Chapter Three

The Second Eigenvalue of the Google Matrix


Before attempting to accelerate the computation of PageRank, it is useful first to prove some results regarding the convergence rate of the standard PageRank algorithm.

In this chapter, we determine analytically the modulus of the second eigenvalue for the Web hyperlink matrix used by Google for computing PageRank.

This has implications for the convergence rate of the standard PageRank algorithm as the Web scales, for the stability of PageRank to perturbations to the link structure of the Web, for the detection of Google spammers, and for the design of algorithms to speed up PageRank.

For the purposes of accelerating PageRank, perhaps the most useful result that comes out of this chapter is that the convergence rate of the standard PageRank algorithm is already very fast, and will remain so as the Web scales. Since the Web matrix is highly sparse, and since we show here that the number of iterations kthat the Power Method takes to converge is much less than the dimensionality n of the Web matrix (k n), the Power Method has an effective computational complexity O(n). This is important to keep in mind as an upper bound in the design of acceleration algorithms for PageRank. The computational efficiency of the Power Method for this matrix, in contrast to the high cost of matrix inversion, suggests the Power Method as the appropriate foundation for the development of fast eigensolvers for PageRank. This key intuition is the basis for the algorithms in chapters 57.


Theorem 1. Let P be an n × n row-stochastic matrix. Let c be a real number such that 0 ≤ c ≤ 1. Let E be the n × n rank-one row-stochastic matrix E = T, where is the n-vector whose elements are all ei = 1, and is an n-vector that represents a probability distribution.1 Define the matrix A = [cP + (1 - c)E]T. Its second eigenvalue2| ≤ c.

Theorem 2. Further, if P has at least two irreducible closed subsets (which is the case for the Web hyperlink matrix), then the second eigenvalue of A is given by λ2 = c.


We first show that Theorem 1 is true for c = 0 and c = 1.

CASE 1: c = 0

If c = 0, then, from equation 2.2, A = ET. Since E is a rank-one matrix, λ2 = 0. Thus, Theorem 1 is proved for c = 0.

CASE 2: c = 1

If c = 1, then, from (2.2), A = PT. Since PT. is a column-stochastic matrix, |λ2| ≤ 1. Thus, Theorem 1 is proved for c = 1.

CASE 3: 0 < c < 1

We prove this case via a series of lemmas.

LEMMA 1. The second eigenvalue of A has modulus2| < 1.

Proof. Consider the Markov chain corresponding to AT. If the Markov chain corresponding to AT has only one irreducible closed subchain S, and if S is aperiodic, then the chain corresponding to AT must have a unique eigenvector with eigenvalue 1, by the Ergodic Theorem [31]. So we simply must show that the Markov chain corresponding to AT has a single irreducible closed subchain S, and that this subchain is aperiodic. Lemma 1.1 shows that AT has a single irreducible closed subchain S, and Lemma 1.2 shows that this subchain is aperiodic.

LEMMA 1.1. There exists a unique irreducible closed subset S of the Markov chain corresponding to AT.

Proof. We split this proof into a proof of existence and a proof of uniqueness.

Existence. Let the set U be the states with nonzero components in . Let S consist of the set of all states reachable from U along nonzero transitions in the chain. S trivially forms a closed subset. Further, since every state has a transition to U, no subset of S can be closed. Therefore, S forms an irreducible closed subset.

Uniqueness. Every closed subset must contain U, and every closed subset containing U must contain S. Therefore, S must be the unique irreducible closed subset of the chain.

LEMMA 1.2. The unique irreducible closed subset S is an aperiodic subchain.

Proof. From Theorem 5 in Section 3.6, all members in an irreducible closed subset have the same period. Therefore, if at least one state in S has a self-transition, then the subset S is aperiodic. Let u be any state in U. By construction, there exists a self-transition from u to itself. Therefore, S must be aperiodic.

From Lemmas 1.1 and 1.2 and the ergodic theorem, |λ2| < 1 and Lemma 1 is proved.

LEMMA 2. The second eigenvector 2 of A is orthogonal to e: T2 = 0.

Proof. Since |λ2| < |λ1| (by Lemma 1), the second eigenvector 2 of A is orthogonal to the first eigenvector of AT by Theorem 3 in Section 3.6. From Section 2.2, the first eigenvector of AT is . Therefore, x2 is orthogonal to .

LEMMA 3. ET2 = 0.

Proof. By definition, E = T and ET = T. Thus, ET2 = T2. From Lemma 2, T2 = 0. Therefore, ET2 = 0.

LEMMA 4. The second eigenvector 2 of A must be an eigenvector i of PT, and the corresponding eigenvalue is γi = λ2/c.

Proof. From (2.2) and (2.3)

From Lemma 3 and (3.1), we have

We can divide through by c to get

If we let i = 2 and γi = λ2/c, we can rewrite (3.2) as

Therefore, 2 is also an eigenvector of PT, and the relationship between the eigenvalues of A and PT that correspond to 2 is given by

λ2 = i. (3.5)

LEMMA 5.2| ≤ c.

