Chapter 14. On Volume and Time

In this chapter, we look at phenomena that can be identified by comparing traffic volume against the passage of time. “Volume” may be a simple count of the number of bytes or packets, or it may be a construct such as the number of IP addresses transferring files. Based on the traffic observed, there are a number of different phenomena that can be pulled out, such as:


When a host on your network communicates with an unknown host at regular intervals, it is a possible sign of communications with command and control.

File extraction

Massive downloads are suggestive of someone stealing your internal data.

Denial of service (DoS)

DoS attacks can prevent your servers from providing service.

Traffic volume data is noisy. Most of the observables that you can directly count, such as the number of bytes over time, vary highly and with no real relationship between the volume of the event and its significance. In other words, there’s rarely a significant relationship between the number of bytes and the importance of the events. This chapter will help you find unusual behaviors through scripts and visualizations, but a certain amount of human eyeballing and judgment are necessary to determine which behaviors to consider dangerous.

The Workday and Its Impact on Network Traffic Volume

The bulk of traffic on an enterprise network comes from people who are paid to work there, so their traffic is going to roughly follow the hours of the business day. Traffic will trough during the evening, rise around 0800, peak around 1300, and drop off around 1800.

To show how dominant the workday is, consider Figure 14-1, a plot showing the progression of the Sobig.F email worm across the SWITCH network in 2003. SWITCH is Switzerland and Lichtenstein’s educational network, and makes up a significant fraction of the national traffic for Switzerland. The plot shows the total volume of SMTP traffic over time for a two-week period. Sobig.F propagates at the end of the plot, but what I want to highlight is the normal activity during the earlier part of the week, on the left. Note that each weekday is a notched peak, with the notch coming at lunchtime. Note also that there is considerably less activity over the weekend.

nsd2 1401
Figure 14-1. Mail traffic and propagation of a worm across Switzerland’s SWITCH network (image courtesy of Dr. Arno Wagner)

This is a social phenomenon; knowing roughly where the address you’re monitoring is (home, work, school) and the local time zone can help predict both events and volumes. For example, in the evening, streaming video companies account for a more significant fraction of traffic as people kick back and watch TV.

There are a number of useful rules of thumb for working with workday schedules to identify, map, and manage anomalies. These include tracking active and inactive periods, tracking the internal schedule of an organization, and keeping track of the time zone. The techniques covered in this section are a basic, empirical approach to time series analysis.

When working with site data, I usually find that it’s best to break traffic into “on” (people are working) and “off” (people are at home) periods. The histogram in Figure 14-2 shows how this phenomenon can affect the distribution of traffic volume—in this case, the two distinct peaks correspond to the on-periods and off-periods. Modeling the two periods separately will provide a more accurate volume estimate without pulling out the heavier math used for time series analysis.

nsd2 1402
Figure 14-2. Distribution of traffic in a sample network, where the peak on the left is evening traffic, and the peak on the right is workday traffic

When determining on-periods and off-periods, consider the schedule of the organization itself. If your company has any special or unusual holidays, such as taking a founder’s birthday off, keep track of those as potential off-days. Similarly, are there parts of the organization that are staffed constantly and other parts that are only 9 to 5? If something is constantly staffed, keep track of the shift changes, and you’ll often see traffic repeat at the start of a shift as everyone logs on, checks email, and then starts working.

Business processes are a common source of false positives with volume analysis. For example, I’ve seen a corporate site where there was a sudden biweekly spike in traffic to a particular server. The server, which covered company payroll, was checked by every employee every other Friday and never visited otherwise. Phenomena that occur weekly, biweekly, or on multiples of 30 days are likely to be associated with the business’s own processes and should be identified as such for future reference.


Beaconing is the process of systematically and regularly contacting a host. For instance, botnets will poll their command servers for new instructions periodically. This is particularly true of many modern botnets that use HTTP as a moderator. Such behavior will appear to you as information flows at regular intervals between infected systems on your site and an unknown address off-site.

However, there are many legitimate behaviors that also generate routine traffic flows. Examples include:


Long-lived sessions, such as an interactive SSH session, will send empty packets at regular intervals in order to maintain a connection with the target.

