
Quick Fixes versus Real Solutions

Henry Miller once wrote that “in this age, which believes that there is a shortcut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest.” We live in a fast-paced age when there is tremendous pressure in organizations for quick action and the tendency to take shortcuts or go with the latest hot trend flourishes.

This book is about how organizations can improve the results they get through their people. Call it the execution of people strategies, high performance, getting things done, achieving valuable accomplishments, producing, hitting the numbers, a well-functioning team—executives use many synonyms to express this concept of getting results. This book is about the nuts and bolts of good performance, and especially what to do when your team or unit or organization isn't producing.

Many myths, misperceptions, and mistakes are wound around the effective practice of performance in the workplace. The most common fallacies typically involve a mindset that getting results is easy or that some kind of magic bullet or quick fix will make everything right. As a result, managers jump at numerous fads and flavors of the month in desperate attempts to turn things around or get better results. But almost all these magic formulas promising quick results or fast improvement are wrong.

This book takes a practical, hands-on approach to the practice of getting things done. There is no extensive focus on models or theories or concepts here—just an emphasis on what works and an explanation of why so many organizations and executives have gotten it wrong on this issue. The book does not focus on fads, quick fixes, or magic wands. Although you are likely to find some quick insights that can help right away, the reality of most performance problems is that they are usually a function of a number of issues, and a single fix or action is rarely sufficient. You're also likely to find some quick things that you can stop doing right away because they aren't effective or are actually counterproductive.

Who will benefit from this book? Anyone looking for ways to improve performance or get better workforce results will find useful knowledge in reading it. Managers, frontline employees, and anyone responsible for executing a task or plan will find the book to be particularly helpful. Executives seeking a better understanding of performance will learn how to create an organization that hits the numbers and produces. Just as important, readers will learn what they're doing wrong and what doesn't work.

What can you expect from this book? The first two chapters look at what performance is and why organizations fall prey to fads and fixes that don't work. The next seven chapters look at specific aspects of how to get high performance and produce results within your organization as well as how to avoid the trap of artificial fixes. Throughout, the book gives practical examples and offers steps to take in your organization.

Here's a synopsis of what you'll find in each chapter:

• In chapter 1, you'll learn why organizations continually fall victim to fads and false solutions.

• In chapter 2, you'll discover what we don't understand about performance and motivation.

• In chapter 3, you'll find quick ways to build in accountability.

•In chapter 4, you'll identify how we target the wrong things.

• In chapter 5, you'll get tips on analyzing performance gaps.

• In chapter 6, you'll learn how to develop solutions that stick rather than quick fixes.

• In chapter 7, you'll discover the fastest way to improve performance.

• In chapter 8, you'll figure out how to solve the most common problem in achieving high performance.

• In chapter 9, you'll get practical tips for implementing solutions so that they produce real change.

• In chapter 10, you'll get a comprehensive picture of how all this content fits together.

Let's go ahead and get started on our journey.

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