Proof. We know from Lemma 4 that λ2 = cγi. Because P is stochastic, we have that |γi| ≤ 1. Therefore, |λ2| ≤ c, and Theorem 1 is proved.


Recall that Theorem 2 states: if P has at least two irreducible closed subsets, λ2 = c.


CASE 1: c = 0.

This is proven in Case 1 of Section 3.3.

CASE 2: c = 1.

This is proven trivially from Theorem 3 in Section 3.6.

CASE 3: 0 < c < 1.

We prove this as follows. We assume P has at least two irreducible closed subsets. We then construct a vector xi that is an eigenvector of A and whose corresponding eigenvalue is λi = c. Therefore, |λ2| ≥ c, and there exists a λi = c. From Theorem 1, λ2c. Therefore, if P has at least two irreducible closed subsets, λ2 = c.

LEMMA 1. Any eigenvector yi of PT that is orthogonal to e is an eigenvector xi of A. The relationship between eigenvalues is λi = cγi.

Proof. It is given that T i = 0. Therefore,

By definition,

Therefore, from (2.2), (3.6), and (3.7),

Therefore, Ai = cγii and Lemma 1 is proved.

LEMMA 2. There exists a λi = c.

Proof. We construct a vector i that is an eigenvector of P and is orthogonal to . From Theorem 3 in Section 3.6, the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1 for P is equal to the number of irreducible closed subsets of P. Thus we can find two linearly independent eigenvectors 1 and 2 of PT corresponding to the dominant eigenvalue 1. Let

If k1 = 0, let i = 1, else if k2 = 0, let i = 2. If k1, k2 > 0, then let i = 1/k12/k2. Note that i is an eigenvector of PT with eigenvalue exactly 1 and that xi is orthogonal to e. From Lemma 1, 2 is an eigenvector of A corresponding to eigenvalue c. Therefore, the eigenvalue λi of A corresponding to eigenvector i is λi = c.

Therefore, |λ2| ≥ c, and there exists a λi = c. However, from Theorem 1, λ2c. Therefore, λ2 = c and Theorem 2 is proved.2


Convergence of PageRank. The PageRank algorithm uses the Power Method to compute the principal eigenvector of A. The rate of convergence of the Power Method is given by |λ21| [30, 72]. Since the Web graph has been empirically shown to contain many irreducible closed subsets [13], Theorem 2 holds for the matrix A used in PageRank. For PageRank, the typical value of c has been given as 0.85; for this value of c, Theorem 2 thus implies that the convergence rate of the Power Method |λ21| for any Web link matrix A is 0.85. Therefore, the convergence rate of PageRank will be reasonably fast, even as the Web scales.

Stability of PageRank to perturbations in the link-structure. The modulus of the nonprincipal eigenvalues also determines whether the corresponding Markov chain is well-conditioned. As shown by Meyer in [54], the greater the eigengap |λ1|—|λ2|, the more stable the stationary distribution is to perturbations in the Markov chain. Our analysis provides an alternate explanation for the stability of PageRank shown by Ng et al. [55].

Accelerating PageRank computations. Knowing the second eigenvalue of the Web matrix λ2 = c allows for the design of improved algorithms to compute PageRank. This will be discussed further in Chapter 5.

Spam detection. The eigenvectors corresponding to the second eigenvalue λ2= c are an artifact of certain structures in the Web graph. In particular, each pair of leaf nodes in the SCC graph for the chain P corresponds to an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue c. These leaf nodes in the SCC are those subgraphs in the Web link graph which may have incoming edges, but have no edges to other components. Link spammers often generate such structures in attempts to hoard rank. Analysis of the nonprincipal eigenvectors of A may lead to strategies for combating link spam.

Broader implications. This proof has implication for spectral methods beyond Web search. For example, in the field of peer-to-peer networks, the EigenTrust reputation algorithm discussed in Chapter 9 computes the principal eigenvector of a matrix of the form defined in equation 2.2. This result shows that EigenTrust will converge quickly, minimizing network overhead. In the field of image segmentation, Perona and Freeman [57] present an algorithm that segments an image by thresholding the first eigenvector of the affinity matrix of the image. One may normalize the affinity matrix to be stochastic as in [53] and introduce a regularization parameter as in [56] to define a matrix of the form given in (2.2). The benefit of this is that one can choose the regularization parameter c to be large enough so that the computation of the dominant eigenvector is very fast, allowing the Perona-Freeman algorithm to work for very large scale images.


This section contains theorems that are proven elsewhere and are used in proving Theorems 1 and 2 of this book.

Theorem 3 (from page 126 of [38]). If P is the transition matrix for a finite Markov chain, then the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1 is equal to the number of irreducible closed subsets of the chain.

Theorem 4 (from page 4 of [72]). If i is an eigenvector of A corresponding to the eigenvalue λi, and j is an eigenvector of AT corresponding to λj, then Ti j = 0 (if λi ≠ λj).

Theorem 5 (from page 82 of [37]). Two distinct states belonging to the same class (irreducible closed subset) have the same period. In other words, the property of having period d is a class property.

1 i.e., a vector whose elements are nonnegative and whose L1 norm is 1.

2 Note that there may be additional eigenvalues with modulus c, such as—c.

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