Software updates

Most modern applications include some form of automated update checkup. AV, in particular, regularly downloads signature updates to keep track of the latest malware.

News and weather

Many news, weather, and other interactive sites regularly refresh the page as long as a client is open to read it.

Beacon detection is a two-stage process. The first stage involves identifying consistent signals. An example process for doing so is the script shown in Example 14-1. takes a sequence of flow records and dumps them into equally sized bins. Each input consists of two fields: the IP address where an event was found and the starting time of the flow, as returned by rwcut. rwsort is used to order the traffic by source IP and time.

The script then checks the median distance between the bins and scores each IP address on the fraction of bins that fall within some tolerance of that median. If a large number of flows are near the median, you have found a regularly recurring event.

Example 14-1. A simple beacon detector
#!/usr/bin/env python
# input:
#       rwsort --field=1,9 | rwcut --no-title --epoch --field=1,9 | <stdin>
# command line:
# precision tolerance [epoch]
# precision: integer expression for bin size (in seconds)
# tolerance: floating point representation for tolerance expressed as
# fraction from median, e.g. 0.05 means anything within (median -
# 0.5*median, median + 0.5*median) is acceptable
# epoch: starting time for bins; if not specified, set to midnight of the first
# time read.

# This is a very simple beacon detection script which works by breaking a traffic
# feed into [precision] length bins.  The distance between bins is calculated and
# the median value is used as representative of the distance.  If all the distances
# are within tolerance% of the median value, the traffic is treated as a beacon.

import sys

if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
    precision = int(sys.argv[1])
    tolerance = float(sys.argv[2])
    sys.stderr.write("Specify the precision and tolerance

starting_epoch = -1
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
    starting_epoch = int(sys.argv[3])

current_ip = ''

def process_epoch_info(bins):
    a = bins.keys()
    distances = []
    # We create a table of distances between the bins
    for i in range(0, len(a) -1):
        distances.append(a[i + 1] - a[i])

    median = distances(len(distances)/2)
    tolerance_range = (median - tolerance * median, median + tolerance *median)
    # Now we check bins
    count = 0
    for i in distances:
        if (i >= tolerance_range[0]) and (i <= tolerance_range[1]):
    return count, len(distances)

bins = {}    # Checklist of bins hit during construction; sorted and
             # compared later. Associative array because it's really
             # a set and I should start using those.
results = {} # Associative array containing the results of the binning
             # analysis, dumped during the final report.

# We start reading in data; for each line I'm building a table of
# beaconing events.  The beaconing events are simply indications that
# traffic 'occurred' at time X.  The size of the traffic, how often it occurred,
# how many flows is irrelevant.  Something happened, or it didn't.
for i in sys.stdin.readlines():
    ip, time = i.split('|')[0:2]
    if ip != current_ip:
        results[ip] = process_epoch_info(bins)
        bins = {}

    if starting_epoch == -1:
        starting_epoch = time - (time % 86400) # Sets it to midnight of that day
    bin = (time - starting_epoch) / precision
    bins[bin] = 1

a = bins.sort()
for i in a:
    print "%15s|%5d|%5d|%8.4f" % (ip, bins[a][0], bins[a][1],
                                  100.0 * (float(bins[a[0]])/float(bins[a[1]])))

The second stage of beacon detection is inventory management. An enormous number of legitimate applications, as we saw earlier, transmit data periodically. NTP, routing protocols, and AV tools all dial home on a regular basis for information updates. SSH also tends to show periodic behavior, because administrators run periodic maintenance tasks via the protocol.

File Transfers/Raiding

Data theft is still the most basic form of attack on a database or website, especially if the website is internal or an otherwise protected resource. For lack of a better term, I’ll use raiding to denote copying a website or database in order to later disseminate, dump, or sell the information. The difference between raiding and legitimate access is a matter of degree, as the point of any server is to serve data.

Obviously, raiding should result in a change in traffic volume. Raiding is usually conducted quickly (possibly while someone is packing up her cubicle) and often relies on automated tools such as wget. It’s possible to subtly raid, but that would require the attacker to have both the time to slowly extract data and the patience to do so.

Volume is one of the easiest ways to identify a raid. The first step is building up a model of the normal volume originating from a host over time. The script in Example 14-2 provides thresholds for volume over time, as well as a table of results to plot.

