VTM), 108, 116, 118
nanoclay content, 118
volatile organic compounds (VOC), 306, 329–30
photooxidation, 352–3


water purification systems
nanomaterials integration, 407–15
bio-fouling resistant property of membrane surfaces showing no bacterial growth, 411
different approaches to CNT membrane synthesis, 414
domestic water purification candles showing silver coating for disinfection, 410
functionalisation of CNT membrane via coupling chemistry, 413
nanocomposite membranes composition, 411
schematic of CNT application on household scale showing cross flow filtration, 415
schematic of composite nanomaterial packed-bed reactor, 409
web coating, 179
World Health Organisation, 370, 395
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), 320


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 333


Young–Laplace relation, 384


zeolites, 370
zero-valent iron (ZVI), 373–4
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