Example 14-2. A raid detection script
#!/usr/bin/env python
# input:
#       Nothing
# output:
#       Writes a report containing a time series and volume estimates to stdout
# commandline:
# start_date end_date ip_address server_port period_size
# start_date: The date to begin the query on
# end_date: The date to end the query on
# ip_address: The server address to query
# server_port: The port of the server to query
# period_size: The size of the periods to use for modeling the time
# Given a particular IP address, this generates a time series (via rwcount)
# and a breakdown on what the expected values at the 90-100% thresholds would
# be.  The count output can then be run through a visualizer in order to
# check for outliers or anomalies.
import sys,os,tempfile

start_date = sys.argv[1]
end_date = sys.argv[2]
ip_address = sys.argv[3]
server_port = int(sys.argv[4])
period_size = int(size.arg[5])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fh, temp_countfn = tempfile.mkstemp()
    # Note that the filter call uses the IP address as the source, and the
    # server port as the source.  We're pulling out flows that originated
    # FROM the server, which means that they should be the data from the
    # file transfer.  If we used daddress/dport, we'd be logging the
    # (much smaller) requests to the server from the clients.
    os.system(('rwfilter --saddress=%s --sport=%d --start-date=%s ',
               '--end-date=%s --pass=stdout | rwcount --epoch-slots',
           ' --bin-size=%d --no-title > %s') % (
                   ip_address, server_port, start_date, end_date, period_size,

    # A note on the filtering I'm doing here.  You *could* rwfilter to
    # only include 4-packet or above sessions, therefore avoiding the
    # scan responses.  However, those *should* be minuscule, and
    # therefore I elect not to in this case.

    # Load the count file into memory and add some structure
    a = open(temp_countfn, 'r')
    # We're basically just throwing everything into a histogram, so I need
    # to establish a min and max
    min = 99999999999L
    max = -1
    data = {}
    for i in a.readlines():
        time, records, bytes, packets = map(lambda x:float(x),
        if bytes < min:
            min = bytes
        if bytes > max:
            max = bytes
        data[time] = (records, bytes, packets)
    # Build a histogram with hist_size slots
    histogram = []
    hist_size = 100
    for i in range(0,hist_size):
    bin_size = (max - min) / hist_size
    total_entries = len(data.values)
    for records, bytes, packets in data.values():
        bin_index = (bytes - min)/bin_size
        histogram[bin_index] += 1

    # Now we calculate the thresholds from 90 to 100%
    thresholds = []
    for i in range(90, 100):
        thresholds.append(0.01 * i * total_entries)
    total = 0
    last_match = 0 # index in thresholds where we stopped
    # First, we dump the thresholds
    for i in range(0, hist_size):
        total += histogram[i]
        if total >= thresholds[last_match]:
            while thresholds[last_match] < total:
                print "%3d%% | %d" % (90 + last_match, (i * bin_size) + min)
    a = data.keys()
    for i in a:
        print "%15d|%10d|%10d|%10d" % (i, data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2])

Visualization is critical when calibrating volume thresholds for detecting raiding or other raiding anomalies. We discussed the problem with standard deviations in Chapter 11, and a histogram is the easiest way to determine whether a distribution is even remotely Gaussian. In my experience, a surprising number of services regularly raid hosts—web spiders and the Internet Archive being among the more notable examples. If a site is strictly internal, backups and internal mirroring are common false positives.

Visualization can identify these outliers. The example in Figure 14-3 shows that the overwhelming majority of traffic occurs below about 1,000 MB/10 min, but those few outliers above 2,000 MB/10 min will cause problems for and most training algorithms. Once you have identified the outliers, you can record them in a whitelist and remove them from the filter command using --not-dipset. You can then use rwcount to set up a simple alert mechanism.

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Figure 14-3. Traffic volume with outliers; determining the origin and cause of outliers will reduce alerts


Locality is the tendency of references (memory locations, URLs, IP addresses) to cluster together. For example, if you track the web pages visited by a user over time, you will find that the majority of pages are located in a small and predictable number of sites (spatial locality), and that users tend to visit the same sites over and over (temporal locality). Locality is a well-understood concept in computer science, and serves as the foundation of caching, CDNs, and reverse proxies.

Locality is particularly useful as a complement to volumetric analysis because users are generally predictable. Users typically visit a small number of sites and talk to a small number of people, and while there are occasional changes, we can model this behavior using a working set.

Figure 14-4 is a graphical example of a working set in operation. In this example, the working set is implemented as an LRU (Least Recently Used) queue of fixed size (in this case, four references in the queue). This working set is tracking web surfing, so it gets fed URLs from an HTTP server logfile and adds them to the stack. Working sets only keep one copy of every reference they see, so a four-reference set like the one shown in Figure 14-4 will only show four references.

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Figure 14-4. A working set in operation

When a working set receives a reference, it does one of three things:

  1. If there are empty references left, the new reference is enqueued at the back of the queue (I to II).

  2. If the queue is filled AND the reference is present, the reference is moved to the back of the queue.

  3. If the queue is filled AND the reference is NOT present, then the reference is enqueued at the back of the queue, and the reference at the front of the queue is removed.

The code in Example 14-3 shows an LRU working set model in Python.

Example 14-3. Calculating working set characteristics
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Describe the locality of a host using working_set depth analysis.
# Inputs:
#        stdin - a sequence of tags
# Command-line args:
#        first: working_set depth

import sys

    working_set_depth = int(sys.argv[1])
    sys.stderr.write("Specify a working_set depth at the command line

working_set = []

i = sys.stdin.readline()
total_processed = 0
total_popped = 0
unique_symbols = {}
while i != '':
    value = i[:-1] #Ditch the obligatory 

    unique_symbols[value] = 1 # Add in the symbol
    total_processed += 1
        vind = working_set.index(value)
        vind = -1

    if (vind == -1):
        # Value isn't present as an LRU cache; delete the
        # least recently used value and store this at the end
        if len(working_set) > working_set_depth:
            del working_set[0]
        total_popped +=1
        # Most recently used value; move it to the end of the working_set
        del working_set[vind]

# Calculate probability of replacement stat
p_replace = 100.0 * (float(total_popped)/float(total_processed))

print "%10d %10d %10d %8.4f" % (total_processed, unique_symbols,
                                working_set_depth, p_replace)

Figure 14-5 shows an example of what working sets will look like. This figure plots the probability of replacing a value in the working set as a function of the working set size. Two different sets are compared here: a completely random set where references are picked from a set of 10 million symbols, and a model of user activity using a Pareto distribution. The Pareto model is adequate for modeling normal user activity, if actually a bit less stable than user behavior under normal circumstances.

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Figure 14-5. Working set analysis

Note the “knee” in the Pareto model, around the 60-element size, while the random model remains consistent at a 100% replacement rate. Working sets generally have an ideal size after which increasing the set’s size is counterproductive. This knee is representative of this phenomenon—you can see that the probability of replacement drops slightly before the knee, but remains effectively stable afterward.

The value of working sets is that once they’re calibrated, they reduce user habit down to two parameters: the size of the queue modeling the set and the probability that a reference will result in a queue replacement.

DDoS, Flash Crowds, and Resource Exhaustion

Denial of service is a goal, not a specific strategy. A DoS attack results in a host that cannot be reached from remote locations. Most DoS attacks are implemented as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in which the attacker uses a network of captured hosts in order to implement the attack. There are several ways an attacker can implement a DoS, including but not limited to:

Service level exhaustion

The targeted host runs a publicly accessible service. Using a botnet, the attacker starts a set of clients on the target, each conducting some trivial but service-specific interaction (such as fetching the home page of a website).

SYN flood

The SYN flood is the classic DDoS attack. Given a target with an open TCP port, the attacker sends clients against the attacker. The clients don’t use the service on the port, but simply open connections using a SYN packet and leave the connections open.

Bandwidth exhaustion

Instead of targeting a host, the attacker sends a massive flood of garbage traffic toward the host, intending to overwhelm the connection between the router and the target.

Simple attacks

Be wary of physical insider attacks. An insider can DoS a system simply by unplugging it.

All these tactics produce the same result, but each tactic will appear differently in network traffic and may require different mitigation techniques. Exactly how many resources the attacker needs is a function of how the attacker implements DDoS. As a rule of thumb, the higher up an attack is on the OSI model, the more stress it places on the target and the fewer bots are required by the attacker. For example, bandwidth exhaustion hits the router and basically has to exhaust the router interface. SYN flooding, the classic DDoS attack, has to simply exhaust the target’s TCP stack. At higher levels, tools like Slowloris effectively create a partial HTTP connection, exhausting the resources of the web server.

This has several advantages from an attacker’s perspective. Fewer resources consumed means fewer bots involved, and a legitimate session is more likely to be allowed through by a firewall that might block a packet crafted to attack the IP or TCP layer.

DDoS and Routing Infrastructure

DDoS attacks aimed specifically at routing infrastructure will produce collateral damage. Consider a simple network like the one in Figure 14-6. The attacker hitting subnetwork C is exhausting not just the connection at C, but also the router’s connection to the internet. Consequently, hosts on networks A and B will not be able to reach the internet and will see their incoming internet traffic effectively drop to zero.

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Figure 14-6. DDoS collateral damage

This type of problem is not uncommon on colocated services, and emphasizes that DDoS defense is rooted in network infrastructure. I am, in the long run, deeply curious to see how cloud computing and DDoS are going to marry. Cloud computing enables defenders to run highly distributed services across the internet’s routing infrastructure. This, in turn, increases the resources the attacker needs to take out a single defender.

With DoS attacks, the most common false positives are flash crowds and cable cuts. A flash crowd is a sudden influx of legitimate traffic to a site in response to some kind of announcement or notification. Alternate names for flash crowds such as SlashDot effect, farking, or Reddit effect provide a good explanation of what’s going on.

These different classes of attacks are usually easily distinguished by looking at a graph of incoming traffic. Some idealized images are shown in Figure 14-7, which explains the basic phenomena.

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Figure 14-7. Different classes of bandwidth exhaustion

The images in Figure 14-7 describe three different classes of bandwidth exhaustion: a DDoS attack, a flash crowd, and a cable cut or other infrastructure failure. Each plot is of incoming traffic and equivalent to sitting right at the sensor. The differences between the plots reflect the phenomena causing the problems.

DDoS attacks are mechanical. The attack usually switches on and off instantly, as the attacker is issuing commands remotely to a network of bots. When a DDoS attack starts, it almost instantly consumes as much bandwidth as is available. In many DDoS plots, the upper limit on the plot is dictated by the networking infrastructure: if you have a 10 GB pipe, the plot maxes at 10 GB. DDoS attacks are also consistent. Once they start, they generally keep humming along at about the same volume. Most of the time, the attacker has grossly overprovisioned the attack. Bots are being removed while the attack goes on, but there are more than enough to consume all the available bandwidth even if a significant fraction are knocked offline.

DDoS mitigation is an endurance contest. The best defense is to provision out bandwidth before the attack starts. Once an attack actually occurs, the best you can do at any particular location is to try to identify patterns in the traffic and block the ones causing the most damage. Examples include:

  • Identifying a core audience for the target and limiting traffic to the core audience. The audience may be identified by IP address, netblock, country code, or language, among other attributes. What is critical is that the audience has a limited overlap with the attacker set. The script in Example 14-4 provides a mechanism for ordering /24s by the difference between two sets: historical users you trust and new users whom you suspect of being part of a DDoS attack.

  • Spoofed attacks are occasionally identifiable by some flaw in the spoofing. The random number generator for the spoof might set all addresses to x.x.x.1, as an example.

Example 14-4. An example script for ordering blocks
#!/usr/bin/env python
# input:
#       Nothing
# output:
#       A report comparing the number of addresses in two sets, ordered by the
#       largest number of hosts in set A which are not present in set B.
#  command_line:
# historical_set ddos_set
#  historical_set: A set of historical data giving external addresses
#  which have historically spoken to a particular host or network
#  ddos_set: A set of data from a ddos attack on the host
#  This is going to work off of /24's for simplicity.
import sys,os,tempfile

historical_setfn = sys.argv[1]
ddos_setfn = sys.argv[2]
blocksize = int(sys.argv[3])

mask_fh, mask_fn = tempfile.mkstemp()

os.system(('rwsettool --mask=24 --output-path=stdout %s | ' +
                     ' rwsetcat | sed 's/$//24/' | rwsetbuild stdin %s') %
                       (historical_setfn, mask_fn))

bins = {}
# Read and store all the /24s in the historical data
a = os.popen(('rwsettool --difference %s %s --output-path=stdout | ',
             'rwsetcat --network-structure=C') % (mask_fn, historical_setfn),'r')
# First column is historical, second column is ddos
for i in a.readlines():
    address, count = i[:-1].split('|')[0:2]
    bins[address] = [int(count), 0]

# Repeat the process with all the data in the ddos set
a = os.popen(('rwsettool --difference %s %s --output-path=stdout | ',
              'rwsetcat --network-structure=C') % (mask_fn, ddos_setfn),'r')
for i in a.readlines():
    address, count = i[:-1].split('|')[0:2]
    # I'm intersecting the maskfile again; since I originally intersected it against
    # the file I generated the maskfile from, any address that I find in the file
    # will already be in the bins associative array
    bins[address][1] = int(count)

# Now we order the contents of the bins.  This script is implicitly written to
# support a whitelist-based approach--addresses which appear in the historical
# data are candidates for whitelisting, and all other addresses will be blocked.
# We order the candidate blocks in terms of the number of historical addresses
# allowed in, decreasing for every attacker address allowed in.
address_list = bins.items()
address_list.sort(lambda x,y:(y[1][0]-x[1][0])-(y[1][1]-x[1][1]))
print "%20s|%10s|%10s" % ("Block", "Not-DDoS", "DDoS")
for address, result in address_list:
    print "%20s|%10d|%10d" % (address, bins[address][0], bins[address][1])

This type of filtering works more effectively if the attack is focused on striking a specific service, such as DDoSing a web server with HTTP requests. If the attacker is instead focused on traffic flooding a router interface, the best defenses will normally lie upstream from you.

As discussed in Chapter 13, people are impatient while machines are not, and this behavior is the easiest way to differentiate flash crowds from DDoS attacks. As the flash crowd plot in Figure 14-7 shows, when the event occurs, the initial burst of bandwidth is followed by a rapid falloff. The falloff is because people have discovered that they can’t reach the targeted site and have moved on to more interesting pastures until some later time.

Flash crowds are public affairs—for some reason, somebody publicized the target. As a result, it’s often possible to figure out the origin of the flash crowd. For example, HTTP referer logs will include a reference to the site. Flash crowd verification may be solved simply by Googling—look for news articles, recent mentions of the site, any public news that might mention the site and result in the traffic spike.

Cable cuts and mechanical failures will result in an actual drop in traffic. This is shown in the cable cut figure, where all of a sudden traffic goes to zero. When this happens, the first follow-up step is to try to generate some traffic to the target, and ensure that the problem is actually a failure in traffic and not a failure in the detector. After that, you need to bring an alternate system online and then research the cause of the failure.

Applying Volume and Locality Analysis

The phenomena discussed in this chapter are detectable using a number of different approaches. In general, the problem is not so much detecting them as differentiating malicious activity from legitimate but similar-appearing activity. In this section, we discuss a number of different ways to build detectors and limit false positives.

Data Selection

Traffic data is noisy, and there’s little correlation between the volume of traffic and the malice of a phenomenon. An attacker can control a network using ssh and generate much less traffic than a legitimate user sending an attachment over email. The basic noisiness of the data is further exacerbated by the presence of garbage traffic such as scanning and other background radiation (see Chapter 13 for more information on this).

The most obvious values to work with when examining volume are byte and packet counts over a period. They are also generally so fantastically noisy that you’re best off using them to identify DDoS and raiding attacks and little else.

Because the values are so noisy and so easily disrupted, I prefer working with constructed values such as flows. NetFlow groups traffic into session approximations; I can then filter the flows on different behaviors, such as:

  • Filtering traffic that talks only to legitimate hosts and not to dark space. This approach requires access to a current map of the network, as discussed in Chapter 19.

  • Splitting short TCP sessions (four packets or less) from longer sessions, or looking for other indications that a session is legitimate, such as the presence of a PSH flag. See Chapter 13 for more discussion on this behavior.

  • Further partitioning traffic into commands, fumbles, and file transfers. This approach, discussed in Chapter 18, extends the filtering process to different classes of traffic, some of which should be rare.

  • Using simple volume thresholds. Instead of recording the byte count, for example, record the number of 100-, 1,000-, 10,000-, and 100,000+-byte flows received. This will reduce the noise you’re dealing with.

Whenever you’re doing this kind of filtering, it’s important to not simply throw out the data, but actually partition it. For example, if you count thresholded volume, record the 1–100, 100+, 1,000+, 10,000+ and 100,000+ values as separate time series. The reason for partitioning the data is purely paranoia. Any time you introduce a hard rule for what data you’re going to ignore, you’ve created an opening for an attacker to imitate the ignored data.

Less noisy alternatives to volume counts are values such as the number of IP addresses reaching a network or the number of unique URLs fetched. These values are more computationally expensive to calculate as they require distinguishing individual values; this can be done using a tool like rwset in the SiLK suite or with an associative array. Address counts are generally more stable than volume counts, but at least splitting off the hosts that are only scanning is (again) a good idea to reduce the noise.

Example 14-5 illustrates how to apply filtering and partitioning to flow data in order to produce time series data.

Example 14-5. A simple time series output application
# Generates a time series output by reading flow records and partitioning
# the data, in this case into short (<=4 packet) TCP flows and long
# (>4 packet) TCP flows.
# Output:
# Time <bytes> <packets> <addresses> <long bytes> <long packets> <long addresses>
# Takes as input:
# rwcut --fields=sip,dip,bytes,packets,stime --epoch-time --no-title
# We assume that the records are chronologically ordered; that is, no record
# will produce an stime earlier than the records preceding it in the
# output.

import sys
current_time = sys.maxint
start_time = sys.maxint
bin_size = 300 # We'll use five-minute bins for convenience
ip_set_long = set()
ip_set_short = set()
byte_count_long = 0
byte_count_short = 0
packet_count_long = 0
packet_count_short = 0
for i in sys.stdin.readlines():
    sip, dip, bytes, packets, stime = i[:-1].split('|')[0:5]
    # Convert the non-integer values
    bytes, packets, stime = map(lambda x: int(float(x)), (bytes, packets, stime))
    # Now we check the time binning; if we're onto a new bin, dump and
    # reset the contents
    if (stime < current_time) or (stime > current_time + bin_size):
        ip_set_long = set()
        ip_set_short = set()
        byte_count_long = byte_count_short = 0
    packet_count_long = packet_count_short = 0
        if (current_time == sys.maxint):
            # Set the time to a 5-minute period at the start of the
            # currently observed epoch.  This is done in order to
            # ensure that the time values are always some multiple
            # of five minutes apart, as opposed to dumping something
            # at t, t+307, t+619, and so on.
            current_time = stime - (stime % bin_size)
            # Now we output results
            print "%10d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d" % (
                current_time, len(ip_set_short), byte_count_short,
                packet_count_short,len(ip_set_long), byte_count_long,
            current_time = stime - (stime % bin_size)
        # Instead of printing, we're just adding up data
        # First, determine if the flow is long or short
        if (packets <= 4):
            # flow is short
            byte_count_short += bytes
            packet_count_short += packets
            byte_count_long += bytes
            packet_count_long += packets

if byte_count_long + byte_count_short != 0:
    # Final print line check
    print "%10d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d" % (
        current_time, len(ip_set_short), byte_count_short,
        packet_count_short,len(ip_set_long), byte_count_long,

Keep track of what you’re partitioning and analyzing. For example, if you decide to calculate thresholds for a volume-based alarm only for sessions from Bulgaria that have at least 100 bytes, then you need to make sure that the decision and the process are documented and that the same approach is used to calculate future thresholds.

Using Volume as an Alarm

The easiest way to construct a volume-based alarm is to calculate a histogram and then pick thresholds based on the probability that a sample will exceed the observed threshold. The script in Example 14-2 is a good example of this kind of threshold calculation. When generating alarms, consider the time of day issues discussed in “The Workday and Its Impact on Network Traffic Volume”, and whether you want multiple models; a single model will normally cost you precision. Also, when considering thresholds, consider the impact of unusually low values and whether they merit investigation.

Given the noisiness of traffic volume data, expect a significant number of false positives. Most false positives for volume breaches come from hosts that have a legitimate reason for copying or archiving a target, such as a web crawler or archiving software. Several of the IDS mitigation techniques discussed in Chapter 3 are useful here; in particular, whitelisting anomalies after identifying that the source is innocuous and rolling up events.

Using Beaconing as an Alarm

Beaconing is used to detect a host that is regularly communicating with other hosts. To identify malicious activity, beaconing is primarily used to identify communications with a botnet command and control (C&C) server. To detect beacons, you identify hosts that communicate consistently over a time window, as is done with (Example 14-1).

Beacon detection runs into an enormous number of false positives because software updates, AV updates, and even SSH cron jobs have consistent and predictable intervals. Beacon detection consequently depends heavily on inventory management. After receiving an alert, you will have to determine whether a beaconing host has a legitimate justification, which you can do if the beaconing is from a known protocol, is communicating with a legitimate host, or provides other evidence that the traffic is not botnet C&C traffic. Once identified as legitimate, the indicia of the beacon (the address and likely the port used for communication) should be recorded to prevent further false positives.

Also of import are hosts that are supposed to be beaconing, but don’t. This is particularly critical when dealing with AV software, because attackers often disable AV when converting a newly owned host. Checking to see that all the hosts that are supposed to visit an update site do so is a useful alternative alarm.

Using Locality as an Alarm

Locality measures user habits. The advantage of the working set model is that it provides room for those habits to break. Although people are predictable, they do mail new contacts or visit new websites at irregular intervals. Locality-based alarms are consequently useful for measuring changes in user habits, such as differentiating a normal user of a website from someone who is raiding it, or identifying when a site’s audience changes during a DDoS attack.

Locality is a useful complement to volume-based detection for identifying raiding. A host that is raiding the site or otherwise scanning it will demonstrate minimal locality, as it will want to visit all the pages on the site as quickly as possible. In order to determine whether a host is raiding, look at what the host is fetching and the speed at which the host is working.

The most common false positives in this case are search engines and bots such as Googlebot. A well-behaved bot can be identified by its User-Agent string; if the host is not identified as a bot by that string, you have a dangerous host.

A working set model can also be applied to a server rather than individual users. Such a working set is going to be considerably larger than a user profile, but it is possible to use that set to track the core audience of a website or an SSH server.

Engineering Solutions

Raid detection is a good example of a scenario in which you can apply analysis and are probably better off not building a detector. The histograms generated by and analysis done by counting the volume a user pulls over a day are ultimately about determining how much data a user will realistically access from a server.

This same information can be used to impose rate limits on the servers. Instead of firing off an alert when a user exceeds this threshold, use a rate limiting module (such as Apache’s Quota) to cut the user off. If you’re worried about user revolt, set the threshold to 200% of the maximum you observe and identify outliers who need special permissions to exceed even that high threshold.

This approach is going to be most effective when you’ve got a server whose data radically exceeds the average usage of any one user. If people who access a server tend to use less than a megabyte of traffic a day, whereas the server has gigabytes of data, you’ve got an easily defensible target.

Further Reading

  1. C. Dietzel, A. Feldmann, and T. King, “Blackholing at IXPs on the Effectiveness of DDoS Mitigation in the Wild,” Proceedings of the 2016 Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference, Heraklion, Greece, 2016.

  2. S. Dietrich, D. Dittrich, and P. Reiher, Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms (London: Pearson Education, 2005).

  3. J. Mirkovic, J. Martin, and P. Reiher, “A Taxonomy of DDoS Attacks and DDoS Defense Mechanisms,” ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 34:2 (2004): 39–53.

  4. J. McHugh and C. Gates, “Locality: A New Paradigm in Anomaly Detection,” Proceedings of the 2003 New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), Ascona, Switzerland, 2003.

1 This is true historically as well. Fax machines are subject to black fax attacks, where the attacker sends an entirely black page and wastes toner.

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